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"Oh, my God! What time is it?"

"It's eleven o'clock. What happened?"

Laura thought quickly. "I've been ill all night, Mr. Anderson. I'm so sorry that I didn't call in early, but I forgot to set the alarm to let you know I wouldn't be in."

"I figured that's what it was. I got a substitute for you at nine-thirty, and I took your class until she arrived." His voice sounded disapproving and stern.

"Thank you."

"What seems to be the matter?"

"Uh… I have a bad stomach ache. If it doesn't get better by this afternoon, I'll call the doctor."

"Well, that might be a good idea anyway," the harsh voice said.

"I guess I will." She would agree to anything to get away from his stern disapproval.

"Do you think you'll be in tomorrow?"

Now a decision had to be made. How could she go to work tomorrow? That would be much too soon. She was on her honeymoon!

"Uh… I don't think you'd better expect me tomorrow, Mr. Anderson. I feel terrible." Then she hedged. "But I'm not sure." She was beginning to get very nervous from this conversation. Laura wasn't accustomed to lying.

"All right. I hope that you feel better soon, Laura. We'll expect a call from you tonight if you're not sure, so that I can call a substitute early in the morning. And, of course, you'll call in before three o'clock tomorrow to let us know about the next day."

"Oh, yes. I'll be sure to let you know, sir. Good-bye." Laura realized the reason for that rule, though she always had thought it was a silly one. How could a sick person know by three o'clock in the afternoon whether she'd be well for the next morning? Everyone knew that you always felt worse in the evening when you were ill. But if the substitute was in your class, she had to be notified that she was to return the next morning – and she left at three o'clock.

Laura hung up and forgot Mr. Anderson and Wellesly School immediately. She was a honeymooner, and she couldn't spoil her idyll by thinking of anything but her love.

The first order of the day was to feed her lover, and she gave him a generous portion of hamburger. While he finished his breakfast, she put up some coffee for herself. Then she ran to him and kneeled beside him. He gave her a meat-flavored licked all over her cheek.

"Oh, darling, you've made me so happy. We're going to spend all day today and tomorrow alone together." She petted him and lay her head on his, cuddling up to his warmth and strength.

The dog had other things on his mind at the moment, and he gave his mistress the signal with low, nervous barks.

"Oh, yes, baby dear. I know you must want to go out. I won't keep you waiting long, lover."

Laura ran to put on her shoes, slacks and a coat. She hooked on the dog's leash and they walked out together into the glorious sunshine.

As the dog pranced around when she let him run loose in the alley, Laura looked up at the blazing sun and the blue sky. She thrilled at the beauty of the day.

I know everyone would laugh at me if I told them this, but there really never has been such a lovely day. it's like the whole universe is celebrating my honeymoon with me!

It was warm – like spring. The balmy air intoxicated her further, and she was already drunk with happiness. She saw another woman with a dog approaching, and Laura called her dog and left quickly, jealous of having anyone else go near her love. She wanted to be alone with him for a while.

Laura watched the beautiful animal as he ran about and played happily.

What a fine-looking creature. I'm so lucky to have him all to myself.

She had a moment's impulse to call her sister to thank her again for the wonderful dog. But Laura couldn't spare one moment of this glorious honeymoon day for anyone but her lover. Her eyes ate him up. They sought the large prick which could still be seen, even when limp and soft.

Oh, I can hardly wait until we fuck again. I'm dying for more!

As they went into the house, Laura looked up at the sunny sky regretfully, hating to go in, and yet longing to have the animal all to herself indoors.

"We have to get some breakfast for me now, lover dear."

Laura listened to herself talk to the dog, and with amusement she realized that she'd have to find a real name for him, the sooner the better, so he could get accustomed to it.

"What should I call you, doll? A prosaic name like Rover or some other silly dog name wouldn't do for you. You're so sleek and masculine. I want to give you a name that personifies your masculinity-something with a phallic symbolism. Oh, my dear, I'm lusting for you again." She petted and kissed him, just barely tearing herself away from him to go have her coffee.

"I've got it!" Laura yelled about fifteen minutes later, after two cups of coffee and much serious thought.

The dog came up to her and licked her hand. She petted him tenderly. "Your new name is Lance! I love that name! And you will, too, dear. I could never call you Henrik III."

Laura hurriedly washed her dishes and straightened up a bit, her eyes seldom off of her beloved dog. She didn't make the bed, because she had big plans for it-for all day.

Laura bathed and laughed at herself for her fastidiousness. "I'll bet you would like me even better the other way, darling, when I smell a little bit gamy, too."

She rushed to the bedroom, excited and eager to begin their sex rites. She had a dog biscuit in her hand, and Laura was just about to call Lance to the bed when the telephone rang.

Oh hell! Why can't everyone let us alone?

She picked up the receiver reluctantly. "Yes?"

"Hi. it's Bet."

"How did you know I was home today?"

"I called you at school about meeting me for a quick lunch. That's how. And they told me you were ill. A stomach ache?"

"No. I'm not ill. I just didn't feel like going to work."

"That doesn't sound like you, Laura. I can't remember you ever goofing off."

"Well, I did today."


"You won't laugh?"

"I'll try not to." Betty was giggling already.

"I just felt like staying home and relaxing and playing with the dog."

" That's why you stayed home?"

"Right. Now, don't laugh."

"I won't, hon. You really like him, don't you?"

"I love him. He's changed my whole life. I enjoy every minute I'm with him." Laura decided not to say any more, for fear of giving everything away.

"I'm thrilled. I knew you'd be happy with a pet, but I never even hoped you'd go ape over him like this!"

"Well, we're having fun." Laura was getting restive. She wanted to get back to her lover. "Uh… so long. Talk to you soon. Thanks a lot for the dog."

"Wait a minute!" Betty wasn't about to be dismissed that soon.

"Yes?" Laura wanted to say good-bye. This conversation was going on forever!

"How about my coming over to see you and the dog today, as long as you're home?"

Laura groaned inwardly. She didn't know what to say, but no one, not even her dear sister, was going to come over today. It was her honeymoon!

"Uh… I have to go out. I'm sorry."

"I thought you were just relaxing and playing with the dog."

"Yes. I did that this morning, and now I have some errands to run. Sorry. By the way, thanks for the lovely dinner and the great present. Good-bye."

"Wait!" Betty was being pesty today. Laura loved her too much to hurt her, but she was getting irritated with her big sister.

"Would you like some company on your errands? And we could have lunch together. I don't have anything much to do this afternoon"

"I'm sorry, sis, but I'm just going to dash around and get back here and mark papers. I can't take too much time."

Bet's voice showed that she was pouting. "Okay, if that's the way you want it, but I just thought that since you're always at work, that one day we could spend a little time together."

Laura knew that Bet was peeved. "Well, hon, it's because I'm always at work that I have so many impossible things to do in a hurry when I do take a day off. And I'm behind on my paper-marking. Don't get angry. I'm really rushed for the afternoon."