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“And what is that supposed to mean?” Savannah shot in dismay.

“Do you remember the stories of you and Tate that you’ve shared with me over the years? Both of your blood runs through his body. Jesus, your kid is going to be a lady killer by age ten.”

“He doesn’t just offer to share his trains with anyone . . . especially Thomas. I think it’s love already,” she said.

I chuckled beside Josh, who shot me a look that told me not to encourage her. Aria became unsettled on Josh’s lap, so he immediately stood from the chair and tucked her into his chest, then began rocking her softly. Ovary explosion commenced.

“And just so you know, when a man with the Connors name wants something, he gets it. Just like you Crawford boys. I’m signing off to do some wedding planning for Max and Aria. Ash, call me next week for a virtual play date for the young love birds.” Savannah smirked and, just as Josh was about to complain, she logged off.

“I need to get that shotgun. She is barely six-months old, and look what is happening already. He might be four-years old, but I know that look. Christ,” Josh mumbled as we left the office and moved through the house. “Princess, you are being locked away till you are thirty-five now. Thirty is too young.”

I burst out laughing, and he shot me a look. “This is not a laughing matter, Ashy.”

We headed straight for the sliding glass door that led to the balcony, which provided us with perfect views of the cove. I couldn’t believe that this was my life. I had the man of my dreams, my precious daughter, and my dream house in my favorite place in the world. I swear I asked Josh to pinch me every second day so I could convince myself I wasn’t dreaming, but he’d just look at me and shake his head in amusement.

“You’re the best dad,” I said, taking a seat next to him on our outdoor couch and curling into his body.

“Why, because I’m going to lock up our daughter and ban her from dating? I’m not above banning the Connors’ clan from visiting.”

“You are hilarious.” I chuckled and buried my face into his chest, then got lost in the scent of our daughter. She had snuggled so closely into him, and his hand was protectively resting on her back.

“Protecting you and Aria is what I live for now. No one is getting to either of you without going through me first.”

“Righto, Tarzan,” I said softly, while my heart kicked into overdrive at the love I had for this man. I don’t think he could ever truly comprehend what he meant to me. There wasn’t enough ways in the world to show or tell him how in love I was with him, but I’d spend every living day trying.

“I don’t care what god damn trains he offers her. Thomas isn’t even the best train. Henry all the way,” he said with a smirk, and I fell into a fit of giggles.

“Oh yeah, I am a huge fan of Henry.”

As the sky turned into splashes of purple and orange and another day came to a close, I felt my body once again engulfed with the one thing I’d always craved: worth.

Every day, I was writing a new chapter in the book of my life. The chapters were filled with the love of a man that made me feel like I was the closest thing to a goddess, a beautiful daughter who made my heart stammer with emotion when she gave me the tiniest of smiles, and a new belief that I was worth every amazing thing I had been given.

My life, the reality I was living, was beyond any romance novel I had gotten lost in over the years. Josh Crawford was my real-life romance story. He was the fantasy of true love I’d always craved, and he was all mine. Mine.

Tilting my head to look up at Josh, I found him with his eyes shut and a placid look sweeping across his face. In that moment, as peace caressed our home, I realized all of my dreams had come true.

Josh was always my perfect cliffhanger, and now my perfect cliffhanger had given me the best happily-ever-after I could have imagined.

Josh and Ashlyn, and now princess Aria.

We were and forever would be, team Joslyn.

The end.

Wow, another book and another set of acknowledgements. I still pinch myself daily to make myself believe that this is actually my life but it is a life that I absolutely love.

Firstly, I need to thank my amazing family. Five books in and you are more supportive then ever! I am who I am because of each of you. I love you more than words. Thank you for encouraging my craziness and accepting me for me.

To the amazing team that I have the honor of working with;

Jen—My editing guru! Thank you for sprinkling your awesomeness all over my words and for working your magic. You make a tedious job enjoyable. Thank you for enjoying Josh and Ashlyn as much as me, and seeing their story for what it is.

Lauren from Perrywinkle Photography—Your patience, commitment and talent has no bounds. Thank you for bringing Josh and Ashlyn to life. I couldn’t imagine doing this without you. Until next time!

Robin from Wicked by Design—Once again you have created the perfect cover to represent my words. Your ability to step into my mind and pull out exactly what I want is unexplainable. I cannot thank you enough!

Stacey from Champagne Formatting–Thank you for making my words gorgeous. Your friendship, our chats and laughs are so important to me. Thanks for making Josh and Ashlyn look good and sharing your prettiness all over my work.

Lyra Parish—As I always tell you, my words wouldn’t be what they are without you. Thank you for getting out your red pen and making me work. I adore you something severe and treasure our friendship! Bring on the adventures.

My betas—What can I say? Without your encouragement, honesty and excitement for #TeamAshlyn, I don’t know where I’d be. Thank you for all that you do. I can’t wait to work with you again!

The Bombshells—my safe place! Thank you for the laughs, the support, and the chats. I adore spending time with you all and your never-ending support is forever cherished.

Bloggers—What would I do without you? Thank you for the constant support, encouragement and friendships I have made over the past two years. I couldn’t do this without you. Your dedication to authors is incredible and I am beyond thankful to be included.

And last but not least, the amazing readers that have embraced me and my words. Thank you for your emails, messages and genuine excitement for my work. I promise to continue writing and releasing books for as long as you want them. Thank you for allowing me to live my dreams.

Rachel Brookes is the author of The Breathe Series and The Crawford Brothers and lives on the east coast of Australia where beaches, kangaroos and surfers roam free. She spends her days writing stories that contain a dash of drama, a cup of romance, a spoonful of sexiness and delicious men to season. She is crazy for The Walking Dead, a fan of long island iced teas, a cupcake creator and a lover of book boyfriends. Rachel sometimes forgets to eat, sleep has become non-existent and more often than not she can’t remember the last time she cleaned her apartment, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. When she steps away from her laptop, you’ll find her reading, people watching, taking photos and planning her next big adventure.

She is also obsessed with social media, so come say hi.

F: www.facebook.com/AuthorRachelBrookes

T: www.twitter.com/RachelBrookes_

I: www.instagram.com/All_things_rachel

Reader Group: http://bit.ly/TheBombshells

E: rachelbrookeswrites@gmail.com

W: www.rachelbrookes.net

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