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A thick lump formed in my throat as I blinked away the sting in my eyes. My heart drilled against my ribs, spinning in complete three sixties. This was the moment of truth, a battle I wasn’t willing to lose.

God, it had been too long. Way too long. I walked up alongside her chair, casting a shadow along her gorgeous body. Her thin frame looked even more defined if that was even possible, covered only by a tiny black triangle bikini top and a matching sarong. I focused on every single ab that was staring back at me, and fuck me, if I didn’t want to run my tongue across all six of them. Her hair was pulled up off her face in a high ponytail and she was radiating a sun-kissed glow. Her eyes were covered by her shades but I could tell they were closed and her breathing was even. She stole my breath away; she was stunning. A quick ripple of jealousy rolled through me knowing every asshole at this place had probably appreciated her beauty and gawked at what’s mine. What I could only hope was still mine.

I smothered that question, not willing to dwell on the past. It couldn’t be changed, but I’d be damned if I lost one more second of our now. Not wanting to wake her peaceful nap, I rounded the other side and reclined in the adjacent chaise. I waited.

“Hey, you.” Her voice was the music my world had been missing for too many weeks. Her choice of words melted my heart.

“Hey, you,” I said back. Because she was my you.

She turned her face so her cheek rested on the pillow-topped lounger and her eyes found mine. “You shouldn’t squint, Ace, you know it causes wrinkles.” Her lips curved into a life altering smile and the burn that took up residence in my chest twenty-nine days ago evaporated. I grinned so big I wouldn’t be surprised if the stretch was permanent, just like that damn cat. “What took you so long?”

Her whispered words barely left her lips and I was up and kneeling beside her. I entwined our hands and brought them to my mouth, silently praying this was real, that I was getting my woman back. Hope coursed through my bounding veins and I could barely control my breathing. I had a million things to say, so much to explain. But I knew I needed to win back her trust first. She needed to understand she was my everything. I rehearsed my grovel all last night and the five hour flight this morning and in the end I spoke straight from my heart.

“I love you. God, I love you so much.” These were the only words that seemed important. The only words that mattered.

I leaned up and thumbed her cheeks and she lifted her sunglasses so I could see her eyes. They were molten and glistening. “Show me,” she breathed.

“I’m gonna kiss you now, it’s gonna be slow and soft and then it’s gonna be hard and hungry. There’s a good chance I’m never gonna stop.” I hoped those words sounded familiar. I watched as her chest froze and her jaw opened, inviting me in. My mouth descended on hers like it was the first time and the million times after knowing that these lips were never not gonna be mine. She tasted better than I remembered, mint and sweet, soft and warm, she tasted like … home. The only reason I stopped was when her tears wet my thumbs. I pulled back slightly and pressed my forehead against hers.

“Teeps, you’ve got to promise me something,” I uttered against her lips, trying to slow my ragged breath. “Next time I fuck up and you decide you need to fix us, please—don’t leave. I’m gonna trust you to knock some sense into me instead. I won’t survive that hell again. I don’t want to. I know you said it to me and you definitely showed me, but I was too blind to see and too deaf to hear, but you were right. We’ve got one shot at this. Only one. And without you, without us, it all means nothing.”

She swallowed back her quiet sob and whispered, “Pinky swear.”

And I breathed, a huge deep cleansing breath. The first one since the night of the accident. This right here, right now was the start of our new chapter.

“Damn, I missed that sassy mouth, I missed this face, I missed you. You’re going to kill me, you know that?”

Her tiny smirk told me she knew exactly what she was doing to me. She blinked back the remains of her tears and not only was her gaze full of love, but I saw desire. Oh hell yeah. She repeated her wish, “Show me.”

My woman didn’t need to ask twice. I glanced around searching for her chair, screw it, I’d come back later, she needed to be in my arms. I scooped her up and she instinctively wrapped around my neck, resting her head on my chest. My heart jackhammered against her ear, there was no way she could miss it. I squeezed her tighter, wanting her closer. Her warmth seeped into my skin, causing desire to course through my vessels—every single one … the swell was uncontrollable.

“Where are we going? Please say your suite is in this building?” I groaned. With each step I prayed I wouldn’t lose it. It had been way too long. Then again a premature release would give me time to focus on her every need. I was willing to take the hit to my manhood, if it meant I could concentrate on loving my Tal.

She giggled against my neck when the elevator door closed. I was so excited I forgot to ask what floor. “Third floor, three eleven.” She read my mind. Didn’t matter though, I could have carried her back to Boston I was so pumped. I’d carry her forever. With her squirming in my arms and kissing my neck I was practically running down the hall. By the time I jimmied the handle I was ready to crawl out of my skin. Locked. Son of a bitch, her key card had to be in her wheelchair back by the pool.

“Shit,” I muttered beneath my breath. Come on, could you blame me? I was starved to have my woman naked and beneath me. I needed to love her, feel close to her, and be inside her, however possible. And I wasn’t about to wait a second longer.

I was ready to stalk back when Tal said, “I’ve got the card.”

Thank you. Relief must have washed across my face because she gave me another knowing smirk. But I was confused. She was in a small ass bikini—which only continued to add to my frenzied state—and her hands were now palming my cheeks. Where the hell was the card?

“Ace, put me down.”

“Where? I’m not putting you on this floor. What do you mean?” I questioned, staring into her beautiful milk chocolate eyes. Then it hit me like a ten-ton brick, squeezing every molecule of air from my lungs to the point my heart physically ached. I could have sobbed. How did I not see it? Crossed feet. How did I not feel it? Squirming. The golf ball-sized knot in my throat made it impossible to speak.

“It’s okay, put me down,” she whispered through a cascade of tears.

“Teeps.” My voice cracked as my own eyes pooled and spilled over. There was no stopping the floodgates. What was the point? “Are you sure?” I barely uttered as I felt my arms begin to tremble. I was terrified to let her down, to let her stand—what if she fell? My heart would be shredded.

“I can’t wait to show you.” She beamed through her wet face. Her smile gave me the strength I needed to place her bare feet on the ground. I realized in that moment that if she fell, she’d get back up, she always did. She was strong enough to handle it and always had been. And holy hell, did I love her that much more.

I lowered her to the floor and she braced her arm against the door jamb. She straightened her back and legs and started to giggle. Shock and elation rocketed over me. Hell, my legs were shaking so hard it wouldn’t have been surprising if they were the ones to give out. I had no words. None. Months of praying and hoping for a miracle and it was standing in front of me.