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“Okay, now there’s another thing I need to apologize for. I just...shit, Lane, you threw me off with this surprise,” Jace stumbles over his words nervously. “I had this whole apology planned out. Now I’m thrown.”

“I think it was a damn good plan,” Lane smiles wide. Brat.

Jace stares at me and I’m trying to see all the words in his head that he can’t manage to get out. “Jace, you’re flustered. What’s wrong? This isn’t like you,” I say, loud enough for him to hear.

Out of nowhere, he drops to one knee and pulls out a small, red leather box with gold detailing around the edges. I watch as he clicks the gold latch and opens the box to face me. Without looking at the contents inside, I slam my eyes closed and reach out to snap the box shut between my fingers, lingering on the soft leather a moment longer.

“Jace, no!” I exclaim.

I wasn’t thinking and now the gasps around us tell me that was the snap-heard-round-the-bar.

“Worse than being kicked in the balls...” Lane mutters.

Jace swallows roughly and says, “I deserved that.”

“Jace, I don’t know where we are. I was willing to give you time because that’s what you needed. But you really hurt me when we were at the hospital. You didn’t talk to me and then you rushed me out of there like some kind of dirty secret. I understand why you were upset, but...” He sticks the box back into his pocket and my stomach drops at the idea of what I may have just ruined. His hands slide up my sides until they reach my face.

“I was wrong. It doesn’t matter the reasons I had at the time, I was wrong. I’m so sorry. I can’t seem to get my head on straight around you. From the very beginning, I should have stepped up and put you first. If you give me another chance, you’ll always be first to me…I swear. Please forgive me,” he adds, looking directly into my eyes.

“I think it’s time for karaoke,” Lane interrupts.

“That’s a fucking great idea,” Jaxon bellows.

“Apologize with your heart man, sing it out,” Cole adds mockingly.

“Shit, can y’all keep to yourselves for one minute?” Jace asks, annoyed.

“Karaoke?” I ask, intrigued by the idea.

“Yep. You see, this week I convinced Ed he needed to add a karaoke night to the bar. Attract more customers and all that. Welcome to the first night!” Lane exclaims animatedly.

“Babe, can we go somewhere else?” Jace begs with both his words and his eyes.

“Are you scared?” Lane taunts, clamping a hand on his shoulder. I don’t bother trying to respond. I’ve learned that when I’m hanging around these four large, loud guys, my voice gets lost in the crowd. They’re a fun group, but it’s hard to get a word in once they get started.

“He’ll never do it,” Jax eggs on.

“This was your plan all along, Lane?” I finally question.

Lane nods his head with a huge grin and Jace throws his hands up in defeat. He looks at me and I try to hide the grin on my face.

“You actually like this idea, babe?” he asks with surprise in his voice.

“I just can’t imagine you doing it,” I reply softly. He swivels on his toe and immediately starts toward the brand new screens Ed apparently installed while I was gone. My mouth drops open in shock.

Everyone around me begins to whistle and Cole shouts, “Can I pick the song?” Jace throws a middle finger in reply. Cassie, our newest bartender, mans the karaoke machine while Jace flips through the song title book. She gets on the microphone and welcomes everyone to ‘Karaoke Night,’ before announcing that it’s time for the first victim.

“This hot thing right here is Jace,” Cassie calls out, and there is a round of catcalls and whistles directed toward the small stage. Jace shakes his head and lets out a coy smile. This is totally not his thing. Despite the ribbing he was getting from the guys, I can tell he would never be up there if I hadn’t expressed interest.

“Shit, he loves you something hard.” Jax stands next to me while leaning his weight into the pool table.

“You think so?” I ask, trying to contain my excitement.

“Jace always needs to be able to control and know what the outcome is going to be before his action. Singing in front a crowd?” he chuckles, “Yeah, he’s totally burning up on the inside. This is good for him though.”

“I’m glad you’re doing better, Jaxon. It wasn’t a fun time with you down,” I say sincerely.

“Thanks for picking up some of the stress for Em and still being here, even after Jace was an ass.”

“It feels bizarre talking to you about me and Jace,” I nervously admit.

“I couldn’t be happier for the two of you. Lord knows y’all make more sense than we ever did. Don’t feel weird,” he says and pulls me in for a side hug.

“Lay off my girl,” Jace’s deep voice booms through the speakers. I smile adoringly up at the stage and move closer.

Cassie leans into the microphone and calls out to the crowd, “Jace is going entertain us with Whatever It Is by Zac Brown Band. Get at it, hot stuff.” The music intro begins and I get nervous butterflies in my stomach watching Jace up there all alone. He winks at me but I can see that he’s garnering his confidence.

“He’s going to kill us later,” Cole laughs while clapping for him.

“It’ll be totally worth it,” Lane agrees.

Jace belts out the first few words and the room falls silent. I am absolutely floored by his voice. How did I not know Jace could sing?

“Ho-ly shit!” Lane yells, while hooting with enthusiasm. “Well, that totally backfired on me!”

“I did not expect this...” Cole admits.

The third line in the song is fittingly about his ladies’ legs and heaven. Jace exaggerates the line and winks directly at me. I cover my huge smile and then begin clapping along with the beat.

Once he figures out how happy the song makes me, he really gets into it, strutting across the stage and pointing me out in the crowd. This doesn’t stop the girls from dancing provocatively in front of his little stage though. Seeing him up there in his faded blue jeans and button-up shirt, singing his heart out directly to me, is probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. Not even the sight of those girls could wipe this smile off my face. His eyes are only focused on me.

Anytime the line ‘I love you’ comes across the screen, Jace clutches at his heart and sings to my soul. In this moment, I know how sorry he is for being cruel. I knew he was truly sorry earlier during his apology when I saw the real pain in his eyes. The song finishes with a few lasting chords and Jace steps away from the edge of the stage. Everyone claps and calls out for an encore. Jace laughs and shakes his head.

“Thank you,” he says into the microphone.

“Marry me!” an excited blonde yells at him.

“Sorry, I’m taken. Well...at least, I think I’m taken...” He looks out to where I’m at in the back of the bar.

“Very taken!” I yell back and his smile lights up the room. A few groans are expressed from the crowd and Jace shrugs his shoulders at them with a cute, bashful smile. He clears his throat and I freeze at the look in his eyes. I don’t know why he isn’t stepping down yet, but when he brings the microphone back to his mouth, my whole body locks up. I grip the edge of the pool table, my fingernails digging harshly into the green felt.

“That beautiful, tall, brunette back there stole my heart a long time ago. We screwed it up and wasted a lot of years. But you know what?” he asks the crowd and then speaks directly to me, “I’d do it all over again, knowing that you were going to be there at the end. I’d walk through the sadness and the loneliness all over again for you. I truly was lonely, because you were always the one I wished I were with. I can’t regret it though. The journey was hard, yes, but falling in love with you was easy. I could never regret falling in love with you.”