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His words suck all the air from my lungs. One day? He wants more? He moves my underwear aside and teases my entrance before pushing two fingers inside me, stroking in and out in a slow, rhythmic motion. No other part of him touches me and it’s hot as hell. He hooks his fingers and presses against the sensitive spot on my inner wall, and my legs give way.

His warm, hard torso settles onto my back. “Easy, angel.”

My breaths come in heavy pants as I struggle to maintain a single coherent thought. He moves, adjusts my dress, and I feel him push against me. At a leisurely tempo, he glides himself over my clit and to my opening, repeating the motion, over and over.

“Oh, God. Now, Noah.”

Slowly he sinks himself into me, inch by thick inch. My walls yield against his girth causing a moan of pleasure to escape me. Just as slow, he retracts, allowing me to feel every ridge and contour of him.

“Fuck.” One hand digs into my hip, the other winds around to cradle my neck, not tight, but possessive in a way that turns my insides into liquid. “Hold on tight.” His voice is strangled, as if he’s the one trying to hold on and not come undone.

My fingers grasp around the edge of the table. He steadily increases his rhythm with each thrust taking me higher and closer until I’m fighting for air. Something crashes off the table as he thrusts ever harder into me. Fighting to find my own release, I move my hips as aggressively back as possible against his. He lets go of my hip, slides his hand around my front and travels down, rubbing soft circles on my oversensitive nub. It’s the final touch sending me over. My insides quake and flex around him. A few last thrusts and he groans through his own release. I feel each and every pulse from his engorged shaft, forcing my walls tighter around him.

He lets go of my neck, but instead of moving away, both hands come to rest at my shoulders. Soft kisses rain down on my shoulders and exposed back. It’s a tender gesture I wasn’t expecting.

“Do you want that coffee now, or do you want me to carry you upstairs to continue this?” I feel him smile against my skin.

“You want more?” I pant out.

He said he would, but I never thought he’d follow through.

“Lizzie… I want much fucking more.”

I gasp when he slides out of me, and my body protests against the loss. He pulls me up from the table and around to face him. One of his large hands tangle into the loose hair at my nape and he pulls me in to kiss me, long and hard. The other, he uses to deal with the condom. Nipping my lower lip with his teeth, he pulls away. “Well?”


He laughs and sweeps me up in his strong arms. “No need to tell me twice, angel.”

My body’s sore and exhausted, but my mind’s gone into overdrive. I don’t feel guilty. I should. But I don’t.

Noah’s steady breaths brush over my shoulders, while his arms encase me, holding me close. The whole night’s been a whirlwind of lust and desire, but now, lying in his arms, it feels… right.

This is all I’ll get, this one night. My heart pinches a little at the thought, but I know it has no right to be involved. He warned me. He told me he could offer nothing more, so it’s not like I went in blind. It was just his arousal talking when he mentioned one day.

The half-light of day illuminates his bedroom, increasing the pent-up anguish which swirls in my stomach. I need to leave, now. Because I already know I won’t want to go if he wakes. I’ll turn into one of those stupid women who go into a one-night stand expecting something more to come of it. He’s already admitted he’s not that man.

I gently squirm out of his arms and collect my clothes from his floor. He shifts and groans, and his arm flails for a second searching for something. I place a pillow under it and he pulls it closer, settling him down.

In his sleep, he looks younger. His beautiful but rugged features relax, almost as if every pressure he has ever felt has lifted from him. I take in his entire sculpted upper half and curse the fact his sheet covers the bottom. He’s magnificent.

Quietly, I leave the room. Fumbling with my clothes, I manage to get dressed on the landing before going downstairs to the kitchen. I wonder what the rest of his house looks like, but I don’t have time to investigate.

My cheeks heat and a rash of tingles cover my body when the smashed bowl on the floor catches my attention. I pick up the pieces and place them in the bin. My bag still sits on the floor by the kitchen door. I grab it, placing it back on the table, and then sift through for my phone.

There’re a couple of messages from Alex checking to see if I’m okay, and none from Mac. It doesn’t surprise me. He’s probably high somewhere, getting sucked off by a groupie. I pause over the thought. It had never occurred to me to question his fidelity until tonight. I’m stupid. We haven’t had sex in ages, where did I think he was getting it? Sadly, it doesn’t even bother me. It does make me think of getting checked out though, just in case my thoughts are true.

I sigh and type out a text to Alex asking him to pick me up. It’s unfair to wake him because of my stupidity but Boo left the club with a man too, so she may not want to be pulled away.

The screen lights up with a message. He’ll be here in a few minutes. I put my phone away, locate my shoes and put them back on. The balls of my feet burn and I curse the amount of dancing I did last night. Making sure I have everything I arrived with, I walk out into the hallway.

Noah’s sitting on the stairs, elbows resting on his knees. “Leaving?” His voice is sleep ridden and sexy as sin, much like the half-naked torso I can’t tear my eyes away from. We’d barely been asleep an hour before I left his bed and I thank my lucky stars I don’t appear a complete mess and didn’t have time to get morning breath.

“I thought it was best.”

He stands up and stalks towards me. “Well, you’re wrong.”

My heart rate picks up as he approaches. When he reaches me, his hands cup both sides of my face and he still smells incredible. “I need your number.” He speaks softly.

I shake my head out of his grasp. “There’s no need to pretend this is more than what it is.”

“I’m not.” His penetrative gaze burns into mine. “If you think last night was enough to appease my hunger for your body, you’re very much mistaken.”

And I’m wet again. “Oh.”

He laughs deep and throaty. “There you go with ‘oh’ again.” He grazes my cheekbone with his thumb. “Can I have your number? Please.”

Outside, crunching gravel and the sound of an engine signal Alex’s arrival. “Do you have some paper and a pen?”

“On the table.” He gestures to one in the hallway. I rush over and quickly scribble down my number. “I’ve got to go.”

“Come here.” He pulls me against him and his erection digs into me, sending anticipation flooding through me. “You feel that?”

“Yes.” My voice comes out as husky as his.

“Good.” He kisses me hard on the lips. “See you soon.” He releases me, leaving me breathless and burning for him.

I take in a shaky breath before responding. “Bye, Noah.”

He passes by me and opens the door, giving me a lopsided smile. “I’ll be in touch.”

“Okay.” I scoot out the front door to the safety of Alex’s car. I don’t regret the night and I don’t regret giving him my number, but with the way he makes me feel, I fear for my heart.

Noah pauses at his front door, his brows pinch together and his smile fades a little.

“Good night?” Alex grins at me from the driver’s seat drawing my attention from the magnificent nakedness I can’t help but drool over.

The heat of embarrassment burns my cheeks. He shouldn’t be dealing with me doing this sort of thing. I look away from him and out the windscreen. “Yes.” Noah’s gone.