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“Braylon, did you just ask me on a date and to stay the night with you?”

“No ma’am I did not. I don’t date and I work nightshift, ten at night until ten in the morning,” Bray answered.

“Oh.” I dropped my eyes from him to the floor.

Following him out the door I saw his jacked-up truck sitting in the parking lot. He still had the same silver Dodge Ram with giant tires and tinted windows. The average sized person couldn’t see into the windows it was so high. Even if you were tall enough to look in the window’s you couldn’t, they were tinted jet black.

I had always loved his truck. I had also heard stories about this truck and all the women who had experienced this truck.

“I get to ride in the infamous truck?” I asked, a little smartassy.

Bray stopped mid step and turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow. “Infamous?” He asked acidulously.

Slowly, I nodded. “Uhh huh. All the girls wanted a ride in this truck. Or maybe they wanted to ride the driver of this truck. Either way, the girls back home would drop their panties for a chance to be in there.”

Bray smirked. “What about you?”


Feeling my cheeks heat, I worried my bottom lip with my teeth. “What would you do if I said yes?”

Taking a few steps so he was standing directly in front of me, he grabbed my hips and pulled me into his hard body. Looking up I saw his dark eyes sparkling.

“Your brother would kill me if he knew the thoughts that are running through my head right now.”

Sucking in a breath, I said, “My brother’s over two thousand miles away. He would never know. Besides, I’m not that fourteen year old little girl anymore.”

What the hell? My brother would never know? Why does this feel like I’m sneaking around with the bad boy I’m banned from seeing?

“Trust me, I know.” Bray released me and stepped back. “Let’s go eat. Maybe we should just go to Skyline and eat-in. Things could go very, very bad if we are alone in my place.”

Sighing, I nodded. “Skyline with extra onions, please.”

Bray shook his head and let a small smile play on his lips.

Opening my door, he held his hand out to help me climb in. Once I was inside he shut my door and jogged around to the driver’s side and got in. The drive to Skyline was short and silent.

Pulling into the parking lot he found a parking spot and shut his truck off. Without looking at me he opened his door and got out. Letting my head fall back onto the headrest I took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

I shouldn’t have come with him. I shouldn’t be here. I feel like a cat being teased with a treat. I want Bray, I have since I was little. Agreeing to go to dinner with him was just salt in the wound. Bray would never want me. Biggest reason being I was Larkin’s little sister.

Forcing my eyes open I grabbed the door handle and shoved it open. Bray was standing at the front of the truck, watching me closely.

“Everything ok?” Bray asked.

Giving my head a hard nod, I walked passed Bray. “Yep. Let’s go eat.”

Once we were sitting at a booth in the back Bray handed me a menu. Holding it up so he couldn’t see my face I pretended to look over the menu so I wouldn’t have to look at him. I had been getting the same thing from Skyline since I was five. One cheese coney, no mustard or onion and chili cheese fries.

“Hi, my name’s Staci. I’ll be your waitress tonight. Can I get you something to drink or are you ready to order?”

“We’re ready,” I blurted out, my voice a little high.

Bray looked from me to the waitress then back to me. “I guess we’re ready.”

Staci laughed then looked to me. “Ok, we will start with you.”

Forcing a smile I said, “I would like a cheese coney, no mustard or onion and a chili cheese fry with a sweet tea please.”

Bray asked, “No extra onions?”

Sticking my tongue out I said, “Nope, I hate onions.”

Smiling at me he said, “I want four cheese coneys with onions, no mustard and a four way. Mt. Dew to drink, please.”

Staci couldn’t keep her eyes off Bray, I couldn’t blame her. She repeated our order back to us before walking away.

“So are you going to ignore me all night now?” Bray asked.

“Huh? I’m not ignoring you.”

Bray gave a short laugh. “Yes you are. Cobie, believe me when I say I want you. Bad. You’re sexy, funny, and have a brain in your head. But you’re too good for me. I’m not the kinda guy you need. You need someone who can promise you a future, that’s not me. Fuck, I can barely promise one night, let alone one month or one year.”

Well hell. I might as well speak my mind too. “Bray, I have had a crush on you since I was little. Pretty sure you have known for a while that I have always liked you. I always wanted to be that girl in your truck. Even if it was for just one night.”

Bray went to say something but he saw Staci walking to our table with our food. “This isn’t over. Eat then we can talk in my truck.”

Rolling my eyes I looked at our waitress and smiled. “Thank you.”

We both ate without saying another word. Once Bray paid I slowly followed him back to his truck. He again, opened my door and helped me in, shutting the door behind me. But this time he didn’t jog around to the driver’s side, instead he drug his feet getting around the truck and climbing inside.

Putting his keys in the ignition he went to start the truck but stopped. Rotating his body so he was looking at me Bray gave me a simple smile.

Just as I was going to say something he was lunging at me, swallowing my mouth with his, letting his tongue explore my mouth. He took no time in unbuttoning my shorts and sliding them down. Pushing his hand into my panties he pulled them down.

I was finally getting the man I wanted. He finally noticed me as someone other than his best friends little sister.

Bray never said a word as he unbuttoned his jeans and slid them and his boxers down. Picking my legs up, he scooted me down and rested my calves on his shoulders.

This was the moment I had always dreamed about. And well, let’s just say it was better in my dreams. Good thing he looked like walking sex because he sure wasn’t blessed in other regions. It was over before I realized he had even started.

Braylon Edwards was not the sex God I thought.

Maybe it was just because we were in just a small space? Maybe it was because it had been a few months since I’d had sex? Maybe it was because he was nervous to have sex with me? Maybe next time would be better? Maybe I’m just making excuses for the guy all my dreams were about. There would be no next time, who was I kidding. This was a one-time thing. A wam bam thank you ma’am.

Once my shorts were buttoned and I was upright in my seat I looked out the window to the street light bouncing off the passing cars. “I really should get back to my dorm and study. Do you mind dropping me off there? I can get my car tomorrow.”

Bray started his truck and didn’t say anything until he was on the road. “Sure. I should probably go home and try to sleep for an hour or so anyway.”

When he pulled up to my dorm I all but jumped out of his truck. As I was closing the door I said, Bye, Bray.” Not waiting for his response I shut my door and walked up the steps to my dorm.

Waking up the next morning I went to grab my purse so I could take my birth control.


I was in such a hurry to get out of Bray’s truck I forgot my purse. Looking across the room I saw that my roommate, Laney, was awake. Looking at my alarm clock I saw that it was a little after eleven. Hopefully Bray was home from work. I had three hours until my test. I needed to get my purse and I needed to study.

“Lans, can I borrow your car for a few minutes. I forgot my purse last night and don’t have my keys.”