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We both ran our orgasms out and when we finally were able to release all the tension that built up in our bodies, I flipped the lever so Pepper was right side up again. I untied her and pulled her into my arms. I brought her over to one of the many benches that lined the wall of the room and wrapped a robe around her. I stood in front of her as she looked up at me with her deep blue eyes.

“You pleased me very much tonight, Pepper. Thank you.”

“Anything for you, Jett.”

Just what I liked, a willing submissive. I smiled at her and left the room. It was time to get some sleep.

Chapter Eleven

“Hit It”


The warm morning sun beamed down on my body as I slowly woke up from one of the best night’s rests of my life. I really didn’t know a bed could make that much of a difference in a good night’s sleep, but damn was I wrong. The bed was so damn comfortable that I didn’t even want to move.

The smell of rich coffee floated through my room, making me sit up to see where the smell was coming from. My hair was strewn across my face as I looked through the room. I pushed it to the side and was startled when I saw Kace sitting in a chair next to a wheeled-in cart of food.

When I looked him in the eyes, they were burning with…desire?

That was when I remembered I like to sleep naked. I knew I should cover up as quickly as possible, but I couldn’t help but flaunt my body when a man was staring at me with such heat lacing his eyes.

“Good morning,” I said, while giving him a sleepy smile.

“Are you going to cover yourself up?”

“Why would I do that when you are clearly enjoying the show?”

Kace looked down at his coffee and cleared his throat. “Put something on, Goldie.”

God, he was such a grouch.

I threw my robe on, well the robe that was given to me, and sauntered over to the cart where there was another chair for me waiting to be sat in. I crossed my leg just to show off an expanse of skin to drive the man crazy. Ever since I met him, he grated my nerves and if I could torture him a little, I would.

He glanced down at my leg before looking back up.

“I thought you got laid last night,” I said, while grabbing a croissant and shoving it down my face. The buttery, flaky pastry melted in my mouth, making me moan from the delight. I grabbed another and started chewing on it, in a more ladylike manner this time.

“I did,” Kace said, as he watched me inhale the French bread.

“Then why are you so grumpy?”

“I’m not.”

I paused before I shoved another piece of croissant in my mouth. “So, you’re telling me this is how you act all the time? Damn, I wouldn’t want to piss you off.”

“Glad you realized that. Now let’s get down to business.”

Kace pulled out a folder from behind him and placed it on the cart. I licked my fingers clean, took a big gulp of the smoothest coffee that ever hit my tongue and grabbed the folder. I crossed my legs Indian style, making sure to push my robe in front of my Britney and opened the folder.

“That is your contract. Read it carefully and sign the bottom.”

“Ugh, that’s too much reading. Can’t you just explain everything to me?”

Kace rolled his eyes and cleared the cart so we could both look at the contract together. He scooted his chair closer to mine and I got a good whiff of his cologne. I was pretty sure my lady folds just screamed in excitement from the scent radiating off of the moody man.

Damn him.

“Alright, we already discussed the attire and restrictions about having to wear masks around the house. If you leave the house, you are to be fully clothed and you need to leave through the back, never the front. I will show you the back entrance later.”

“Oh, will you?” I asked, while wiggling my eyebrows.

Kace ignored my innuendo and continued. “Every first Monday of the month all the Jett Girls go for their monthly cleaning.”

“As in the dentist? I thought it was every six months. Is this Jett guy some sort of clean teeth freak?”

Kace ran his fingers over his eyebrows and then looked at me. “Can you keep the snarky comments to yourself? Otherwise it’s going to take us for fucking ever to get through this thing.”

“You’re going to have to give me the number of that redhead because, clearly, she didn’t fuck you good enough.”

Once again, Kace ignored me and continued. I found it rather enjoyable to see how far I could push him.

“A Jett Girl cleaning is when you go to get tested, waxed from head to toe, hair and nails done and refill your birth control. Although, at first you will have to get waxed more often, but we will put you on a schedule.”

I held up my hand, “Wait, tested? Birth Control?”

“We want to make sure that you don’t have any STD’s and getting pregnant is not an option.”

“I understand that, but every month?”

“It’s non-negotiable.”

“Fine, but you can tell Jett I’m on my own birth control.”

“Not anymore. You will be on the same birth control as the other girls, where you don’t get your period for three months.”

“Well, isn’t that nice,” I said sarcastically.

Kace flipped the page. “Like I said before, at the café, no other man is allowed to touch you, ever. This is for your protection and for Jett. He doesn’t like to share.”

“But we all have to share him?” I asked with a quizzical eyebrow.

“Yes,” Kace said matter-of-factly, as if the whole set up wasn’t weird at all. “The club members are allowed to look at you all they want, but never touch. They are allowed to request a lap dance, but their hands are tied or pushed to the side for your protection. Any lap dance you get, you get paid for and the money is put into your personal account. Any show or night you work, you get all the money that is earned, split amongst the girls. Jett doesn’t take any cut. You are the ones working; you are the ones earning the money.”

“Okay….” I drawled out. “So how does Jett make any money? How does he afford all of this?” I asked while waving my arms about the room.

A smirk crossed Kace’s, face but quickly vanished. “He doesn’t need the money, Goldie; he owns half of New Orleans. The club is for the girls, to get you off the streets and on the track to a new start.”


Okay, so even though this Jett guy seemed like a total control freak, he was actually kind of a good guy in a weird kind of way. No matter what I thought about him, I would be giving him whatever he wanted because, after two of the most delicious croissants my tongue has ever tasted and a night of pure blissful sleep, I was ready to sign away my life so I never returned to the old me.

“Do you have any tattoos?”

“No,” I said matter-of-factly.

“Good, we like to keep any telltale signs of who you are hidden.”

“Hence the mask and wigs.”

He ignored my comment.

“If you want to leave the house, you must clear it through me first. The Jett Girl schedule is hectic a lot of the time, so spontaneous trips out of the house are not welcomed. You have workout sessions in the morning, trainings and choreography throughout the day and presentations at night.”

“Is that what you call them? Presentations?”

“Yes, you are presenting your body for the club members and that is it. Jett also watches, but you will never see him, which brings me to my next point.”


“If you please Jett that night with your presentation, he will call you up to the Bourbon Room.”

“The Bourbon Room? What the hell is that, do we go get drunk there?”

“No, all the rooms in the house are named after streets in the French Quarter. Jett was born and raised in New Orleans and loves to represent his hometown in any way possible, hence the masks, the purple touches, the décor and then of course the room names.”