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"He's still so mad about losing Baris and Ideena you can see steam coming from his ears when he thinks about it. We can take the tigerbats, the girl, and the cat, using just a couple of Anders's men, and get the animals and the girl out before Dedran knows that's what we're after. It should work if we make it clear we're confiscating animals suspected of being illegally on Trastor, and that so far as the girl and cat are concerned, National Disease Control is in charge. Logan, you find the girl. Tell her the idea. I don't want her thinking we're going to take her cat away for real and having her panic. Okay?"

"I'll go as soon as they'll be about. That's around seven."

"Good. I'll go and talk to Anders. Tani, I suggest you and Storm wander along to the circus around midday. That's when we'll hit them. It could be useful to have you there. Logan, don't tell the girl anything more than we're getting her and the cat out in payment for talking freely to the patrol. She isn't to know about Baris and Ideena, peavines, or a later raid. Understand?" He nodded agreement. "Right. I'll see you all in a few hours."

She hurried away, the papers clutched in one long-fingered brown hand. She also wanted more information on this Regan's background. If they could turn him into an informant she knew they'd find out enough to make a real dent in the guild.

Storm stood, Tani joining him as they headed for their room to dress for the outdoors. Logan was behind them. He'd dress properly then get something light to eat. He couldn't manage a real breakfast, he was too excited. He'd grab a snack, then make for the circus.

At seven Laris would be cleaning the animals' cages. She'd be busy with that for a couple of hours. The other staff had their own work and she'd be alone for most of that time. He'd showed up a number of times to help and just spend the time with her. No one would think it odd. But with no one around he could tell her not to worry, explain what was to happen, have her prepared to walk in at just the right moment with Prauo and be scooped up and away before Dedran could prevent it.

Laris was terrified of what her owner might do if he had any reason to believe she'd talked about his affairs. But then from some of the things she'd confided, Dedran was indeed both violent and a killer if he thought he was threatened. Logan wasn't exactly terrified of the man, but he did share Laris's belief that Dedran, cornered, would be very dangerous.

As for Cregar, Laris had made it plain the man had been a half-friend to her and Prauo. For that Logan was ready to hope the man wasn't involved. He ate slowly, thinking of how best to handle his actions at the circus, then, after clearing away the debris of his meal, he summoned a hovercab. It dropped him at the entrance to the roped-off circus area. The circus tents showed pale against the early sky as Logan made his way unobtrusively to the animal lines and found Laris sweeping. She looked up and her face broke into a wide, happy smile.

"Heyla. Come to help?"

"To help and to talk." There was a tone to that which warned her. She stepped to the cage door, glancing about.

"I know where Cregar is. And at this hour Dedran will be doing last night's receipts over breakfast. He won't be outside for another hour. If you help me do the next few cages we can stand where I can watch for anyone and we can talk. That way if Dedran or Cregar turn up I won't be behind with the work." They worked industriously for half an hour. With the work well ahead of schedule Logan drew her to one side. She checked down the line of cages and nodded.

"No one in sight. What is it, Logan? It's important, isn't it?"

"Yes." He caught her small hands up against his cheek. "Listen to what I'm saying, love, and don't interrupt yet. First, we all know about Dedran using you and Prauo to steal. No!" he warned when her face whitened. "Listen to me, I had to tell them, but Storm spent time in one of the camps once as part of an undercover job. He knows what they're like. Brad worked with people who came to Arzor from the camp on Meril. We all understand that you had to get out and just how Dedran forced you to steal. You didn't have a choice, he owned you, he could kill Prauo, beat you half to death, and no one would prevent it."

Her shoulders hunched slowly as she half-turned from him. Logan reached out to pull her back into the curve of his arm. "I'm telling you, Laris. We understand how you had to get out of the camp, then how you had to obey Dedran. You've done a lot of reading, you know the law on a bond-servant. You acted as you did to save your life and if it came to a court they'd accept that."

"What about Prauo?"

"I have Versha's word that he will stay with you."

Laris eyed him with a flicker of hope. "Can she keep that promise—and will she keep it?"

"Oh yes. Versha's word is good, and on Arzor she's the patrol's assistant security head for the planet."

Laris's eyes widened. "Then she can say that, but you're certain she's agreed?"

Logan met her gaze, willing her with all his heart to trust him. "I swear!" he said slowly. "Storm had her write out a note of agreement saying you could keep Prauo just so long as it was proved you were the closest person to an owner he has. I saw the letter and read it, my word on that."

Prauo's mind voice cut in then. *He speaks the truth as he knows it, I would trust him.*

*I think I do,* Laris thought back, then she spoke aloud to Logan: "How do I prove Prauo is mine, though?"

"You told me once you'd do anything for Prauo. You may need to accept deep-probe to prove Prauo is yours. Can you do that?"

Laris took a deep breath and let it out raggedly. "I can do it. What else do you want me to do?"

"A couple of men from the Endangered Species Conservation Unit here will be arriving around midday. They will have a warrant to take the tigerbats. Once it's proved the two females are stolen property the whole swarm will be confiscated to be returned to the sanctuary on Lereyne. At the same time other people from the National Disease Control will collect you and Prauo. If anyone asks, they'll be claiming they need to test you both."


Logan grinned. "Because, as they'll tell Dedran if he asks, there's been an outbreak of a disease on another planet which may have been caught from a cat-like creature similar to Prauo. Disease Control wants to check out the two of you in case."

"What if Dedran doesn't want to let me go, Logan? He knows I could tell too much for his safety; he might try to stop them from taking me."

"Can you have Prauo make a fuss if they try to take him without you?"

Eyes opened again in the back of her head. *I will do that, furless-sister. I'll be so ferocious without you to calm me, they will insist on taking you with them.*

Laris smiled. "Prauo will do that if I signal him. Tell Versha to be ready."

"I'll make sure she knows." He picked up a broom again. "Let me help you finish. Just in case you can't get back to the circus for a while you might want to sneak off in a few minutes and have a bit of time to do things."

Laris smiled at him, relaxing. She had to admit that when he started this discussion she'd wondered. Almost all of her life she'd been used and she'd been afraid this was what would happen again here. But she trusted Logan, he was doing his best for her, and his family and their friends knew about her, all about her, and they still accepted her, understanding she'd done only what was necessary for her to survive and save Prauo.

Logan was right too, a little time now would be useful. She didn't want to leave her small hoard behind. If Dedran ran he'd run with the ship if he could—and her stash would go with him. Apart from her savings she didn't really have anything worth taking—except her ring, and once she'd told all she could to Versha, she'd have to give that back to the Quades.