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“Never. You made a wish tonight and I have a responsibility to take care of you. So quit asking questions and start getting me naked because I have every intention of making that one come true, too.”

I grinned and did as I was told.

I got her naked and did it fast...

I slipped inside her and claimed her mouth. I wasn’t sure if it was the wide open sky above us and the ocean below us or the cool fresh air invading our inferno, but something was different this time. We had fucked. A lot. We had made sweet love. We’d done raw and gritty and we’d done gentle and passionate, discovering every inch of each other. But this was different. This I couldn’t explain. I locked on her molten caramels, attempting to process this feeling. Our bodies synced with the undulations below us, while our intimate sounds interrupted the surrounding silence, her moans creating the sexiest melody known to man. This man only. Ripples turned to swells and our breath became more ragged. A thin sheen of sweat developed across our skin. She whispered nothings and everythings against my mouth and squeezed me tighter with her toned legs. We were frenzied, the pressure was immeasurable, and the blast wave inevitable. She wanted closer; I needed deeper. With every penetration I dug deeper and deeper, but the depth of our connection was endless. We were endless. Talia and I may have had a beginning and a middle, but together we had no end.

Chapter 19 You

“Asher, Ms. Pryce is here. Want me to send her back?”

“Suz, you like your job?” I stared at the speakerphone waiting for a response. Pretty simple question, if you asked me.

“No need to be an ass.”

My office door opened and pure beauty walked in, one heel at a time. I felt my stupid grin creep across my face. Talia in a cream colored pant suit. Smoking hot. And something I wished I was doing right about now.

Completely distracted with eyes glued on the love of my life I almost forgot Suzie was still on speaker. No way I was letting her get the last word. I snapped out of my TP daydream and spit back, “You do realize I’m your boss, right?”

“Pfft, pfft,” she returned instantly.

Seriously? She pfft’d me. Over a damn phone. Oh hell no.

“Ignore him, Suzie, he’s an ass.” Tal chimed in from over my shoulder before she made her way between my open legs and leaned back on my desk. So much for abolishing my daydream and getting in the last word, this was a porn moment in the making. Talia depressed the speaker button. “No chance, counselor, mind out of the gutter.” I could only imagine how my face looked. She probably needed to wipe the drool threatening to drip. She leaned over and brushed my lips. What a damn tease, she was so not getting away with this. I wanted more and now, but she wasn’t having it. “Don’t pout, gives you wrinkles.”

“Whatever, you’ll Botox them or some shit.” My hands wandered up her designer silk-clad legs. She batted them away. Torture. Might as well set me up with the Chinese water kind. I collapsed back, my high-back leather chair absorbing my weight. Taking her in I realized my desk never looked so good.

“You do realize that I’m an actual doctor, right?”

Smartass. I loved her.

“Har, har.”

“Mature, how old are you?” she sarcastically spit.

“Two months older than you.” She shook her head still not really feeling me. “Fine. So if you’re not here for an afternoon quickie, to what do I owe this pleasure? And make no mistake, it is a pleasure.”

“Focus, lover boy. I have to get back, I’m covering afternoon clinic. Was just running errands and wanted to make sure we were all set for tonight. I know Tack’s nervous, would never admit it, but this is a big deal for him. Mostly because … well, it is kind of a big deal. Doesn’t help that Paige went home for the long weekend. So you know, he’d feel more comfortable with you being there. I checked with Suzie and she said you had a four o’clock. Do you think you’ll be out on time?”

Hmm. This was rambling Tal. Sounded like my woman might be the one who was nervous.

With the help of speed dial, the ring echoed twice before Chase filled the line. “What’s up, man?”

“You’re home? Don’t you doctors work?”

Talia’s eye roll was perfectly timed to Chase’s buffoon response. “Fuck you.”

“Real nice, would you speak to my mother with that mouth?” I sure as shit wasn’t asking if he’d talk to his own mother with it. I knew that answer, hell yeah. But neither one of us were wasting another breath on that woman, she was dead to us.

After we got back from the Hamptons a couple of weekends ago, I laid it all out for him. I would’ve carried this burden, but some things a man needed to know. His mother, the carrion-consuming vulture being one of them. When I called him from New York and shared my suspicion that Con had known about Tal and Tack living in California all those years, he said he was done with her. Gave me full rein to do whatever the hell I wanted. When he learned she was part of the blackmail that kept Tal away, he declared her dead. It sucked seeing that bitch slice him open again. She never deserved the title of mother. And as far as Chase was concerned, she not only lost Kimi, but him as well. This was irreparable. I offered to go toe-to-toe, let him work it out, because that’s what you do for family, but Chase shocked the hell out of me and opted for a good old fashion boys’ night out instead, claiming we were getting too old. A bottle of Patron and a six-pack of shit the bartender graciously sent our way kept us there to close. When I found the strength to pry my eyes open late the next afternoon, I begged to differ on the age reference. Beating the shit out of each other seemed like the better way—even at our age. We decided to take our chances back in the ring in the future.

Talia kicked my shin, not so lightly I might add, keeping me from zoning out. Shit. Another pointy heel to the shin reminded me how much it sucked the first time. Tal was spending too much time with Sierra. She ignored my dirty look and mouthed, ask him what time?

“Dude, what time are you inviting us again? Tal’s being a pain in the ass, I mean shin.” That shit hurt. I only spoke the truth. Her lips moved with Aw poor baby while she simultaneously rolled her eyes again.

We heard Chase yell through the phone, “Blue, what time tonight?” Pause, Lil matched his scream, coming through loud and clear, “Five-thirty.”

“Heard her, sounds good. Looks like good weather, probably no chance of bus accidents or ruptured aneurysms or anything, right?”

“No, dick. I’m manning the grill. Why? You bailing?” If I didn’t know better, he sounded nervous too. Actually I did know better, he was nervous. “Way Lil talks about him, sounds a lot like Kim, sounds like a good kid.” Solidly confirmed chicken shit.

Tal bit her lip and wiggled off my desk, she heard it in his voice too. Taking the closest chair, she crossed her legs and unconsciously began to bop her foot. Shit, rambling, now bopping, she was definitely nervous. However, I was stuck on the fact that she moved. And I liked her on my desk. Mental note: we were posing for the camera today. I needed a TP pic front and center when I couldn’t have the real thing.

“He’s a great kid. But do me a favor, relax, man. It’s a barbeque. Bad enough Tack’s got to see what he’s gonna look like in twenty years. Let the shock of the grey hair settle in before you spook him with your laidback personality.” Grey hair might have been a cheap shot, but my personality dig wasn’t too far off from a little salt and pepper variety. Just saying.

“Ass,” he grunted.

Tal’s nervous face faded and she smiled. Then she whispered something about dessert?