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And as soon as he's done with me, he'll drop me. I know.

Her experience in that came from the many novels and soap operas she'd enjoyed in the past.

To settle down her fluttering stomach and nerves, Laura had a quick Manhattan. She still had an hour to finish dressing, but she wanted to look her best, so she had started early.

She examined her face in the mirror as she applied her make-up.

It still has last night's glow. I guess my honeymoon has transformed me. I don't look like schoolteacher Laura any more. I have a wild look. I guess that's what attracted him. I must be advertising with every gesture and every expression on my face that I love sex!

She applied perfume carefully. She put it on the curly hair near her pussy.

That's a first. I never put it there before. The dog didn't care.

She'd read somewhere that it was very sexy to put perfume behind her knees.

I'll try anything. I'll do my best to get him, and that's all I can do, I guess.

She got nervous about being seen in public with him, and she debated having another drink before he came, to settle her nerves.

No. I'd better not. What if he thought I had to be drunk to see him?

It was finally twelve-fifteen, and she had been dressed and ready for twenty minutes. Laura kept looking in the mirror anxiously.

I do look nice.

She was tired from dressing.

Then she spotted a tiny freckle near her nose that she must have had for years and never noticed. It really bothered her, and her confidence disappeared as she worried about it. She ran for a make-up stick to try to cover it, but she could still see it.

Just then the doorbell rang and electric shocks of nerves ran through her. Her stomach felt very bad again.

Oh Jesus! He's here!

Laura opened her door and was about to call down to ask him whether he wanted to come up for a drink, when he was there!

Youth. It takes me five minutes to climb those stairs.

Bert didn't waste any time. He grabbed Laura and hugged her passionately, right out in the hallway. She didn't care where they were. The it moment she saw him she melted inside, just like I last night. The magic was still there. She could have taken off her clothes right then.

Laura watched him closely for a cue when he released her. Did he want to go to bed now? Did he want to eat first? You didn't have to be worldly to know what this boy wanted.

I want to fuck him! she lusted.

"Oh, what a body! I can hardly wait to see every inch of it." He smacked his lips over her as his fingers caressed her waist and patted her on the butt.

Well, he's said it.

But she wasn't surprised.

Kids like everything out in the open. I guess he doesn't want to invest in the lunch for nothing. I'd gladly pay for it, but I can't embarrass him.

Laura smiled sexily at him, glowing from the attention. All of a sudden she didn't care whether she was a good conversationalist or not.

He likes my body. He wants me!

She was in a state of bliss as he led her to the car.

She had lunch in dreamy intoxication, helped by the two Manhattans and the wine that he ordered. Laura enjoyed the drinks, but she barely ate, as her stomach had begun to tighten up in anticipation of what was going to happen to her.

Conversation wasn't a problem. The boy kept up a running chatter as he touched and handled her wherever he could reach her body.

After he had put his hand near her pussy, Laura got so excited that she lost all of her fears, and she put her hand down under the table near his prick. Bert guided her hand to its proper destination, and Laura petted the rising lump as her head spinned and her pussy dripped on his petting hand.

Laura was floating in passion and need. She couldn't remember a word she'd said when they finally left the elegant restaurant.

I guess I didn't bore him too much. He looks as excited as I am. I suppose that when a man has his hand on your pussy, he doesn't care what you talk about.

Bert drove quickly to Laura's apartment. He drove much too fast, considering the fact that he had one hand between Laura's legs. In her haze she recalled hearing something bad about his driving record. She shuddered with fear. They got to her place without an accident, and Laura floated upstairs.

"Oh, God! I wish we were there!" he moaned in the downstairs vestibule. Laura decided not to stop and check for mail. She assumed that his hurry had something to do with fucking her.

She invited Bert in, but of course, that was superfluous. He was undressing her on the way upstairs. The boy was really excited! She was, too.

Her coat and blouse had been pulled off before they even got into the apartment. "Jesus! I want you!" he breathed in her ear, holding her so closely that his prick poked into her. It was very big and hard as it pushed against her, even with his clothes on.

"I want you, too, Bert." Laura reached up and kissed him. He was ready for more undressing by then; he was trying to unhook her brassiere. Laura realized it would be silly to offer him a drink then. She just let him throw her clothes around as he undressed her.

She felt very shy and ashamed as he stared at her half-nude body. No man had ever done this to her before.

"Oh, how beautiful! What lovely tits you have!" There was no time to thank him for the compliment, as he had thrown her down on the couch and was passionately kissing her boobs.

Laura's juices were flowing. Her cunt was wet and ready, and she ached for the boy. Just feeling his cock through his pants had awakened her lust.

She wanted to unzip his trousers and get at his prick. She wanted to see it and feel it and kiss it! Bert was chewing on her jug, and the familiar feeling of desire surged through her.

Oh, God! I need him!

Just then she noticed that Lance was growling and watching Bert carefully, his teeth bared. He was just a puppy and hadn't been trained to respect guests and bark at intruders, so Laura had no idea what the dog would do. She suddenly came to earth and realized that she'd better put Lance in another room. By the look of the dog, he could tear Bert apart if he saw the boy fucking her.

Regretfully, Laura pushed Bert away for a moment. She saw a big, hard protrusion through his pants. This was the first man's hard-on she'd ever seen, and it excited her. It was very difficult for her to interrupt the boy, but she didn't want him to be bitten.

"I'd better put my dog in another room and lock him in. He's afraid that you're hurting me, and he's liable to bite you."

Bert had been too full of lust to notice the dog, but when he saw the bared teeth, he was grateful to see Laura take Lance away and lock him up in the kitchen.

When Laura returned, naked from the waist up, her skirt partially open, she noticed that Bert had removed his pants. He stood waiting for her, his huge hard-on waving through his Jockey shorts. She felt weak just from the sight of it.

Bert led her to the bedroom, and she almost collapsed from excitement and passion and weakness in the legs. He was undoing her skirt on the way. The boy pulled off her skirt and slip quickly. He obviously couldn't wait too long; his prick seemed even bigger and more swollen now. It was still hidden by his shorts.

Laura helped him by quickly removing her shoes and pantyhose. He was obviously too hot for a gradual strip. By then, the boy was completely nude, his mountainous cock rising in grandeur in front of him.

She gazed at the swollen prick in awe.

It's bigger than the dog's.

It was red and thinks and it rose from a bush of black hair. The two brown balls were big, too.

Laura craved to touch him. She lay on the bed and he ran to her, breathing hard and murmuring endearments.

"Oh, I love you, Laura. I love you! I've never wanted anyone so badly."

Even in her passion Laura suspended her belief in that. She knew from her novels that men say anything at all when they want to fuck. But it was so beautiful to hear!