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She explored her cunt with her finger. It was stuffed with goo.

I don't know whether it's mine or his!

Laura looked around for the dog, and he was only a few feet away from her, sleeping contentedly.

We've both had our first fuck together, she realized tenderly.

She wanted to get up and kiss him, but a satisfied inertia overwhelmed her. She needed sleep, but Laura didn't want to sleep. She wanted to re-create in her mind the wondrous experience that had just made her complete for the first time!

Laura deliberately fought her sleepiness, and she mentally relived every moment of the fucking, thrilling and exulting over every exciting detail. Suddenly her body tensed up. She squeezed her thighs together, and came again! Just from the exquisite memory of it.

Oh, Jesus! I'm happy! I'll never feel this good again!

She slept, oozing dog cum all over the rug.

Chapter 3

The Honeymoon Laura awoke in the middle of the night. She found herself on the living-room rug, her legs spread apart, and the dog busily licking at her cunt.

She shivered from the chilly room, as she was naked. Her hand found and petted the big animal.

You can keep me warm, my darling. Oh, God. That feels good. Oh! Um!

Laura guessed that the dog was busily enjoying licking out all the cum that she hadn't wanted to wash away. She had wanted to keep it inside her cunt forever – warm and sticky. It was a tangible souvenir of their beautiful fuck.

Laura thrilled at the licking. Her twat seemed to be sensitized to it now. It excited her now even more than the first time.

The dog licked her gash busily. Laura wanted his tongue to go even deeper inside her cunt. She tried lifting her legs up high, and it worked. The warm tongue went in farther, probing and thrilling her.

Laura craved to be licked all over. She wanted her tits to be licked and sucked. She moved the dog to her booby but he acted restless and he began to bark with short, loud barks. He was trying to tell her something.

"Oh, you poor dear. I'll bet you have to go outside, and all I think about is myself!"

Laura ran to throw on a robe, shoes and a coat. Then she fastened the leash on the restless animal. They went outside quickly, and sure enough, he really had to go.

"Good boy. You told me. I'm proud of you." Laura petted him as though he had done some outstanding trick. She looked at him lustfully as he urinated. She yearned for his prick even at that moment. It was stiff and beautiful, and she couldn't stop looking at it.

Laura felt guilty about fucking a dog. In her dazed contentment she wondered what people would think of her if they ever found out what she was doing.

They'll think that I'm crazy, and maybe I am. But I'm happy, so who the hell cares?

The dog frolicked on everybody's lawn, but luckily it was too early in the morning for anyone to be up to see him. Laura watched him run and play, her eyes full of lustful affection and desire. She had never been this happy and contented in her entire life!

They ran inside noisily, probably waking up some of the neighbors. Laura and the dog were in a world of their own, and no one else seemed to matter. Laura happily petted her new baby as they came into the apartment. "You're such a good, dear boy. Now, let's get some sleep. I think I'll go to bed for a few hours." She felt sated and weary, but oh, so content!

Laura put on a gown and tumbled back into bed, smelly and sticky from the screw. But she loved the wet, gooey feel of the cum between her legs. The big dog lay down to sleep at the side of her bed, and they both slept a deep, happy sleep.

Laura awoke to a sunny room. She wasn't accustomed to arising with the sun high, except on the weekends. It was usually quite dark when she awoke and dressed and went to school.

The dog was actually in bed with her when she woke up! He acted like he belonged there. The dear creature was snuggled up to her tits.

Could he remember that that's where we left off when we stopped to take him out last night?"

Laura dismissed that idea as ridiculous, but it did seem odd.

Maybe he's unusually intelligent.

She kissed him and snuggled him next to her. She felt complete for the first time in her lonely life.

Then Laura remembered that she liked him to lick her bare booby so she pulled down her nightgown straps and pushed her bare nipple near his mouth. The eager dog began to lick and suck! Laura thrilled and cramped with desire again.

God! I thought I was satisfied for a while last night. But I'm not. I want more. I want to be fucked again!

The dog was enthusiastic, and he licked away happily. Laura became tenser and more excited.

She moved her bedmate over on his back, and she began to rub his warm, furry stomach, crooning endearments to her darling.

"Oh, baby doll. I love you. I need you so!"

Laura examined the dog's prick. It was erect and excited, but not as big as it was on the night before. She began to rub it, enjoying and exulting in the new feeling that it belonged only to her. He was her lover. His cock was hers! Laura rubbed on the warm, stiff prick and it got enormous, rising in full glory as she gazed at it tenderly.

Panting, the dog got up on all fours on the bed, excited and ready to mount her. Laura quickly moved over to the edge of the bed and turned over on her stomach. She eagerly spread her legs wide apart and the big dog jumped down off the bed. He sniffed hungrily at her wet, exposed cunt. The more he sniffed, the louder he panted.

Then, while Laura waited impatiently, he put his face near her butt and began to lick her cunt from the back. His hot tongue licked back and forth, back and forth over her pink gash.

Now that Laura knew what to expect, she was even more excited and thrilled. Her whole body tensed at his warm touch. The rough tongue reached her clit, and she was waiting for it.

"Oh! Um! Uh! Uh! Ohhh!"

Laura came immediately, releasing the long years of frustration, and weeping with happiness and relief. The dog lapped furiously, enjoying the added cum that flooded her hole.

He moved in closer and lifted his forepaws. In her trance of ecstasy, Laura could hear his excited panting as he moved his swollen cock closer to her hole. She felt the tip of it touch the clitoris and she almost swooned.

The wonderful moment finally came! The hard prick moved into her cunt. It was warm and big, and it moved into her hole fast and deep. The dog was now an experienced lover, and he knew what he was doing this time. The thrusts of the big prick were deep and hard. Laura felt that they went in her cunt as tar as they could go, and she thrilled to the fucking, moaning and groaning with delight at each thrust. In, out, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Laura gasped as her whole body tightened up in anguished tension, demanding relief. The spasms began, rolling over her in waves of lust as the juice poured from her cunt to meet the enormous cock that was filling and stimulating her to madness. Wave after wave of cream came from her hole as the dog's huge prick finally exploded in a giant orgasm. She kept coming, stimulated again by the thrilling feeling of his warm jizz.

The dog pulled his limp prick out of her twat and he trotted away to rest. Laura closed her legs tightly and tensed and came again, thrilling with each beautiful moment.

She fell asleep that way, content and fulfilled – a happy woman at last – after all these lonely years. Her satisfied lover snored near the bed. And so the morning passed.

The phone jarred her sleep. For a harsh moment Laura couldn't remember where she was. What was she doing here in bed in the middle of the day?

It was the school principal. "Miss Bellini? Laura?"


"This is John Anderson speaking." His voice sounded harsh. "We've been concerned about you. It's not like you to disappoint us like this and not even call in."

In a panic, Laura suddenly realized for the first time that she had forgotten completely about going to work.