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"Except that they didn't. Remember? They arrived and flew straight to the Djimbut camp then on to the ranch. No conversations."

"So who knew where I'd be? Brad has a big map of High Peaks on the study wall at the basin ranch. There's a sketch of the ranch house in the corner. Who's been to see that?"

Storm hesitated. "Laris was at the basin ranch with us. But how would she know about the clan camp?"

"What do you think Logan would have talked about? He knew I was going there to hunt for a ten-day once Laris was gone. I told him just before the circus left Arzor. I even said I might stay a lot longer if the hunting was really good. I know he'd have talked about the clan. He's proud of being a ranger and of me being the Djimbut clan-friend."

The reply was thoughtful. "That's all possible. But there's one thing there. The raiders came in as if they expected the Nitra to lie down for them. Laris would have known better if Logan talked so much. She'd know Nitra aren't Norbies. They're the wild clans. They're warriors who shoot first and ask questions of the body. Maybe she steered the raiders that way—if it was her—hoping they'd fail and be killed."

The cab stopped and the two of them climbed out. "Say nothing," Storm cautioned. "Let her see nothing. She's bonded. She may have been forced into this but even so, she'd be a risk if she realized we're suspicious. We'd better find Logan first."

They found him at the side entrance to the main tent. The afternoon performance was on and he was watching the antics of the carras and Terran dogs. Storm gave him the report from his father and watched as he read it. Logan's gaze shifted to where Laris waited in line. The next act was the girl and the tigerbats. His gaze warmed as he watched her, his face shifting into softer lines. Tani caught Storm's flickering glance at her and nodded slightly. Logan was in love.

Once the acts were completed, customers filed out. Laris came running to Logan. "I have to change, then check all the animals, Dedran's gone into the city with Cregar for a couple of hours so I'm doing his rounds. I'll be back soon."

She was as good as her word. They accompanied her to the dog cage, then to spend a little time with the carras. Quietly Tani began to talk. She spoke of Minou and Ferarre, how she loved them. How much they were missed and how sure she was that they missed her and grieved for her absence. After that Storm took up the theme, telling tales of his war, of sabotage and reconnaissance missions on strange worlds, and how a team could be one.

Logan noticed nothing but Storm saw the girl's increasing distress. Her face showed little but the movements and the posture of her body all betrayed her.

*Sister-without-fur. There is suspicion in their minds toward you.*

*Why? How could they guess?*

*I do not know. But they wonder. Now may be the time to enlist aid. Swiftly, distract Logan, when he is gone from your side a moment, speak to the woman. Be cautious in what you say.*

Storm was wondering still more as he watched. The girl had been almost frantic with stress. Then, abruptly, her movements changed to those of one who listened to a voice unheard by the others present. He'd seen that posture in first-in scouts who had ear-implants. But this child couldn't have one. To what was she listening? Or to whom? She asked Logan to go ahead and see that no one was with the tigerbats. Storm could tell she was deliberately walking more slowly as they followed Logan. Storm waited, hoping.

Laris spoke carefully. She must make them understand how she was bound by Dedran. She must betray nothing more than that. Not yet. To Storm's puzzlement, she began talking about her cat.

"I found him at the edge of the spaceport. He was only a tiny kitten and starving." She remembered Prauo as he'd been then. His paws, too large for his little body, and his now distinctive black-and-gold markings had been softer shades of fawn and a darkish brown.

"I couldn't leave him to die but I was afraid Dedran wouldn't let me keep him. Once he'd seen Prauo he didn't mind though, he said Prauo might learn tricks and fit in, if he didn't he could always be sold somewhere." Storm saw the fear flare brightly in her gaze as she said that and he began to glimpse her problem.

"There's no proof you own Prauo?" he asked gently.

"None, and I'm bonded. On some worlds Dedran owns not only me, but anything I may have or earn as well. It was circus food which fed Prauo, a circus bed he slept on, Dedran owns it all. I have no ownership papers for Prauo."

"Nor does Dedran, I imagine?" Tani asked.

"That wouldn't matter, he owns me and anyhow, he can always get papers if he wants them." Storm heard her comment with interest. That Dedran could always obtain false ownership papers for an animal fitted in with their suspicions about the tigerbats. He'd mention to Versha what Laris had said once they were away from here. Laris was still talking.

"You don't know how fortunate you are, you have your teams within the law and they're Terran animals, they can't be harmed or taken from you legally anyhow. The only law which covers Prauo and me says that he isn't mine." Her gaze fixed on his, and there was both terrible fear and blazing passion in her voice.

"I love Prauo, he's my friend, I can't even imagine being without him after all this time. If anything happened to him I think I'd die. We're bound together—as much as your team is to you. I'd do anything I had to do to save Prauo; anything at all, no matter how bad it was."

Storm and Tani exchanged looks, understanding at last how Laris might have been coerced. If the girl had been entangled in the plot to steal Terran beasts it had been under duress, yet they would withhold their final decision on her true guilt or innocence until they discovered the extent of her involvement.

Tani had spent an earlier part of the day at the graveside of her father. Anders had taken her there. She'd stood and wept quietly as she read the words graven deep into the stone. Her father had given everything, his life, his team, his hope of return, to save an embattled people struggling against a merciless enemy. Now she looked at Laris. The girl had nothing, only the cat she loved. She would risk anything rather than watch him lost to her. In a way her decision was similar to the one Tani's father had made. Tani's voice was gentle. She needed to make a bargain clear but without saying anything which could be used against them later.

"We do understand. You know our grief. Maybe there is hope. A chance that Prauo could have title established. If so then maybe our grief would also be lessened."

Laris looked them both in the eye. "If Prauo was safe I'm sure it would be so. But I will take no risks with Prauo, he must be safe."

"We can find out what the law says and what can be done for you both. How would we speak to you safely?"

"I can tell Logan you are trying to secure Prauo for me. Dedran has encouraged me to spend time with him. Pass any word you have for me through him." Storm's eyebrows rose a little at that. So, the circus boss had a use for Logan's affection for Laris, did he? No doubt it had been where much of the information used had come from.

"Taking my name in vain?" Logan had returned.

Laris explained and he nodded eagerly. "I can do that. I think it'd be great if Prauo couldn't ever be taken away from you. He's beautiful."

*The human has discernment.*

*He likes me.*

*Great discernment. A good beginning, furless-sister. I think they understand your dilemma, their feelings of distrust and anger against you have faded somewhat.*

He was gone again and Laris returned to showing her visitors about, gradually relaxing with Logan's teasing. If there was word about the tigerbats they'd let her know about that too, she was assured. It might be possible to use that information, if the animals had been illegally obtained, to secure Prauo to her as well. How, they weren't sure. But a way might be found. She slept soundly that night. Her heart lifted with the beginning of hope.