"In silence, please, your wrists together behind your back," 1 told him.
The gaping of his mouth at these words gave him an air of great stupidity. Nevertheless he obeyed. Taking him entirely by surprise in the fretful impatience of his loins, I manacled his wrists. His face became purplish.
"Silence!" I warned, "the first act is intended as a ceremonial. You will receive instructions on how to handle her during the first weeks hereafter."
Amanda's head began to toss. She strained at her wrist bonds. The most tearful of protests escaped her. She had awoken it seemed from the lulling comfort of her bondage. 1 had expected it. My next act therefore surprised her since, moving around to the front of the bar where her shoulders hung, I untied her wrists.
"Do not move," I warned her. "You have your choice even so. Accept his cock in you at last or you will stay for a further three months here. Do you understand?" "P… please-I don't want him to.'
Her voice appeared piteous, small-of unutterable appeal. It moved me not since no upward movement of her back occurred. Some hint of slyness for which I had previously sought in vain was apparent in her at last for she gripped the bar, though nervously, and held her bottom remarkably still, her hair flowing down about her face.
I moved back to where her stallion stood, his eyes glassy with despair as-bereft of the use of his arms- he endeavored to manouevre his swollen crest against the rim of her rosehole.
"Permit me," I said and seized his rod which throbbed enormously in my palm. Motioning him back and thereby permitting him for the first time in his life no doubt the intimate attendance of two females at once, I urged his stiff shaft down and positioned the ruddy knob against Amanda's well-oiled aperture. "Enter her slowly," I breathed.
His knees trembled violently, jaw sagging, as the rubbery rim yielded with petulant moans and cries from Amanda. In but a second the knob was engulfed-the shaft itself standing proud. Its veins throbbed in their eagerness. Gripping the hairs at the back of his neck I drew upon them sharply, bringing from him a surprised groan. Sodomy -though males know it not-is an act of worship towards the superior sex. For to whatever bondage or apparent humiliations females are brought, they remain-as Aunt Maude had taught me now-the eternal victors of the act. Able as they are to receive a succession of pulsing and apparently dominant penises, it is the males who retire wan and spent.
Thus did I monitor the act. Gliding my hand between them and taking his pendent eggs in the palm of my hand, I restricted his entry half-inch by half-inch, ignoring-as I well knew I could-the anguished cries and sobbings of Amanda and the febrile jerkings of his loins as he sought to sheathe his rod more quickly.
"Whoooo! Whoooo! No! No-0h! Ah! stop him, please!" Amanda moaned endlessly. At the half mark, however, his heavy trunk had now leaned more on hers until he was all but fully bent over her, his breath raucous. I had taken his balls now from behind. The pressures of my fingers were warnings enough for him to proceed as if by stealth into the clamlike gripping of her depths.
"B… b… b… b…!" Amanda moaned incoherently. I knew the wildness of her mind-the surging of the seawaves theta-the outward rushing of the breath. Her eyes bulged. For a moment her hands deserted the gripping bar below in such a gesture that I feared rebellion. Loosing his testicles I gave then his buttocks a hearty slap, the immediate result of which was to ram his root completely within her bottom.
Ali! her wild, high-pitched shriek!
"Na-ah-aaaaaaaaah!"she shrilled, but deeply corked as she now was, her hips were immobile, her sobs spilling down upon the blankly staring floor.
Straps, whose purpose had not signified themselves to him, came swiftly to my hands. Groaning, he felt the grinding of her bottom warm into his belly as 1 strapped their thighs together at the top and buckled quickly. Only the slightest movement of his loins was now possible. I could but guess at the ecstasy of sensations he was experiencing. Bound thus in the most bizarre manner, his wrists strained helplessly at the manacles, his buttocks twitching as Amanda's gripping bottom first tightened upon him and then undoubtedly relaxed.
I moved and knelt before her, raising her hot-flushed face to mine. Her eyes were half-closed, giving a pretty fluttering to the lashes. Easing my palms forward uppermost, I allowed her tits to weigh upon them. Her nipples, as I had expected, had hardened into thornlike points. Her lips lolled wet beneath my passing kiss. There was no need for speech. Her mind did not communicate itself to me. "R… r.. . release!" he croaked.
I saw no need to. Her bottom needed to accomodate itself to him more fully. Leaving them in their posture, I descended and found Caroline drinking lemonade in the breakfast room. Aunt Maude had taken Jenny and Katherine out, it seemed. More immediately upon my appearance, however, Caroline rose and threw herself into my arms.
"May we not go home?" she asked.
I took her hand, having kissed her, and led her to a couch.
"You will be obedient, Caroline?"
She nodded. Her eyes were faintly blurred with happiness, her cheek was velvety warm to mine. I felt for her breasts. The resilient mounds were snowy white and firm, the nipples like tiny cherries. In two years perhaps I would have her wed. It was not an experience I proposed myself to indulge in again. In the meantime I would nurture and develop her to a point where her usefulness would be unbounded.
"Wait for me in my room," I told her.
"You will not be long, Beatrice?" Her eyes were the spaniel eyes of Father, brushing my skirts, nudging my calves-reaching to caress.
"Of course not," I smiled. My voice was at its most gracious. I reached the caging room in but moments and there gazed for a moment at the tableau which still presented itself. Amanda breathed softly-sniffling a little at my entry. With quick efficiency I released him from her. His cock emerged bubbling at the tip. The very suction of her bottom had produced an energetic pulsing of sperm, it seemed. Amanda was as quickly released. As coyly as she endeavoured to hide her face from him, she could not escape the darting of her eyes towards the now almost pendant penis that had entered and injected her.
"Dress and go down, Amanda. Prepare yourself for departure," I said simply. With only her dress to don, she was ready in a moment, her face a dull pink as she passed him in the act of restoring his trousers.
"And Amanda…" I called after her.
She turned at the door, endeavouring with little sucess to bring a look of remoteness to her features.
"You will not disobey. I shall visit to ascertain your progress," I told her. A mischief seized me. I knew the butterfly thoughts in her mind-the bumbling and buzzing of words that escaped before she could speak them., "Your allowance will be increased. Is that not so?" I turned and challenged him. It would not be my way with others, but these-as I have said-were there oddments of. people.
"What?" he ejaculated. The coldness of my stare was evident. Ludicrous in its peeping as he strove to cover himself, his penis lolled palely through the unfastened gap in his trousers. A wan bird that had flown and returned. "Ah… ah, yes…" he stammered.
I nodded to Amanda whose expression was a picture. Whether I had undone or encouraged her conversation I knew not. The door closed upon her with the silence of one who leaves an unread note behind.
"My aunt would have a bracelet. I doubt not that you will fashion one well," I told him.
"Ah, yes." He seemed for the moment incapable of any other words. In slightly dishevelled state he was led without. On the landing I paused, closing the door to the caging room with such solemnity as I felt was due.
"You will have her, of course, tonight," I said, "and in the same mode. She is not however to be tied. The arm of a sofa will suffice. As to strappings…