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It would hurt me. I can almost feel it!

She ran to the bathroom and found an enema bag. The plastic piece on the end of the hose was much too small, but it was all she had.

Laura dipped the imitation prick into cream and then she began to rub her cunt with it. She turned on soft music and tried to think sexy thoughts as she rubbed and fucked her dribbling hole.

Laura was getting very stimulated. The diddling was beginning to work. She panted with desire, wanting an orgasm, not even knowing what it was.

Laura rubbed and rubbed her snatch. Then she turned over on her stomach, pushed the plastic piece into her hole hard, and squeezed her legs around it. She felt it inside her twat, and she ached with wanting, but Laura didn't know how to let go. Nothing had happened. She lusted and wanted, and her cunt ached more now than before.

What triggers an orgasm with a real man? It must be when he ejaculates. Maybe when the woman feels all that cum gushing into her cunt, that stimulates an orgasm.

Laura kept rubbing her snatch as she pondered and planned. She suddenly had an idea that might work!

Taking the plastic prick out of her box, she ran with the whole apparatus to the bathroom and left it by the sink. Then she ran to the linen closet and took two large, heavy bath towels, which she arranged on top of each other on the bed.

Shaking with excitement and need, Laura filled the enema bag with about a cup of warm water, making sure that the clamp was locked. She ran with it to the bed and lay down on the heavy towels.

Unfortunately, Laura had to start all over again. The aching and the need and the tension in her cunt still remained, but her sexual excitement had waned. She had to begin again with everything, and it was getting late.

Determined, she held the water-filled enema bag with one hand, and she doggedly began to rub her boob again with her free hand. When the nipple was erect and tingling again, lust-filled Laura began to rub her clitoris, finally feeling it rise and become a hard little bump. Laura's breath was coming in fast, shallow little gasps. Her whole body tensed and ached with need.

I'm going to make it. I have to!

She turned over on her stomach and inserted the greased imitation prick into her oozing hole. In, out, in, out, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. It made loud fucking noises in her wet, ready cunt.

I wonder if I'm still a virgin. I must have broken my cherry last time, because this doesn't hurt me.

She kept fucking her twat with the long, hard plastic piece. Nearly hysterical with lust and longing, Laura felt that she was finally ready. She unfastened the metal clamp and tried to fool herself as the warm water flooded her cunt.

He's coming! His sperm is filling my hole! I'm being filled with warm, sticky jism! I have to come now. I have to!

She squeezed her legs together and prayed for release. If anything happened, it couldn't have been very much. Laura felt thrilled, but she hadn't come. She had nothing but feelings of frustration and anger.

Why? Why should I be cheated?

She angrily pulled the useless prick out of her aching snatch and ran to the bathroom. Laura sadly washed it and put it away, forever.

You tried, little prick. I'm either frigid – and I don't think I am – or I don't know how to come yet. I need a man to teach me how to fuck and how to have an orgasm. I need a big, warm, live prick to fuck me and fill my cunt.

Laura pulled the damp towels off the bed and avoided looking at the clock as she wearily made herself another drink. She had never drunk more than two Manhattans at a time before, and she felt dizzy and lightheaded, but not happy.

Laura was sober enough to know she'd be late, and that she wouldn't be ready when Betty and Jim came to pick her up at seven. But she was drunk and disgusted enough not to give a damn. All she cared about was her lonely, empty cunt that had to be filled. She resolved to get a man somehow. She'd get fucked, or die trying!

She dressed as prettily as she could, fussing with her hair and make-up in a dazed, drunken way. Laura was so dizzy that she didn't even care about her red, swollen eyes. She covered them with dark make-up and thick false eyelashes, not even noticing that she had covered nothing.

Pretty good-looking, even if you can't fuck.

Laura admired herself through her blurry eyes. The horn was honking for her, and she was nowhere near ready. In a drunken stupor, she slowly moved to the window and waved to her sister and brother-in-law. She signaled them to come upstairs. Then she put on a robe, set out some more glasses and ice, bottles of bourbon and vermouth, and a few crackers. Laura offered them a drink when they finally puffed upstairs. Jim was irritable because Laura wasn't ready and he had to climb the stairs.

"Happy birthday, Laura," he mumbled, looking very sullen.

"Thank you," she replied, too drunk to be embarrassed.

"Jesus! Aren't you ready yet? We have a seven-thirty reservation, and they may not hold "I'm sorry," lied Laura, not at all sorry. She had used up all of her sorriness feeling sorry for herself, and there wasn't a bit left for anyone else.

Betty, as perceptive and sweet as ever, gave Laura a birthday kiss and rushed her back to the bedroom to get dressed. "We'll have our drinks while you finish, hon. Hurry up, now." Her worried frown showed that she had seen the red, swollen eyes under all the heavy make-up. She also saw that Laura was drunk, something she'd never seen before. Betty sighed and finished her drink.

Laura ambled back to her bathroom and dressed herself in a daze.

Nothing seems to matter, dinner least of all. I have to change my life. I have to!

She was nearly ready when Betty came back to the bedroom to rush her.

"Jim's getting edgy, Laura. Hurry it up, will you?"

"Sure. I'm almost ready, Bet."

"You know, when he gets nervous about being late, it can spoil everyone's evening, he gets so grouchy."

"Jim? No-never. He's always so good-natured. There. I'm ready."

As they left the bedroom, Betty couldn't resist asking her sister. "What's the matter, honey?"


I need to be fucked. How can I tell you that?

"Can't you tell me? It'll make you feel better, I'll bet."

"What's there to tell? It's just that I'm at the end of my rope."

"What do you mean?"

Laura gathered up her purse as she said, suddenly almost sober, "I need something, Bet. I'm dying inside. I need something, or I'm not going to make it!"

They joined Jim before Betty could answer Laura, but Betty was very quiet after that, worrying all the way to the restaurant.

As Jim parked the car, Laura and Betty waited in the vestibule of the restaurant. Betty put her hand on her sister's arm.

"Can I help, hon?"

"No, thanks, Bet. Maybe something will happen.

Chapter 2

The Birthday Present The birthday dinner was a mixed success. Laura was so appreciative because Betty and Jim were taking her out that she made a big effort to be cheerful and hide her feelings. A few extra drinks made all her troubles seem fuzzy and far away anyhow. However, every once in a while Laura would catch Betty staring at her, so she figured that her blues were showing, no matter how she pretended.

They ordered steaks and salads, and the food was delicious. Laura ate well, even though she hadn't thought she was hungry. They were in a very comfortable, full state when the birthday cake was brought in. It had one candle on it.

Over their coffee, Betty handed Laura a card. This was unusual, because she usually had an elaborately wrapped box for a present. Laura read the card aloud, and it said:

"Happy birthday, Laura dear.

Let the day be full of cheer.

Your present's not able to be here,

But be sure it's very near."

Laura was puzzled, but she was delighted by the mystery. "What is it? Tell me, Bet," she pleaded.