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“Very subtle, Ace. Not. I changed my name for professional reasons … only.” Really, so she wasn’t married? “Anyway, why are you calling me? We bump into each other after a million years and now you’re a stalker? I’m in the middle of office hours.”

“Well, you see, Doctor, I have this rash and it’s in a place where, well you know, that place and I think I need an expert to—you know, examine it, maybe take a closer look, make sure I’m not contagious. You have any available appointments? I could be on the next flight out.”

“God, you never change-” She squeaked out in between bouts of laughter. “How’d I make it all these years without my Asher Evan Craig?”

Did she just say my? I’m such a sap.

“Don’t know, TP, but now that I found you you’re stuck with me and all my humor.”

“Says who?” Her suddenly very light voice got serious. “Listen, I’d love to catch up more, but I have patients waiting. I have to go.”

Click. She hung up on me. I hit redial. She wasn’t ready for our reunion, but unfortunately she had no choice. I was more than ready to dive in.

“La Jolla Dermatology, how may I help you?”

“Yes, I was just speaking with Dr. Pryce about a very urgent matter and our line got disconnected.”

“Please hold, sir.” Cue annoying advertisement. “Mr. Craig?”

“Yes.” She knew it was me. I smiled.

“Dr. Pryce wanted me to take down all of your contact information and she will call you when she finishes with her patients for the day.”

Score. One point: Ace. Even. It could have been embarrassing, good thing I was alone in my office. Now I looked like a Cheshire cat.

Chapter 3


She made me wait three days. Three whole days. Was I a girl or what? And when that text came through Friday evening, damn did she prove she knew exactly what she was doing to me. Worth the wait? Those three words had me so fucking flustered I was damn near ready to cancel my date, especially when the second text said, who’s the lucky girl you’re wining and dining? She reclaimed her title after all these years of Master of Pushing My Buttons. She rocked it back in the day and it was obvious she hadn’t lost her touch. Two points: Talia.

So when I finally texted her back I skipped over the date part and went with Girls. As in multiple. Five to be exact. I knew she probably had no clue what I meant. And I was sure she probably didn’t give two shits whether I had a fuck buddy or five. For all she knew I had a serious girlfriend or a fiancée, shit, I could have been married with four kids. The Wall Street Douche didn’t let us get that far. I hated that he knew her.

I walked into my living room and picked up the one and only framed snapshot I had of the four of us. Damn, we were young. And so happy. The candid photo captured our innocence. We were laughing like we did ninety percent of the time we were together. We had just rocked our first really big gig in The Village. Chase and Kimi had their guitars slung over their shoulders, I was twirling my drumstick, and Talia was smashed between Chase and me looking sweaty and sexy. With no cares in the world, we defined the word invincible. We lived for the moment. I have—fortunately or unfortunately—never stopped. My motto, good or bad, was live every day like it was your last. Because, it could be.

I placed the wood frame back on my shelf and slunk down into my couch. We had made it through that set without any mishaps, planned or not, that night. The following gig, not so much. I laughed out loud, breaking the thick melancholic silence around me. I would never forget that night. Sitting behind my drums doing my thing, Talia spun on her heel, her mischievous grin lighting up the dim set. We knew what was coming. Third song in our line-up, Chase had a guitar solo, and without fail, he made his way to the front of the stage. Same path every time, methodical even then. This time his pedal got moved ever so slightly and he went flying right off the stage face first. Not exactly our intention, but damn was that shit hilarious. Talia doubled over and laughed so hard tears streamed down her pretty face. Luckily he didn’t get hurt, just busted his ego, and deservedly so. He started off the evening being a demanding dick. Typical bossy bullshit. Talia and I decided we had enough and payback could be a bitch. Surprisingly, to this damn day Chase had no idea we caused the whole scene. TP and her pinky swears. I lost count on what we were taking to our graves. Too bad she didn’t trust me when it counted.

I went on my Friday night date but strayed from following my motto. Instead of partying it up, I spent the night stalking my phone for a text back, intermixed with some dancing. The whole time my head was buried in her long hair, I wished I were smelling jasmine and mint. Pretty sure the only reason I screwed the blonde from Chase and Lili’s wedding band again was because she reminded me of Talia. And when she hummed something sexy in my ear while we were banging, all I heard was Talia’s voice. How effed was that? I couldn’t help myself. Talia had a killer voice. Not only was she our lead singer, but she also wrote and composed most of our songs. And most importantly, she was never afraid to leave it all on the stage. Her raw passion seeped from her soul and infiltrated everyone around her.

I was fucked. Royally screwed. Something had to give. I didn’t do this. I didn’t pine. Hell no.

“Unkie Ashy Unkie Ashy, what tooks you so long?” My three-year-old niece attacked me at the front door.

“She’s been waiting by the window for you all freaking day. You’d think I’d told her Santa was coming. I should’ve waited to tell her, but damn, did that window prove to be a fantastic babysitter.” My youngest sister got on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek.

“Unkie Ashy, you haft to see my new baby, hers poops and pees.”

My sister Avery shrugged and rolled her eyes. “I don’t know, ask your sister Molly, she didn’t want the crappy doll at her house anymore so now it’s at mine.”

No pun intended. I laughed and followed her into the kitchen with my niece super-glued to my leg.

“Come up here, baby, give me a kiss.” I unwrapped Emma from my leg and dragged her up my body for a quick peck. “You go get that doll, I’ve got to see this.” Back on her feet, she scampered down the hall.

“Where is everyone? No way I’m the first one here.” It was usually bustling by the time I arrived. Usually late, but I made it, every third Saturday. We pretty much stuck to it. One of my sisters typically hosted now that our parents were older. Since I was the only one traveling and they lived within a five-mile radius of each other, it didn’t really matter which house. My parents hightailed it out of Manhattan the day my dad retired, which happened to be a week after his diagnosis two years ago.

“Everyone’s out back. We just got one of those cool chimeneas. Drew started a fire. But, he may’ve just taken the guys to the basement to look at some stupid tool. Mom and Dad aren’t here yet. Come get a drink.”

My cell vibrated inside my jacket pocket.

78 and sunny

Just sayin

Who needs 78 and sunny

when u can hold a doll that shits itself

What?! Do I want to know?

Sounds like u need 78 and sunny

Maybe I do

And nothing. Shit.

“Who ya texting?” My oldest sister Molly was the biggest nag of them all.

“Hi Moll, nice to see you too.”