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“You fucking bitch,” Mac yells, and stumbles backwards clutching at his groin.

I push past him and run like crazy into the kitchen, but he’s on my heels. Before I can make it out the back door he captures me around the waist. I scream, kick, and bite, but I can’t release his hold.

“You’ll fucking pay for that,” he whispers menacingly in my ear.

My breaths are short gasps, but I continue to fight as hard as I can against his large frame. He throws me like a rag doll against the kitchen wall; pain bites into my shoulder, and I slide to the floor. I try to scramble away, but he’s above me within seconds, and backhands me hard across my cheek. I fall heavily onto the tiled floor. My head pounds and my vision blurs from the tears streaming down my face.

The distinct sound of Mac undoing his belt and zipper hits my ears. Oh, God. No, no, no, no, not that. Please, God. Please, please, please, God, no.

“Nooooooooo.” I frantically scuttle backwards, but he catches me by the ankle and pulls me back towards him. I roll onto my stomach trying to gain some purchase. Instead, my nails tear against the tiles and glass shards shred my palms and slice my knees. Mac pulls me against him so my legs are parted around his, and rough hands push up around my waist. With desperation, I fight to get my legs closer together. His erection pushes against my thigh. Shit, shit, shit. My stomach roils, and when my underwear rips from my body, I lose its contents all over the floor.

“YOU FUCKED-UP BASTARD.” The cold words come from a voice I recognise.

There’s an enormous crash followed by shouting, but I’m unable to hear anything being said. A loud buzz in my ears is the only thing my brain can focus on. I crawl onto my hands and knees, knowing I need to get away. Strong arms wrap around me and lift me from the floor. My legs instantly flail.

“No. No. Get your fucking hands off me,” I scream, while scratching at the arms pinning me against them.

“Shh, sweetheart. It’s only me. Shh.” Once the calmness of Alex’s voice registers, it saps my last shred of strength, and I weaken in his arms. “We’re getting you out of here.”

As he carries me, I’m oblivious of where I am but not where I’m going. All I know is Alex is taking me away from the place I feared living in for a lifetime. Angry and hurt, the tears start to fall. One by one they stream down my face. All the while his words of comfort try to ease the pain.

His hands no longer rub reassuring circles over my back. Dazed, I barely feel him place me down and bandage my hands and knees. He leans over and straps me in the car. The only thing making me aware of where I am is the vibration beneath me.

I sniffle up my nose and wipe the mess from under it. “Can you take me to Noah?” My words are hopeful even though I know it’s the last place I should be. He wouldn’t want me either. When I glance at Alex, his jaw flexes and he gives a firm shake of his head.

“Not a good idea, sweetheart. Noah would kill him.”

A soulless laugh escapes me. “Not anymore.”

He flicks a glance at me, then back to the road, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel. I’m not sure what he’s thinking but then he gives a sigh.

“I’ve known men like Noah before. The live hard, play harder, type.” A smile quirks on the side of his lips. “You stopped that dead in its tracks. I was always waiting for him to fuck up with you, but…” His fingers stop tapping and grip the steering wheel. “I promise you, whatever you said or did wasn’t enough to stop him loving you.”

“How would you know?” I snap.

The half-hearted smile turns into a full one. “Oh, I know.”

I don’t deserve the faintest hope telling Noah I never loved him wouldn’t affect the way he feels about me. I want him to despise me, especially now. I can’t ever run the risk of him finding out what I’m hiding from him. The fate would be too much, for both him and the little life I have in me. I’m just thankful my shoulder and knees took the brunt of Mac’s wrath. At least I know my baby is safe. I decide it’s best to change the subject.

“Where are we going?”

The smile fades, and from his profile I can tell he’s scrunching his eyebrows.

“First, I’m taking you to a friend to get your injuries sorted out. Then I’m taking you away from here.” His voice softens. “I know he threatened to kill Noah and your baby. I know what he demanded of you. The security guard Mac fired showed me earlier. He wasn’t sure what to do with the information. Why does the bastard always pull shit when I’m not on shift?” The anger in his voice overwhelms me. Alex is usually so soft-spoken.

I’m thankful James told Alex. He shouldn’t have been on shift. He had two days off. “Why would it even matter to you?”

“You really think I’m heartless, don’t you?”

Mac has made me distrust my judgement. I turn away from him and stare out the side window. “No.” How could I ever think that?

Panic rises in me. “We need to go back.” I break into a cold sweat. I never want to be near Mac again.

“What? Why?” He alternates his gaze between me and the road ahead.

“I need my bag,” I answer. My voice is small. I know it’s a foolish request, but it holds both my credit cards and my phone. Without it, I have no ability to pay for anything. And more importantly, the phone contains photos of Noah. I don’t want to be without those.

His face relaxes. “I got it.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. Several tours will do that to you.”

The conversation dies. Alex looks focused on driving, apart from the intermittent clench of his jaw. The silence forces my mind to deal with the earlier attack. I try and distance myself from it, but the images rerun over and over, blurred and fuzzy, but no less painful. Renewed tears start to fall.

The car stops and warm arms wrap around me. “It’s okay, I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

Held tight, I sob into his chest and let the pain out. It’s better out anyway; keeping it in will do me more harm. When my chest stops heaving, he releases me.

“We need to get out of the car now, okay?”

I sit up and try and rearrange my dishevelled dress, but the way my hands are bandaged stops me. My breathing stutters and I fight to regain my composure, refusing to let any more tears fall over that bastard.

Alex gets out, comes around to my side, and opens the door for me.

“Can you walk?”

“I think so.”

He gives me his hand and helps me to my feet. My knees burn and are stiff, pain shoots through my legs.

“You sure?”

Mac has taken enough from me; he won’t take anymore. I nod, fight through the pain, and walk, aided by Alex, towards a little cottage with a painted red door. “Where are we?” I glance around trying to figure it out. But I’d paid no attention on the drive.

“My mate Jase’s house.”

“Oh, okay. Is he a doctor?”

Alex bursts out laughing, a real belly laugh, and shakes his head. “No, he’s not. But he does know his shit.”

As we reach the door, a man opens it. His smile is kind, but when he turns to Alex it disappears. “Do you know what you’re doing?” he asks his friend.

Alex sighs. “Can’t this wait until we’re inside at least?”

Jase opens the door wider and beckons us in. “You need to phone him. He’s going apeshit,” he mutters as we follow him into his home. “Why’d you turn your phone off?”

“Why do you think?”

“Sending a text then going silent was gonna send him over the edge.” He takes us through into his cosy lounge. “Make yourself at home.” He gestures towards a battered sofa.

I collapse onto it, my energy level at an all-time low. Both Alex and Jase remain standing and continue speaking.

“Yeah, well it was for good reason. Would you take care of Liz’s injuries?”