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“No. I want you to ride me. I want to watch you.” I needed to see her. I craved our connection. I rolled onto the bed and slid her on top of me. “Sit up.” Complying immediately and not pushing me on why I changed my mind, she filled herself with my stiff length and started an excruciating pace. I cupped her tits and rolled her nipples. Her hair fell in front of her face when she leaned forward, clutching my shoulders. My tip was buried deep rubbing on the spot that drove her wild. I tucked her hair behind her ears and captured her gaze. “Fuck, I never want this to end,” I groaned. Rocking against my pelvis she squeezed me and quivered, setting off my own climax. Together we shattered, our eyes glued, while I spilled inside her over and over again.

“Wow, that was … um … intense,” she gasped against my sweat drenched chest. I kissed her hair, unable to form a coherent thought, realizing how rough I just was. She peeled herself back, looking serious. Shit. Then she shrugged and bit her lip trying hard not to smile. “But … I’ve had better.”

Her sass was off the charts. I fucking loved it.

“Are you teasing me, TP, cause I seriously doubt you want me teasing you.” I smirked, appreciating her effort to keep me from retreating into my own mental stress. I tickled her abs, which were as tight as my own, and she started to giggle. She squirmed and wrapped the top sheet around her body. “No chance. Skin on skin.” I wasn’t asking.

The laughter behind her eyes melted into something warm, something delicious. She dropped the fabric and molded into the crook of my arm. Her eyes found mine, this time asking, “You know you’re crazy, right? And super generous.” Her fingers drew circles across my chest. “And so insanely amazing to your family. They’re so lucky to have you...”

I tasted her sweet lips and cut her off. “It’s just a couple vacations, not a big deal.”

“Of course it’s a big deal and it’s not just a vacation. You care so much. You’d do anything for them. They all know it and love you for it.”

She was right. I would do anything for them. They were my family, and I’d do the same for her. I didn’t say that.

“It’s just money, Tal. Can’t take it with you.”

“It’s way more than that and you know it. Yeah, the vacations are an added bonus, but you take care of everyone, always have. I’ve admired that about you since we were kids. But I have to wonder, who takes care of you?”

Was she for real? I felt beyond taken care of in her sated arms. Again, I didn’t say that. “Make you a deal, you can take care of me when we explore those secluded waterfalls in Hawaii this August.”

She smiled against my shoulder. “What am I going to do with you, Ace?”

“Sleep, Teeps. My bunny needs her beauty rest.” I felt her smile get wider.

Tap, tap, tap … tap, tap, tap.

“Shit it’s early,” I whispered groggily. The faint tap against our bedroom door changed rhythms. I dislodged the pillow from between Talia’s arms and tucked her back into my front, burying my face in her neck.

“For real?”

“Mmm,” she moaned, wiggling her ass against my cock. A small voice interrupted what was sure to be the start of another round.

“Ignore it.”

Tal’s moan shifted more towards a giggle, finding the now incessant knocking amusing. “Let her in, it’s so early she’ll fall right back to sleep.”

Tal didn’t know that three-year-olds never went back to sleep. Ever. I learned that lesson last summer in St. Martin when I let the bugger crawl into my bed every morning, trying to give my sister, who looked like a scary sleep-deprived zombie, a break. But that was then and this was weird. Besides the fact that my sister looked like she made up for all her lost z’s and now there was a hot naked woman in my bed and this wasn’t gonna happen.

“Emma, baby, we’re sleeping.” I raised my voice toward the locked door. The handle jostled again and she called my name again. “Go find Mommy. We’ll be up soon.” I was going to have to talk to Avery. Talia wasn’t used to early morning visitors.

“Emma, darling, we’ll be right there.” Before I could argue, Tal was out of bed putting on her pajama pants and tank. She tossed me my gym shorts. “Don’t want to scar your niece for life, do ya?”

I groaned and looked down. She had a valid point, that wasn’t going away anytime soon. Talia cracked the door, picked up the baby and laid her down in the middle of our bed. Emma snuggled into my side. I couldn’t stay annoyed. She was too adorable. Tal hummed and drew small circles over her forehead, cheeks, and in her hair. Emma’s eyelids were instantaneously heavy and within four minutes she was back asleep. Four minutes.

“Someone has the magic touch?” Not that I hadn’t experienced her magic touch firsthand. Yup, my mind went there again. I extracted my arm from under the comatose child wedged between us, because now it was just really fucking weird, and circled to Tal’s side.

“What are we doing?” she whispered as I grabbed her hand.

“Time to shower.”

“Oh my god, Talia, I’m so embarrassed. What time did she come down from the loft? She desperately wanted to sleep with her cousins last night. I knew she wouldn’t make it. Asher, why didn’t you wake me? Ugh. I feel terrible.” Avery poured herself a cup of coffee, grabbed a pancake from the stack of five hundred. “Wait, you made breakfast?”

“Talia did. Hours ago.” I enunciated hours to be a pain in the ass brother. Who was I kidding? I loved having the quiet morning to ourselves. The fire crackled, while I watched Tal move effortlessly around the kitchen in her gonna-be-the-death-of-me yoga pants and a white long sleeve fitted Henley. She debated—while I kept my mouth shut and breathed her in like the fresh air she was—over the need for a refresher ski lesson. In the end, she said ‘fuck-it’ to the lesson (that a girl) and whipped up pancakes for fifty like Wonder Woman. Damn, it’s eight months away, what I wouldn’t give to swap St. Patty’s Day for All Saint’s Eve.

Talia chimed in, “Ave, it was no big deal. Honestly, she was adorable and fell right back to sleep. Ignore your brother.”

“I can’t believe she went back to sleep.” My sister was as shocked as I was. Then again, she hadn’t heard Talia’s lullaby rendition of Pearl Jam.

“Tal had her asleep in record time. It was a win—I got to hear her sexy voice again and I didn’t even need to beg.”

“Asher.” Both women said in unison, Talia slapping my chest and blushing before she turned back to Avery. “I think snuggling right into her Uncle Ashy did the trick. They have the sweetest bond, don’t they?”

“Yeah, it’s called he spoils her rotten.” Avery rolled her eyes and laughed.

“I can’t help that your daughter thinks I’m the shit.” Yeah, that little girl had me wrapped around her little finger, and I loved every second of it. Speaking of, Emma flew around the corner and leaped into Talia’s arms. “Huh, looks like I’ve been replaced with Barbie though.” I winked.

“Emma, baby, why didn’t you come find Mommy and Daddy when you woke up?”

“I wanted Unkie Ashy and Barbie.” Emma slid out of Talia’s arms and went to Avery. “Mama, you know what, hers sings.”

“I heard she sang you right back to sleep. That was so sweet of Talia, but next time you need to come find Mommy and Daddy. Uncle Asher and Talia were still sleeping.”