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“That’s where you’re wrong. I do have a choice. I have a little more self-respect then whoring myself out at some creepy man’s brothel so I don’t have to live sad paycheck to sad paycheck.”

“Is that why you get paid for sex by Rex Titan?”

I was pretty sure the man just sucker punched me because I was gasping for air trying to figure out how the hell the man knew about Rex.

I pointed at him and said, “You’re a sick fuck, you know that? Get another hobby and stop stalking innocent girls. Fucking creep.”

I got up from my seat and grabbed my purse. The stupid asshat could find another girl. I was over it.

“The offer stands until midnight, Goldie.”

I turned around and looked him in the eyes as I said, “You can take your offer and shove it up your dick hole. See ya, psycho.”

Chapter Seven

“Turn Down For What”


Kace had yet to call me about his meeting with Goldie. I didn’t know what was taking so long. It should have been an easy transaction. He should have called me ten minutes ago to give me the go ahead to cut all her ties with Kitten’s Castle, take control over her bank account and get her moved into the club as soon as possible, but instead, I waited in my office, looking out the window at the tops of the trees that lined the street.

Goldie’s room was ready, her lingerie was designed and sitting on her bed, waiting for her arrival and the other girls had been informed. I just needed her to agree to come on board.

There was a light knock at my office door. The only person it could be would be was Kace because the girls were not allowed on the third floor, unless invited to the Bourbon Room.

“Come in,” I said without turning my chair.

I heard Kace approach and sit in the chair across from my desk.

“Well?” I asked.

“She told me to stick my offer up my dick hole.”

A small smile spread across my face from the foul-mouthed little one. She was going to be a hellion…that was for sure. I could tell from the first moment I saw her.

I turned slowly in my chair to face Kace, who was not amused. “Why did she say no?”

Kace shrugged his shoulders. “She thinks you’re some kind of psycho creep who needs to pay off women to get some ass, as she so eloquently put it.” Kace ran his hand through his hair.

“Wow, thanks for painting me like a giant douche. What did you tell her?”

“I gave her the basic spiel, nothing different.”

“Did you tell her about the education she’ll earn and how I will take care of her debt? Did you mention that this is to better her life?”

“Yeah, but I think she’s damaged, you know? She doesn’t really trust anyone and why should she trust us? She doesn’t know what we do here. She thinks it’s some kind of horny man brothel.”

“Damn it, Kace. What the fuck did you tell her? It seems to me like you made the Lafayette Club sound like it’s worse than Kitten’s Castle.”

“Dude, it’s not the club that bothered her.”

“Then what…”

“It was the submission.”

I sat back in my chair as I observed Kace. For some reason, I had a feeling he didn’t paint me in the best of light to Goldie and I didn’t know why.

“Did you tell her it was forced submission? Because it’s not. The only reason a Jett Girl submits to me is if she wants to be taken care of in the bedroom, if they need to be pleased. The reason I don’t allow outside relationships is because I don’t want their safety to be at risk. These are high powered men who come into the club, if they found out the identity of the girls, they would do pretty much anything to get them into bed, to take advantage of them. I’ve seen it before, obviously not at my club, but I have seen it other places.”

“I fucking know!”

My eyes bored holes through Kace’s smug face. “Then why the hell did you not tell her that?”

“She’s not it for you, man. She’s not Jett Girl material.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“She doesn’t have class like the other girls. She won’t ever submit to you. She’s too strong willed and stubborn to follow the rules around here. She’s trouble.”

“She needs help, Kace. That is why I started this club, to help girls like her who have no choice but to sell their bodies. Girls who are drowning in debt and need a bright light at the end of their dark tunnel…”

“Don’t bullshit me. This is about Rex and Natasha and don’t fucking tell me differently. Since the minute you found out about Rex and Goldie, you’ve made it your mission to make her a Jett Girl.”

Anger started to seep through my veins at Kace’s accusation. He had no clue what he was talking about. He didn’t know about the first time I ever saw Goldie and to hell if I was going to tell him. He didn’t need to know that; he was already overstepping his boundaries.

“I suggest you mind your own fucking business and do as asked. You are way out of line right now. I am a forgiving man, but another outburst like that and you will find your sorry ass out on the streets fighting your own damn fight. Don’t forget what I am doing for you. They are still looking for the guy and I have a good amount of evidence that would convict you.”

Kace’s bravado instantly deflated from my words. That was much better.

“I told her she had until midnight to make up her mind.”

“Get Reggie on her.”


I held up my hand to stop him. “Get Reggie to take care of it, Kace.”

“That will crush her.”

“She needs a little crushing in order to see that we really are her only choice. Make the call.”

Kace blew out a frustrated breath. “Where do you want it?”

“She’ll be at the cemetery now; make sure it’s after she’s done there.”

“How do you know she’ll be there?”

I picked up my pen and started signing documents for some real estate I just purchased around the city.

“You’re excused.”

I didn’t look back up at him because I knew what I would see, a very seething Kace and I wasn’t in the mood to look at his defiance. He was already grating on my nerves.

My office door shut, letting me know that he was no longer in my presence. I leaned back in my chair and thought about the club. We were due for a new girl, especially since Babs was on her way out, which she told me the other night after a very rousing sexual experience.

Babs was always able to get me off without any trouble. Sometimes Pepper could be a stubborn little bitch when it came to submitting to me. She preferred to have a more equal hand in the play room, a struggle I had experienced with her ever since she became a Jett Girl. She really liked to push my buttons and if I were honest, when I wanted a little push back, if I wanted to slap some ass, I always called on Pepper because I could really plow myself into her and punish her with my dick and she didn’t have a problem taking every last inch of my pounding.

The thought of Pepper pushing back against me aroused my cock. I looked down at the clock and saw that I would have plenty of time to play before Goldie entered the club.

I sent Kace a quick text.

Jett: Send Pepper to the Bourbon Room. 

I grabbed one of my signature play cards, wrote out exactly how I wanted her and walked it over to the Bourbon Room, which was on the same floor as my office and bedroom. The Bourbon Room was the only room the girls were allowed to be in on my floor and only when invited. Other than that, they were not allowed anywhere near the third floor. It was my sanctuary, my place to look over my club and the place where I conducted all of my business.

Once I set the card on the table in the middle of the room, I turned to my bedroom to undress. I planned on fucking Pepper raw and then getting ready for Goldie’s welcoming, even though I would be watching from afar.