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“I’m fine.” Better than fine. More fine than I’ve been in three years. “Just really happy,” I whispered back.

“Me too, Blue. Me too.” His grin killed me.

“So he’s finally sharing you?” Sierra rolled her eyes in Chase’s direction. Her sarcasm was lost on no one.

“And so it starts,” I mumbled with apologetic eyes.

Sierra walked over and tugged on my hand, leading me back toward her spot in front of the fire. Chase didn’t let go of my other hand.

“Look at you two, it’s like you’re glued together.” She pouted her lips in the most unattractive way. I had to remember to tell her, she needed to rethink her grossed out face. For sure.

Dr. Possessive might have agreed to share for a few hours, but that didn’t stop him from staking his claim. He picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder.

“Chase,” I whined, giggling like crazy. If it were anyone else, I probably would have been seriously turned off by such caveman antics. But I wasn’t. It was Chase. My Chase. And I loved how much he needed to feel close to me.

“Oh fine, you can come too,” Sierra’s eye roll was a little warmer this time. Dr. Charming was working his magic.

“Thanks, but I’d like that invitation to extend to your spa day when you’re soaking in seaweed and wearing those fluffy robes.” Chase flashed that killer smile. Sierra didn’t have a chance.

It was Sierra’s turn to laugh. She turned to look at me as Chase was putting me down. “That’s it! I’m calling him Dr. P ... possessive and pushy.” Everyone including Chase erupted into laughter. My BFF was caving. I knew she would see past intense Chase and see the man I loved.

“Sorry, Chase, you’ll get used to her soon enough. Blunt and bossy are her middle names.”

“Whatever, Dodd,” Sierra huffed, waddling toward her seated husband. Yep, she was officially a waddler.

“What, hun? I love that about you, you’re always so matter of fact.” Dodd seductively ran his hands up Sierra’s side, pulling her down onto his lap and kissing her deeply. PDA was not lost on those two. “Lord help me, though, if our baby girl has half your sauce. I’m in trouble.”

“Get a room! Make a baby ... oh wait, you already did that,” Jack yelled from the other side of the bonfire as the catcalls filled the air. We all laughed again.

“See, Sier, you can dish it, but you can’t take it. Dodd’s gotta suck your face to keep you from pouting.”

Even though Sierra was funny, super sarcastic and hard as a rock on the outside, her heart was warm and fuzzy. And she was my rock through thick and thin. Always there to pick up my pieces, no matter day or night. I thought back to how many times over this month alone she saved my ass from falling over the edge into that deep dark hole.

“No, I just like when he sucks my face.” Typical Sierra.

I grinned. “You’re too much, Asspuck.”

Chase had joined Dodd on the blanket, falling back onto his elbows. His linen button down pulled across his chest just enough to see that tanned skin I craved. He was so sexy and all mine. I couldn’t help but smile. He totally caught me checking him out, then cradled me onto his lap and whispered in a low gravelly voice, “Dr. P can think of a couple other areas I would love to suck right now.”

Oh no he didn’t. God, I hoped it was just a whisper. I blushed bigtime.


Brushed nickel

Chase fished through his wallet before yanking out a white card. He swiped it over the keypad just outside the car window, allowing the gate to open and for us to pass. The large white sign read KimCore. So this was his company.

Our ride from Cape Cod was relatively quiet. For the most part we made idle chitchat while I focused on how Chase brought me to a place I never thought possible. A place of love and happiness. But I also knew Chase was seeking closure, and returning to Boston, where his sister died and was laid to rest, was weighing heavily on his shoulders. This visit was crucial to his healing process. And important for the health and progression of our relationship.

My phone chirped inside my bag, pulling me out of my head. From its muffled sound I assumed it was somewhere in the bottom of the endless pit. Chase smirked as I dug deeper.

“Blue, truth. That’s the worst fucking bag I’ve ever seen,” he teased while slowly driving through the parking lot.

“Hey. It was a gift and it’s designer.”

“It’s luggage. It’s got to go.”

I scrunched my nose in protest, which lasted all of two seconds. He shrugged his broad shoulders, looking adorable, as if to say—what, am I wrong? We both laughed, relieving the tension we refused to admit was building in the car once we hit Boston.

Chase parked the car. “Tell you what, after lunch, we’ll go shopping and replace your designer luggage with something that doesn’t weigh as much as you. Sound good?” His knuckles softly brushed across my cheek, reaching my lips, where I gladly returned the sentiment with a kiss.

“Sounds good,” I said, because it did.

It had nothing to do with a bag or shopping, it was the promise of later. Of us being an us. No more second-guessing. Chase expected me to object like I always did when he talked about buying me things, but his expression changed when he realized I wasn’t going to protest, at least not this time.

“So?” Chase nodded toward the phone I’d finally found. I had to admit he was right—the damn bag was annoying.

“Oh, it’s the buyer of the luggage. She just wanted to say thank you again. They’re on the train.”

“Do you think Sierra’s pissed you didn’t go home with her?” His tone implied the answer didn’t really matter. Dr. Possessive was back in full effect.

“No, she was fine with it. I think she’s warming up to you.” That was the truth. Sierra wasn’t surprised in the least when I told her this morning at breakfast that I wouldn’t be traveling back with her and Dodd.

Warming. Really? That’s what you call it. Let’s make sure you pick her out a bag this afternoon too. That way we can try and expedite the thaw.” Chase winked, and I chuckled. He was freaking adorable when he wanted to be. “Come on, let’s go.”

I glanced around. The parking lot was dead. It was Sunday; I probably shouldn’t have been surprised. “Not a slave driver, huh?”

He smirked at my joke and made his way around the front of the car. “I wanted to give you the private tour.” Grabbing my ass, he dipped his head down and sucked on my bottom lip. “Hmm. So much for private,” he mumbled against my lips. Chase must have heard the car, because I sure as hell didn’t. The only thing I heard was my pulse jack-hammering in my throat like it was our first kiss. Please God, in the name of all things holy, don’t let that ever change.

Chase kissed my nose, and then we watched the black Porsche Cayenne pulling up alongside us. I really do love the kissing the tip of my nose thing too.

The dark tinted window slid down, revealing a snickering Asher. “Waiting for me, or was I interrupting?”

“Nice to see you too, asshole,” Chase huffed, removing his hand from my ass to give Ash one of those guy fist bumps through the window.

Asher hopped out of the car and kissed me on the check. “Gorgeous as always, Lili, great to see you smiling.”

I had to admit—Asher’s wink was sexy, but paled in comparison to Chase’s.

“C, always a dick, but I expect nothing less. Let’s get you two inside before you put on a show for our parking lot cameras. I’m sure the security guards wouldn’t mind though.” He laughed and shook his head. “Boss and his girl going at it.”