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“She’s not here, baby.”

“Yes, she is. Hers is here. I have her. I have Barbie.” She jumped around waving her little arms. “Hers is here.”

“Come here, come here, you silly girl. I need to give the birthday girl a big kiss. Did Mommy let you open the present I sent you?”

“Yes,” she shouted and spun around again.

“What did Uncle Asher get you, Emma? You didn’t tell me!” God forbid Grandma wasn’t in the know.

“A huge,” she spread her arms as wide as they would go, “Barbie castle and it even fits Unkie Ashy’s Barbie. Yeah!” She twirled again and ran out of the room.

“Where are you going, darling? Stay here.” My mom went to chase after the little bugger.

I waved her down. “I’ll go, you stay with Dad.”

I followed the pitter patter down the long hall and into one of the guest rooms, now turned playroom.

“Here hers is. See. Hers is here. Unkie Ashy’s Barbie is the most beautiful Barbie ever.”

There in her little hand was a Barbie. But it wasn’t just any old Barbie. This Barbie was securely fastened to a bright pink wheelchair with sparkly silver rims. “Momma said her name is Becky. I don’t call her Becky. I like to call her Teeps.”

“What do you mean you’re not coming? It’s opening day.” Lil was hard to say no to, especially when she talked hockey.

“I don’t know, gorgeous. I’ve got a shitload of work to catch up on. Not making any promises.” I wasn’t lying. I had two months worth, to be exact, and I wasn’t promising anything. Who knew how the hell I’d be feeling in six hours? Each day without Tal was its own shit-show.

“Ash, I’m not taking no for an answer, you love the Bruins as much as I do. You got us the box! And you’re not gonna come?”

“Tarzan bought you the box. And I said I’d try.” Somewhere along the line Tara and Avery got bumped down, and Lil assumed position right behind Molly on the pain-in-my-ass scale.

“Maybe in theory, and I love him for it, but we both know he’s lucky he knows there’s a puck involved. I know you picked it out. Besides … Tack and Paige are coming.”

Not cool, she was fighting dirty. And Tack was too stubborn to admit he was struggling with Tal’s decision. It would be good to see him. Even if it was only two weeks ago, I still missed the kid.

“Fine. I’ll be there.” I hung up, pissed that I caved so easily.

Twenty minutes after face-off I strolled into the arena, straight from the office and still in my suit. The crude smell of the ice mixed with tap beer failed to affect me for some reason. I was here to make an appearance, check in with Tack, and get the hell home. I wasn’t feeling it. In fact, I wasn’t feeling much of anything since Tal left.

Lil’s executive suite was on the sixth floor past the Lounge, a scene beyond scenes. “Asher Craig, is that you, stranger?” A familiar voice called after me. I turned around and smiled, my gentleman kicking into gear. “Yeah, I’d know that killer smile anywhere.”

Angie or was it Andie? Shit.

“How’ve you been?” In this situation I usually went straight for the cheek kiss. I opted for the fake hug.

She sipped her red wine, swiped her side bangs, and batted her seriously long lashes. She was prettier than I remembered. Auburn red hair, dark emerald eyes, and a rack that would make any dick twitch.

“Busy, business is finally taking off. In fact, I could probably use a little representation, if you’re interested.” The way she folded her arms, careful not to spill her wine, propping her already bountiful cleavage in my face, I doubted she was asking for help with her… “Remember I’m a personal shopper. I have several girls working for me now.”

“Right. Sure, call the firm, one of my associates would be happy to help you out.”

“What? I’m not worthy of your attention?” She seductively licked her full lips and I realized how easy it would be to take her home and fuck her seven ways from Sunday. Wouldn’t even need to waste the cab ride or miss the game, there were a dozen private bathrooms on this level. It would definitely be a way to snap me out of this funk. After all, Tal left me, gave up on us. Tal.

“Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure I owe you an apology, counselor. I never meant to stand you up that night. Of course I know where you live.” She repeated my text response. “I got a little caught up, you know how that happens sometimes, I’m sure I can make it up to you.”

Holy shit, I hit send after all. That was the night Tal came to my apartment and clarified everything. The night she taught me what true courage was, the night I learned what it meant to fight for someone’s love. Could I be any more of a moron? If Angie/Andie showed up when Tal was over, it could have changed everything. Scratch that, it would have ruined it all. The trust that I had worked so hard to gain from Tal would’ve been gone. We would have never gotten to where we were today. Wait. Where were we today? We weren’t, that’s right. She wasn’t here. She wasn’t fighting our battle. She ran, pouring more and more acid on my gaping wound with each passing day. I was fucked.

I politely said goodnight before I fucked myself further, literally. Not that I had any interest in what Ann was offering (just easier to lump her name). She wasn’t Tal. End of story.

“You made it!” Lil squealed and attacked my side. “We scored and you missed it. How amazing is this place. Thank you so much! Let me buy you a shot.”

My mood might have been rancid, but Lil’s enthusiasm was infectious. “Gorgeous, food and drink are included.”

“Whatever, party pooper.” Oh lord, she was half lit. I scanned the room, taking inventory. “He’s not here. Go ahead, one guess … yep, shocker, he’s stuck at the hospital.” Something was off, Lil never complained about Chase’s crazy hours, if anything she raved about his commitment to his patients. I’d have to deal with that in a few because out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tack at the far end of the suite helping Paige with her coat.

“Whoa, bud, where you headed?” I lifted my chin. “Third period hasn’t even started.” Tal and I were screwed up, but I wasn’t prepared for any awkwardness with Tack. He gave me nothing. Shit, I was losing him too.

“No, Mr. Craig. It’s my fault. I have a sorority mixer tonight, we’re already late.” Paige was the furthest thing from a sorority chick, reminded me of someone else I knew who was always full of surprises. I couldn’t help but smile. Tack had great taste. “I’ll wait for you outside, Tack. Night, Mr. Craig,” she said, politely tipping up and I kissed her cheek.


“Right.” Her slight blush and genuine smile told me she wasn’t using my first name anytime soon. Her expression for Tack said a whole hell of a lot more. He really was lucky to have her.

I was done wasting time so I spit out, “How are you doing? You talk to her?” Tal wasn’t answering my calls or returning my texts. I was sure the rehab center was keeping her very busy, but I knew she wouldn’t go a day without some form of contact with Tack.

“Yeah, she says she’s doing okay. Wanted me to let you know she got all the gifts you sent for her birthday.” The messenger who dropped them confirmed receipt, that wasn’t what I wanted to know. I needed some insight into what was going on in her head. Tack knew full well what I was looking for. He snaked his hands in his pockets and said, “She’s more worried about you.”