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“Why do you care?” I retorted.

“I don’t. But I might need to reserve the table by the bathroom in case we need to excuse ourselves.”

“You’re such a tease.” I batted my eyelashes and definitely blushed.

“I’m not teasing. If you don’t stop doing that, I’ll take you on that park bench.”

My breath caught and I giggled. I clasped my arms around his waist and kissed his chin. He matched my embrace.

He glanced at his watch.

“Am I boring you?” I loved how lighthearted our banter had become.

“Never, Blue, but we should head back if we’re going to be on time.” Add Dr. Punctual to the list. He tugged my earlobe into his mouth and sucked. “And I want to make sure I have enough time to up your tally before drinks.”

While biting my tongue and gripping my thighs together, Chase easily added one to my tally on the cab ride back. My thong count, on the other hand, decreased by another.

“Hmm, this is starting to become a habit.” He stuffed my ripped thong into his jeans pocket. I slunk from the cab, careful not to spread my legs too far apart, silently thanking Sierra again. She’d insisted I borrow her adorable cocoa halter dress for the summer season. At least I changed my dress from earlier and avoided replaying the light colored fiasco.

“Chase, I realize you like me pantiless,” I whispered, getting onto the elevator. “But I think you’ve ruined at least five pairs and it hasn’t even been twenty-four hours yet.” He laughed out loud and the tenant in the front of the car peeked over her shoulder. “Shhh. You’re disturbing the tenants and I would really like to be invited back.”

“Oh really, and who’s inviting you back?” He quietly taunted. “The wrinkly guy on the fifth floor might need some company, I can press five. What floor did you need, ma’am?” he said, raising his voice. I grabbed his hand and grinned. I was definitely falling hard for Dr. Playful.

“Chase, can I tell you something?”

“Sure, baby, anything.” He tucked me into the crook of his body, a place I was growing very fond of and kissed my temple.

“I haven’t been this happy in a long time, thanks.”

“Me either.”

His eyes softened as he led me into his bedroom. “I want to show you something.”

Hanging in his closet was my new wardrobe. My splash of color infiltrated his dark palate. “I thought maybe you could leave some of your new clothes here.” My butterflies awoke and fluttered. “I mean, if you want.” He was nervously rambling again. I smiled wide and nodded as tears pricked the back of my eyes. Speech was impossible. I turned in an attempt to compose myself, but he snaked his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. “It means a lot to me, baby.” I melted more. “I have another surprise for you in the top drawer over there.”

I looked toward his built-in, eleven-drawer dresser and pushed my emotion aside. “Sierra would go ape shit for this closet.” It was the size of my studio. Literally.

“And just when I thought you were going to say something sentimental.” He sighed. I shrugged. If he only knew what his statement had done to me. “You seem to always keep me guessing.” He directed me toward the dresser. “I had the top two cleaned out and filled just for you.”

Wait, when did he do that and who was cleaning out his drawers? “Filled?”

“I figured since I was playing a large role in ruining your panties, the least I could do was replace them.”

“You didn’t have to do that, I was just teasing you before. Wait, when did you-?”

“Blue, I could have finished two craniotomies in the time you spent fooling around in the dressing room this afternoon. And as far as saying I didn’t have to do it, you’ll learn soon enough that I only do things I want to do ... and spoiling you just became my new favorite pastime. Go look, see how I did.”

I opened the first drawer to gorgeously arranged color-coordinated silk thongs. Whoever folded these must have had a part time job at Victoria’s Secret.

“Chase, you’re crazy. What’d you buy, every color?”

“I didn’t know, baby, it’s the first time I’ve bought women’s underwear.” I liked the sound of that. “Hold one up, make sure it’s what you like.” He cocked his head and raised his eyebrows.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I grabbed a tiny white lace thong and held it up. I gasped. “Chase. Oh. My. God. Are these ... oh my god.” The heat hit my cheeks then quickly found its home between my legs. “Crotchless?”

“What, you sound surprised. I need access. Figured instead of ripping pair after pair, these would be perfect.” OMG.

“Um...” I giggled, feeling like a naughty schoolgirl.

“What, beautiful, cat got your tongue?” He rubbed his thumb across my cheek. “I fucking love when you blush.” He pulled me closer, dipping down to suck on my bottom lip. His erection strained against my stomach.

“Um, I could help you out with something,” I teased.

“This is what you do to me. You’re always so fucking sexy, and you don’t even know it.” My legs weakened and my sex flamed. “Now go, get your pretty little ass in the shower before I take you right here on the closet floor.”

“Hmm, I could be persuaded.” I pressed my hips forward and ran my tongue up his neck sucking his bottom lip into my mouth. That was such a freaking sexy gesture.

“Go, and if you’re lucky, I’ll join you.” He peeled my arms from his neck and swatted my ass. “You’ll find everything you need in the bathroom, drawers on the right are for you.”

I knew exactly what he meant. I guess it’s true what they say about surgeons, no detail goes left unturned.


Beneath your beautiful

I smiled in the bathroom mirror and put the finishing touches on my lip gloss. I almost didn’t recognize the woman staring back at me. And not because I was up to nine orgasms—well, that might be part of it. And not because of the new Roberto Cavalli dress Chase snuck in when I wasn’t looking. The dress was stunning, bold and vibrant and screamed alive. It fit perfectly and depicted exactly how I felt. Alive. The one shoulder silk chiffon loosely hugged my body, accentuating my subtle curves, while the blue and green exotic feather print made my fair skin glow bronze. Its loose skirt fell high on my thighs, and although it was much shorter than what I normally wore, it magically lengthened and toned my legs. It was beautiful and sexy. I felt beautiful and sexy. He made me feel beautiful and sexy.

Everything was happening so fast. Two weeks ago this man was nothing but a stranger. An intimidating, intense stranger. Now he was someone I couldn’t imagine my life without. The old me would have run out the door, scared shitless. Actually, the old me wouldn’t have even made it this far. Yet here I was, decked out in couture, compliments of an insanely hot rich mystery man that melted my panties off with one look. A man that in less than twenty-four hours redefined intimate. A man who happened to be my boss. Monday morning was going to be awkward. I refused to let those thoughts invade my brain. The new me was living in the moment.

I stepped out and met silence. I plucked up my shiny new Louboutins and went to find him.

“Hey you. Ready?”

He leaned against the tall kitchen window, lost in thought, twilight reflected off the sleek cherry wood and islands of white marble, making it feel hours earlier. My heart skipped a beat. He was beautiful. He made jeans and an un-tucked white button down look heavenly.