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Holy shit. The man was a machine. How did he keep doing this to her? She’d just had an orgasm so intense she thought her brain might explode, and here he was, pushing her toward another one that felt like it would shatter her world. He kept her pinned in place, his teeth sunk into her neck, his hands dug into her flesh.

One of his hands lifted from her hips to tangle in her hair, keeping her head up.

She could read what she could see of his face. He wanted her to watch what they did to each other, even if she could only see it from the stomach up.

She didn’t need to see much more than that, she could feel it. And oh, how good it felt. She reached down and began to strum her clit, chasing after the orgasm his body promised her. He moaned against her neck, his face grimacing. His fangs sank even deeper into her. She felt the tug on her hair, the pleasure/pain at her throat and exploded around him. It robbed her of breath, her mouth opening on a silent scream, the sensation so intense she almost blacked out.

He lifted his head and groaned. “More.”

Oh fuck no. More might kill her.

He licked the blood dripping from her mark. His power filled her, healing the puncture wounds instantly. “Hold on tight.”

Hold on? “Whoa!” He lifted her again, keeping her seated on his cock. He managed to get them to her tattoo chair, draping her over it. His hands landed on the padded armrests, using them for leverage.

Gonna have to disinfect the cha-air… He began to fuck her hard, groaning behind her. Her flesh slid on the slick vinyl.

“Come for me.”

Nuh-uh. No way. Too much more and she’d pass out for real.

“C’mon, baby. I know you’ve got it in you.” Flesh slapped against flesh, the sound so erotic she could feel her body beginning to respond. “God, I love fucking you.

So hot and wet, so tight. Gonna make me come, baby.”

Good idea. Tabby hid her face in the chair clenched her muscles, squeezing his cock as hard as she could.

“Oh, shit!” Bunny slammed into her and came. His arms strained against the chair. She thought she could hear the sound of metal bending and hoped they weren’t about to break anything.

He damn near sobbed as his orgasm drew to an end. “God. Love you, baby.”

She smiled. “I know.”

He kissed the spot between her shoulder blades. “And?”

“You’re not so bad yourself.”


She could hear the uncertainty in his voice. Even after everything they’d shared tonight, he still doubted? “Love you too.”

He sighed. “Thank you. Stubborn woman.”

She peeked through the small space where the armrest joined the rest of the chair. “We still need to clean up.”

He moved his hips, his cock flexing inside her. “One more for the road?”

She turned her head as much as her position would allow her and glared up at him.

He lifted off of her. “Fine. But your ass is mine when we get home.”

She couldn’t stop the stupid, silly grin that crossed her face.

Home. She loved the sound of that, even if home right now was a hotel room. And she loved the man who’d given it back to her.

The phone rang at four in the morning. Bunny opened one bleary eye and glared at the nightstand where he’d dropped his cell before collapsing into bed.


“Shh.” He rubbed Tabby’s back with one hand and snagged his phone with the other. “Go back to sleep, baby.”

“’Kay.” She squirmed, settling back down.

He didn’t even check the caller ID before answering. “’Lo?”

“Alex? It’s Dad.”

“Mm-hmm.” Wait. Wasn’t he supposed to be with Chloe tonight? Heart pounding, Bunny sat up. “Chloe?”

“She’s awake, son.”

Yes! “Then it worked?”

“Yup. We owe Julian more than ever.” William chuckled. “Your uncle is considering adoption. Your aunt says it’s a done deal.”

Bunny chuckled. “I wonder how Julian will feel about that.”

“Speaking of which, we tried calling him to make sure he was all right and didn’t get an answer. You mind going to his place and checking on him?”

How the hell had they gotten Julian’s number? Bunny shook his head. His family had ways of finding things out he still didn’t get. “Yeah, no problem. And let Chloe know I’ll be there first thing in the morning.”

“Will do. Thanks, son.”

“Night, dad.” Bunny hung up and rubbed his eyes. He’d gotten maybe three hours of sleep, but getting up now would be worth it. Julian had just become a Bunsun-Williams, whether he knew it or not, and the family took care of its own.

He got out of bed and reached for his jeans, wincing slightly at the pull of his tattoo.


Damn. He hadn’t meant to wake Tabby. “Go back to sleep, baby.”

“Everything okay?”

“Chloe woke up.”

Tabby sat halfway up, propping herself on her arms. “Really?”

He nodded and pulled on his pants. “I’m heading out for a little bit. If I’m not back in time for you to head to work, I’ll see you at lunch, okay?”

“Will the hospital let you in at this time of night?”

He thought for all of a second about lying to her. “I’m not going to the hospital.

The family wants me to check on Julian, make sure he’s okay.”

She sat up fully. “I’ll go with you.”

He shook his head. “You have work tomorrow. Besides, if something is wrong I’m a Bear. I can try to heal anything that might be wrong with him.”

“He’s my friend, I need to be there.”

He put his hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down. “He’s family, and I’ll take care of it. If I’m out later than planned, I can always sleep. You have to turn people into living art, remember? You can’t do that if you’re exhausted.”

She blew her bangs out of her eyes. “You’ll call me if anything’s wrong.”

It wasn’t a question, but a demand. He nodded. She’d want to know if Julian was all right. “I promise I’ll call if I find anything more than Julian sleeping.”

She bit her lip and nodded reluctantly. “Okay. Be careful. Whoever attacked Chloe is still out there.”

He raised one brow at her.

“I don’t care if you are a fucking grizzly. Even you can be taken down with the right hit to the head.”

“Yes, Mama.” He wondered if she knew that small-caliber bullets would literally bounce off his skull when he was in Bear form?

She shook her head and settled back down. “Please. Take care. For all we know, whoever attacked her is going after your family.”

He paused. That thought hadn’t occurred to him. He figured it had something to do with Chloe being alone, or being a Fox. Why would anyone go after her for being a Williams? “That makes no sense.”

“Your family is well-off. It could have been a kidnapping plot gone wrong.”

He shook his head. “No. She was beaten, remember? That speaks of anger.” He sat on the edge of the bed.

“You think whoever beat her knew her?”

“Maybe.” He rubbed his face. It was too damn early to think, but he had to. If Tabby was endangered because of what had happened with Chloe, he’d never forgive himself. “I’ll find out if she remembers anything when I see her later.” He pressed a soft kiss to Tabby’s forehead. “You go back to sleep. I’m going to finish dressing and get out of here.”

“Okay. Take care, sugar.”