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Chase took my lips against his as an invitation, as I hoped he would, and kissed me senseless. And all of his gentleman points would had been out the window if my dad walked in the kitchen, but I didn’t care. Not one bit.

“I might not have a clue what you’re talking about, Blue, but I promise you haven’t seen anything yet.” He kissed my lips, then my nose, then each eyelid. Mmm. “We better join your dad and Sharon before they wonder where we went. Fuck...” He stepped back an inch, smirking, before he finished that thought. “You can tell Sierra we have something else in common ... we’re both praying for short and soft right about now.” And then I laughed … really loud.

“Um, so that was a little awkward,” I said, toeing off my flats in Chase’s bedroom. Pete brought us home a little before midnight. Home, I liked the sound of that.

“Which part? Sharon asking you if reading Fifty Shades of Grey would make your dad happy? That was fucking classic. Thinking she probably should have stopped at the second beer.”

“Uhh, could have done without that reminder.” I had already forgotten that, more like blocked it from my short-term memory. “You’re right, that definitely was awkward, but I was referring to saying goodnight to my dad and leaving my apartment so I could sleep in your bed.” Didn’t matter how old I was, I was still his daughter.

Chase fisted the back collar of his t-shirt and pulled it off over his head. I loved when he did that. “No, Blue ... awkward would have been them staying in the spare room right across the hall, and your dad hearing us not sleep. Because let’s be honest, baby, no fucking way we’re going to sleep right now. And, baby ... you are definitely not quiet.” His grin was too sexy.

“Um, ya think?” I pursed my lips together and unzipped my jeans, way slower than necessary. He definitely deserved a little show. He earned it big time tonight.

“Fuck it, this needs to be fast,” he growled. Huh?

Minutes later, I was naked on my back with my HEA buried deep, and I was definitely not quiet. So far from it.

We both came down from, um—coming, when I said, “So not complaining, but I’m curious, why’d we have to be fast?” I accentuated the “so” because I was so not complaining, but Chase never did fast. Ever.

“Because I didn’t want to be a panting fucking mess ready to explode when I did this.” He rolled off of me to open his nightstand drawer. He pulled something out and quickly rolled back to face me, nodding over to the alarm clock that still topped the dresser across the room. Midnight.

“Happy birthday, Blue.” He kissed the tip of my nose.

He placed a small box in my hand. It wasn’t a velvet box or a Tiffany blue box. It wasn’t that kind of box at all. The small glass case was frosted blue and topped with a stunning abalone mother of pearl shell that was a mixture of amazing iridescent blues.

This man amazed me. I didn’t need anything material; he was my gift. Everything I’d ever want in this lifetime was lying beside me. Another eighty years together wouldn’t be enough. Nothing other than eternity would suffice.

“I love you. Chase, this is stunning and already the best birthday ever. And it’s only two minutes in, thank you.” My lips brushed his to send the message home.

“Baby, open the box.” I was a bit taken aback. I thought the gorgeous jewelry box was the gift, but I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. I lifted the glass lid. Sparkles danced like raindrops lighting up the room and my smile, which in turn, illuminated Chase’s smile. But it wasn’t the diamonds in the bracelet that stole my breath away; it was the ocean blue stones that separated the diamonds. They were all translucent shades that could not be replicated. Each as smooth as glass.

“Sea glass?” I whispered, enamored.

“Doesn’t even come close to the real thing, but I wanted you to see a glimmer of what I see when I look in your eyes, Blue. Color and sparkle, baby. You are beautiful...” His fingertips grazed my cheeks. “I want to spend forever awake, staring into your eyes.”

There were no words to describe the tidal wave of emotion crashing down upon me. None. Why even try? I felt so cherished and adored, truly and utterly loved. He loved me.

He secured the stunning bracelet on my wrist. A small silver charm dangled from the clasp. The inscription stole my heart: beautifully awake.

For the past three years, fear of waking back up to life terrified me. Sleep-running had been my safe haven. My time to heal. Now the thought of being anywhere else but living in the moment, feeling everything life had to throw at me was unimaginable. Different circumstances had put us to sleep, but together we fought that battle. Finding each other and winning the fight woke us both up.

“Forever,” I said. Forever was my answer. I didn’t cry. I smiled. No more tears. Not even happy tears. Not tonight. Tonight, I needed to share forever with the man I loved. My happily ever after, even if it took all night long.

I woke up to a gorgeous hydrangea flower arrangement from my dad and Sharon and several texts from the girls at the hospital wishing me a happy birthday. Guy even remembered, with a Happy birthday, doll. Let’s not forget the massive white box at the bottom of our bed. Of course Chase downplayed the seriously kickass designer dress and even more kickass shoes when I insisted my bracelet and jewelry box were already too much.

“Baby, this way we’re not rushed later; saves time, and you won’t have to go back to your apartment to change for dinner.” One day I’d throw his ludicrous argument back at him, but not today. Hell, no. Not today. He got away with whatever he wanted today. Today I said thank you and then showed him just how thankful I was. Happy freaking Birthday to me!

We spent the better part of the morning and most of the afternoon taking in the sights. Even though I’d lived here a while, I’d only done the touristy loop once with Sierra the week I moved here. Her attempt at distraction. Needless to say, my frame of mind at the time was questionable at best, so today it was all pretty new to me. Dad and Sharon had never been, and surprisingly Dr. Worldly said it had been years—whatever that meant, but I appreciated his enthusiasm. Yet another thank you I looked forward to showing, or should I have said, sharing.

The sports challenge at the Franklin Institute could have kept my dad entertained all day. I gave Chase some serious credit when he stood next to my dad, studying the physics of athletes via virtual reality versus heading downstairs to explore the science geek’s dream through the giant heart situation. It was obvious he had maxed out on brownie points last night alone, so the sex credits were exponentially increasing by the second. As long as I was spending the day with the three of them I had no opinion.

Sharon finally persuaded her husband to leave since she needed to hang out with Rocky, even if he was at the bottom of the steps. Several pictures with the bronze statue later, we eventually climbed the infamous steps and enjoyed the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

The ridiculous smirk on Chase’s face told me he was replaying our last museum experience just like I was. Talk about taboo with your dad by your side. I couldn’t even look in Chase’s direction without blushing ten shades of crimson. We had sex in a planetarium, for god’s sake. And hell if he didn’t love how embarrassed I was about it. His grin was priceless. I’d give him a repeat performance in a heartbeat, just not with my dad in the building, or the several hundred other people meandering about.