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She laughed and I felt relieved that I’d helped clear the air for the moment. There was nothing I wanted more than to talk about our future together, but I just couldn’t do it with her so vulnerable around him. Any second now he would come outside and want to know where she had gone.

“I used to smoke,” she confided.

“Seriously?” I laughed. “That shit’s terrible for you, naughty girl.”

“Yeah, when I found out I was pregnant, I had to quit cold turkey. I was a complete bitch.”

For the next twenty minutes or so, we sat on the phone and told each other stories about our past that we hadn’t yet divulged in one of our many late-night, under-the-covers, post-sex chat sessions. I made her laugh and in turn, she made me fall in love with her even more.

“Rae, do you realize that you left me a little over two hours ago and yet you’ve spent almost a quarter of that time talking to me?”

“I always want to talk to you.” After a pause, she sighed and finally asked, “Okay, can you come and get me? I guess whatever he’s talking about is much more important than discussing Braden. We’re at that burger house on McDermott.”

“Of course, babe. I’m leaving now.” I grappled for my car keys and went back inside to tell the guys.

“Thanks. I’ll wait out front for you.”

Through the line, I heard Adam’s voice growl from the background, “What the hell, Ree Ree? You didn't even finish eating.”

“You were busy, and now I’m ready to go home. There isn't anything left for us to discuss,” she responded.

“Like hell,” he said. “Tell your guard dog I’ll bring you home when I’m ready.”

“Too late, your guard dog is already on the way, babe,” I shouted through the line.



“Raegan, why did you do that?” Adam looked at me with anger and confusion.

“Why are you making me do this? Why are you even here?” I raised my voice and held my hands out, indicating our location.

“Because I miss you. I’ve always missed you.”

“Bullshit, you left! You left the second you found out I was pregnant.”

“I was nineteen, Raegan. How the hell can you hold that against me?”

“Because he was your child. Because you were supposed to love me.”

“He’s still my child. I still love you.”

“No. He could have been, but he never was.” I chose to ignore his last statement. “You aren’t even on the birth certificate, nor does he hold your last name.” He cringed at my words, and I was shocked he actually had the balls to think he deserved any of those privileges. “I don't think you hold any claims, but I want you to sign a parental rights termination, just in case.”

“Hell no!” he growled.

“I can’t have you popping in and out of our lives whenever you’re feeling lonely.”

“Raegan, stop it.”

“I’ll find a way to cover all of the legal expenses; you won’t have to worry about any of that. Just sign the papers,” I continued on, ignoring his protests.

Suddenly, he had my shoulders in his hands and he begged, “Please, Raegan. We can be us again.”

“You want me. Not Braden. Please, understand what you’re saying. You don’t care about Braden and you can’t have me. Please don't drag him through this drama.”

“I miss you, honey,” he whispered. He moved in closer and all at once, I realized why he was doing it.

“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!” Lane’s voice roared from across the parking lot. Adam’s hands left my shoulders instantly, and I thanked the heavens for Lane’s timing.

He came running full speed from where his car was parked haphazardly near the curb. Jace pushed out of the passenger side and Jaxon pulled up in his truck behind them. He had brought the cavalry. Adam’s eyes widened when he saw the three of them quickly approaching. They were a magnificent sight.

“Who the hell are you hanging out with these days, Raegan?” Adam questioned harshly.

“My family.” I smiled at the boys who had come to help Lane. Not that he needed any help taking care of Adam, but I knew that they were coming to prevent him from doing something stupid. I moved into Lane’s large embrace and loved the comfort he exuded for only me.

“You good, babe?” he asked into my ear.

“I am now.”

“What’s up,” Jace said as he reached us, but it wasn’t really a question.

“Ready, Rae?” Jaxon asked when he reached his brother’s side.

I let go of Lane and looked toward Adam. “Please, just sign the papers when they come and leave us be.” I threaded my fingers back through Lane’s and pulled him away.

“Ree, please don’t do this.” Adam’s desperation was bleeding through his voice. “I’ve been waiting years for you. Don’t throw away what we once had for some guy… you just met.”

“We didn't just meet. I’ve known him,” I called back.

“Don’t bother, love,” Lane said gently down to me. “He’s egging you on.”

“It wasn’t fucking supposed to be like this!” Adam roared.

“Ignore it, Raegan,” Jaxon offered. “Let’s just get back to everyone.”

With Lane’s hand resting on my lower back, I straightened my spine and stayed on track for the car. He guided me toward the passenger door, and I looked back one more time at Adam, who had moved forward with us.


Adam was rocking back and forth nervously with a pained expression on his face. I just wanted to get away from him. I could tell he thought that this was what he wanted, but I’m sure he’d been fine without me for years.

“Get in, babe. I want to go home,” I told Lane and gently pushed him in the direction of the driver’s side.

Adam groaned loudly. “We were supposed to be together again. You were going to take me back! Remember when I came to visit you again in New York?”

I did, unfortunately. He had come to see me a week before we’d been taken. He’d said he wanted to talk and I agreed to meet him. I didn't know what he wanted to tell me, and I had no idea what my feelings were when it came to him. I cringed to think that more than likely I would have taken him back. At least now I knew better.

“Yeah, I do remember, but I guess fate stepped in… in her own cruel way.”

“That wasn’t supposed to fucking happen!” he roared. “They weren’t supposed to take you or that other little girl. It was just supposed to be the boy.”

My entire body turned to ice and my head snapped up to face him. Jaxon moved to my side in an instant, and Jace barreled around the car toward Lane.

“What did you just say?” I spoke each word with a punch of rage.

“It wasn't supposed to happen like that…” he continued.

I moved forward but Jaxon grabbed my upper arms to hold me off. “Cut to the chase, dude,” Jaxon ground out. I looked back at Lane, who had gone as white as a ghost. Jace was barring him from moving forward, but it didn't seem like Lane was physically capable of moving anyway.

“It was just a bet,” Adam said simply. “I gambled against Flores in a fight, but I didn’t have the money to pay him off. I did have something he wanted more though.”

I lunged, but my movements were pointless with Jaxon containing me. Mentally, I was clawing his eyes out. “Please, don’t say what I think you’re saying!” Tears rushed to my eyes and the world around me blurred before me.

“Don’t you understand how much I love you? How much I wanted it to be just the two of us again? That’s why I did it,” Adam hollered back. “Flores was a powerful guy. He always bitched about his old lady wanting kids. Well, I had a kid!” His words were knives, and yet he had no fucking idea that he was killing me slowly.