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“Shall we? As much as I’m going to hate another soul seeing you in that dress, I promised the girl who used to make me pinky swear, a New Year’s to remember. I’ve never disappointed her before, I’m not going to start now.” Besides, last I checked blue balls weren’t fatal.

She rested both her hands in mine, hooked our pinkies, and locked our eyes. “Who said she’d be disappointed?”

I bit my inner lip and willed my other head to take control. “We’re going to go pay tribute to our girl tonight, and celebrate like only old friends can. But then, Tal, so you know, I’m done with just being friends,” I said it for the first time in my life. And I meant it.

The softest smile parted her lips. She closed our gap and kissed my cheek. “No argument here.”

Thank you, God. She tossed her cashmere wrap around her shoulders before we walked out.

“You know it’s December. In New England, right?”

“I know, I’m good.”

This woman was going to kill me.

Her nervous excitement was palpable. She didn’t shut up, not for one second. She chattered our entire ten-minute car ride while I sat quietly listening, swallowing and nodding. I was grateful I didn’t have to participate, not that I could have. A list of distractions had taken over my mind and body. Topping that list was how a very short dress disappeared into nowhere land when sitting in a low riding car. To think I considered taking the Cayenne. Dumb. I white knuckled the steering wheel to keep from reaching over and running my hand up her silky inner thigh. The blasting heat blowing the scant material still visible also didn’t help. I adjusted myself in the seat yet again as I drove up to the front of KimCore’s entrance.

“Hey, Pete.” I lifted my chin toward Chase’s driver, who approached as I got out of the car.

“Happy New Year, Mr. Craig.” He beat me to the passenger door.

Suddenly I wondered if they would remember each other. Pete had worked for the Coltons since Chase and Kimi were in diapers. He toted our spoiled immature asses all over New York. Luckily when the parents’ corrupt little empire crumbled, Chase claimed his exclusivity. Pete was a loyal friend.

He leaned in to take her elbow. Talia shuffled back on her spikes and her eyes widened. “Pete?” That answered that question.

“Still kicking.” Pete chuckled and Talia beamed. I wasn’t sure who was pinker. Pete never lacked in charm. “My girl, I’d never forget that beautiful face. Ms. Talia all grown up. Wonderful to see you.” He graciously kissed her cheek, winked in my direction, and gave me a thumbs up. I joined them on the other side, shaking my head. He was another that had jumped on the nag bandwagon, especially now that Chase was hitched.

“Happy New Year, funny guy.” We shook hands, I patted his back, and we caught up for a few minutes.

“You two better get inside. It’s freezing out,” Pete commented as I watched his gaze drift below Talia’s hem. I couldn’t blame him, I was pretty sure I was gonna have a stiff neck by the end of the night.

I relaxed my hand on the small of her back and egged her inside. She could have chit chatted with Pete all night. But last I checked shriveled balls were definitely fatal.

“Oh my god, Ace, this looks amazing.” The lobby’s inhabitable chandelier transformation looked pretty damn good. A few guests had trickled in, but for the most part the venue was still barren. Her eyes slowly scanned the entire decorated expanse, landing on what I knew she was looking for. The massive black and white portrait of Kimi. “It’s perfect.”

I trailed behind as she walked directly for it, stopping only a couple feet away. Rubbing her hands up and down her slim arms she clung to herself, almost like she was chilled.

“She’s just how I envision her every day. Her eyes...”

I closed our gap and pressed her back into my front, wrapping her shawl around her arms a little tighter. “I know. It’s crazy how much they all look alike.” It wasn’t just a twin thing. All of the Coltons shared a strong physical resemblance.

“This picture is gorgeous. She was gorgeous.” She snuggled in and rested her head against my shoulder. She needed a minute. I had a lifetime. “I’m not upset, I’m relieved. I feel like she’s here with us,” she whispered, taking in a deep breath and sighing sweetly.

“Me too, Teeps, me too.” I kissed her cheek and let her go. She took her minute and turned back to capture my gaze. After a deep, satisfied breath, she blinked her pooled tears away and interlaced our fingers.

“You ready to show your girl a good time?” she said through the smallest sexiest smile. I stopped breathing when my heart landed in my throat. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting that. “Pretty sure you pinky swore this would be a New Year’s I’d never forget, so where’s that Prosecco you promised me?”

It was like the weight she held was lifted. I squeezed her hand then unlaced our fingers and tucked her against my side, securing my arm around her waist. Brushing my lips against her warm temple, needing her closer, I attempted to process your girl in my male pea-sized brain. This was foreign territory.

“Asher, Talia!” Lili shouted from across the lobby and over the music, snapping me out of my state of speechlessness. She weaved through the plethora of newly mingling guests carrying a glass of champagne. We met her halfway.

“Happy New Year’s, guys.” She raised on her toes and pecked my cheek then focused her attention on Talia. “I’m Lili, so great to finally meet you. I was so excited when Asher told me you two had reconnected and you could come tonight.”

“Wonderful to meet you as well. Asher has told me so much about you.”

Lili laughed. “You get Asher and Chase in a room together you never know what secrets or embarrassing stories are gonna slip. Hopefully it’s all good.” If I hadn’t had my arm around her, I would have missed Talia’s shoulders slightly tensing. “Come, let’s get you two a drink.”

“That’s right where we were headed,” I chimed in. “Where’s your other half?” He was always two steps behind her.

“He didn’t call you? Ugh. There was a terrible accident, multiple head traumas, said he’ll probably be in the OR all night.” It was hard not to miss Lil’s disappointment.

“Sucks he’s on call, Chief should have had some priority.” I leaned against the bar and caught Talia’s eyes. “Another nice thing about dermatology, huh, Tal, not too many emergencies,” I teased.

She bumped my shoulder and mouthed ‘hey.’

“Good sign, he’s already teasing you,” Lili said through a smile. If she only knew we had picked right up where we left off, like we never missed a beat. “Actually he’s not on call tonight. You know he’d never miss this, but the ER called in a panic. One of those Peter Pan New York to Boston express buses flipped over.”

“Shit, that’s horrible. He’s gonna be up all night in brains. I hope everyone’s all right.”

“Oh, Ace, seriously.” Tal rolled her eyes and Lil laughed.