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"Strange tales?"

"Some gossip about Xik holdout groups. Apparently Storm found one and brought in friends to destroy it. The rumor was that he had native help. After that there was a hush-hush deal in the desert. Some high muckymuck got lost there and Storm went in to find him at a time the tribes were up in arms. All of that story was hushed up by the patrol, or so talk has it." Laris shivered. "Yeah. I don't want them around, myself. After that there's a tale about some kind of plague that killed natives and started in on humans. I heard that Storm and the girl stopped it cold somehow."

Laris stared, stating a common belief in all Terran space. "Diseases don't cross species. If it killed natives surely it wouldn't harm us?"

"I know, I know. But that's the rumor." He pushed off from where he leaned against the wall. "You get to bed. Just remember: Tread carefully with that lot. I want you in there with them thinking of you as a nice little girl with a cute pussycat."

He turned away abruptly and walked off, leaving Laris looking after him. She knew the way he thought. He was wondering if she'd find the Quade family so much to her liking that she'd be too talkative. She'd reassured him for the moment. But she'd have to be wary. The problem was that she did like what she'd seen of them. But if Dedran decided to be rid of her they'd be of no use to her and in danger themselves. Better she should stick to what he wanted. She plodded wearily to her cabin, moved Prauo over, and slumped down. She was asleep almost before she pulled the hotcover over herself.

For the next twelve days she obeyed Dedran's instructions. She was openly delighted to see any of the family whenever they appeared. She arranged for Tani to have tissue samples from the dogs. She talked by the hour about the circus, Prauo, and the other beasts and acts. All without saying anything which would anger Dedran. She listened in turn to Logan's tales of the natives, and Arzor. She noticed that despite his apparent openness as well, he said nothing of the rumors Dedran had heard. At first she had seen all three of the younger family. But by the time the circus was due to close it was Logan she saw most often.

He found her by the carra cage. "Laris, I see the show's shutting down. When do you leave?"

She smiled at him. "Not for weeks yet. Dedran says we're all tired. We're to take a break. We'll stay here for a few weeks and rest up before we go on to Trastor. We have quite a long season there."

Logan studied the ground. "Do you ever get any real time off? I mean, can you leave the circus?"

"Not for good." Her reply was quick.

He looked up. "No, I mean, could you spend time on our ranch? I could teach you to ride. Would Dedran agree to let you come and stay with us for a few days?"

"We could ask him." She wasn't sure how to play this. Let Dedran give her the cues. Logan led her in search of the circus boss and once they found Dedran, asked straightforwardly.

"My father would be pleased if Laris could stay a while with us. We'd show her Arzor. She'd be quite safe." Yes, but would the family be safe from her, Laris thought sadly. Dedran was considering.

"I have no objection. My ward is a sensible girl and I'm sure you would see she came to no harm." He watched Logan react to the words. The boy was becoming attracted. All to the good. He'd be less on his guard, and the others, seeing him so, would accept the girl more swiftly. He glanced kindly at his little piece of bait. "When would you like to leave, my dear? I can have Girran take your orders. Tell him anything he must do to care for the beasts."

"Is it all right if I take Prauo?" He nodded and she turned to Logan. "Will anyone mind if I bring him?"

Logan grinned. "Storm said you'd probably want to. He won't try killing anything without your say-so, will he?" She shook her head firmly. "Then it should be fine. Be ready the day after tomorrow. I'll come with the crawler to collect you about midmorning." His smile widened. "It'll be great to have you at the ranch, and don't worry. You'll have a wonderful time with us."

He left Laris with Dedran and hurried away. The girl kept her face blank knowing Dedran was looking at her. "You know what to do?"

Laris nodded. "Check out all the security systems," she recited for him. "Map the layout of both places. Learn the routine and who's where and when. What if they have a safe or something? Should I try for the code? It might help if Cregar can confuse their local patrol about the real target."

Dedran looked approvingly. "Well thought. Yes, if you can get the safe code do so. But take no chances. Besides, even on these rural planets, many these days have security systems that are quite sophisticated. Not around their property but certainly protecting a safe. If it's that secure, then Cregar will have no time to play about."

His last words were emphasized and Laris hid another shiver. She knew the guild methods of opening such security. It often required only the hand which would make a print. More technical systems required a live hand. That too could be arranged, as could the owner's voice. Few refused to cooperate when shown a family member and told the alternative. The guild was known for its ruthlessness.

But she would enjoy this brief time away. She could pretend that she was an ordinary girl visiting friends. Prauo could run free, be happy, and hunt where permitted. He'd never had the chance to do that before. Logan was on time and she seated herself with him while Prauo jumped easily onto the back of the crawler.

"Do you have many of these?"

Logan shook his head. "Nope. Just this one for hauling loads. Arzor uses a minimum of technology. It breaks down, has to be fixed, and it's very expensive to import. On the ranches we get around on horseback. The rangers and security have copters. But only a few."

"Security, that's what you call your local patrolmen?"

Logan looked a little surprised. "Men. What about women?"

"Oh, on Kowar they'd never have let a woman join. They only have patrolmen."

"Kowar? Is that where you come from?"

"Sort of." She changed the subject. "What's that bush? It's so pretty."

He started to tell her about the plants they passed. Then the land. By the time they were almost at the ranch he'd forgotten the question she'd never answered. But Laris felt she must decide. Should she tell them the truth if they asked again? She could do so safely. The only thing she had to hide was her exact status with Dedran. He'd claimed her as his ward with the Quades. That was respectable. Some planets didn't hold with the bond-system.

She thought Arzor might be one of them. And still more worlds did not approve of bonding underage children. She'd keep silent on all that but if they asked again she would tell the truth about the little she remembered of the times before Meril then Kowar's De Pyall refugee camps. She had just made the decision when the crawler passed the Quade ranch gates and halted at the top of the rise. Logan pointed.

"Home," he said softly.

Chapter Five

Laris seemed to drop into the Quade ranch as if she had been born there. She learned to ride with a speed that made it seem as if she'd had only to be reminded of her skills. That did her no harm with Storm or his father. Prauo was aloof but sensible with the other beasts of Storm's team. His longer legs and rangy body carried him miles alongside Laris's mount as he hardened to the exercise. He hunted with her, the two so clearly attuned that Storm nodded approvingly.

For Prauo it was all delightful, but it was the girl whose soul expanded in the freedom. She reveled in being able to ride down the miles; in the new sights, sounds, and scents. And in the quick give and take, the clatter and chatter of family life. Logan was with her everywhere. It was he who taught her to ride, accompanied her on those rides, and who sat beside her at meals.