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“What does purple have to do with anything?”

Kace ran his hand through his hair. “I thought you were from here? Jesus, purple is one of the Mardi Gras colors. It means justice.”

“What does justice have to do with anything?”

“Can we stick to the contract, please?” Kace asked, while looking to my side. I realized my robe had fallen, showing off a good amount of my shoulder. I fixed my robe and he continued.

“The Bourbon Room is where Jett pleases his girls.”

“Also known as fucks their brains out?”

Kace shrugged. “Honestly, I have no clue. I’ve never been in there and one of the number one rules about the Bourbon Room is whatever happens in there, never leaves the walls. You are not to talk about your experience in the Bourbon Room with the other Jett Girls because Jett doesn’t want to create jealousy amongst the girls. The relationship he has with each girl is different.”

I shrugged my shoulders, “Fair enough.”

“I will tell you this, Jett will never touch you unless you give him consent. If he calls you up and you are not ready or not in the mood, you wait for him and tell him ‘I’m not ready to submit tonight.’”

“Just like that? And he won’t touch me.”

“Yes, he is a man of his word. He believes in consensual sex and nothing else. Also, if he does call you up, there will always be directions on a card waiting for you. The card will tell you exactly what to do and how to prepare for him.”

“Sooo, if I’m catching your drift here, he has a kinky side.”


I nodded my head. “Good to know. I do enjoy a good spanking.”

Kace smirked again and turned back to the pages. “As discussed before, you are to get an education while you are here. We have tutors come in to teach the girls and help them earn a degree that will carry them through life after they are no longer a Jett Girl. These tutors will show up in between presentations and workouts. Some of the girls also take online courses. Education won’t be available until you are an official Jett Girl, but it is something to think about while you are in training. Once you’re ready…meaning you have finished your degree or accomplished your goals and Jett thinks you’re ready, then you are able to leave and move on. You will leave with a plentiful bank account that will help you through any endeavor you please and Jett will always be there in case you need help. The only time he will turn away from you is if he senses you are using him. He doesn’t take kindly to manipulators and users.”

“I think I can handle that. Anything else?” I asked, while eyeing another croissant, but I knew it would not look good on my part if Kace was talking about working out and I was shoving my face full of buttery croissants.

“You are on probation right now. You will learn all the choreography, but until you are flawless, you will be serving drinks to all the club members. As a server, the members know you are not allowed to give lap dances, so don’t try to entice them. Lap dances are taken very seriously in the club because it is the one connection the members have with the girls. Until you know the fine art of a lap dance and how to get a man to come in his pants just from you straddling him, you are not permitted to give any. Got it?” Kace said with a rough voice.

“Yeah, Jesus. You don’t have to get all crazy on me. No lap dances until you think I’m ready. Although, I can tell you right now, I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to teach me anything I don’t already know.”

“We’ll see about that. You have a lot to learn.”

“Funny, because I worked in a strip club for nine years.”

“As a waitress. You haven’t performed; it’s completely different.”

I looked Kace up and down and felt a pang of hurt run through my body. He was very negative when it came to my abilities and frankly, I didn’t like it. I loved sex, I ached for sex and I thrived in moments where I could turn a powerful man into a puddle just from my body. I knew my thoughts went against every feminist in the world but, to me, there was something so powerful about being able to use my body to control a man; it was enthralling.

“Whatever. Is that it?”

“For now, yes.”

“Great. Where do I sign?”

“There is also a privacy clause. You are not to speak about what happens in the club or who you see at any point in time. If you break this clause, then you are subject to a lawsuit and we both know you can’t afford that.”

I sarcastically smirked at him as he looked all high and mighty.

“So, you’re okay with everything? Even not being able to be with any other men?”

I looked Kace in the eyes and said, “I know you think of me as some cheap whore Jett found on Bourbon Street, but I do have some morals and, if I sign a contract that says no other men and keeping my mouth shut, then I honor that.”

Kace just looked at me and handed me a pen, not taking his eyes off of mine. I didn’t get this guy at all. There were times where I swore he wanted to eat me alive with his eyes, but there were other times where he acted like he was too good to even be in the same room as me. He was a puzzle that I was a little interested in solving.

I took the pen and signed my pussy away to Jett. I just prayed as I signed that he had a giant cock and was an animal in bed because after being used to getting fucked raw by Rex Titan, there were going to be big shoes to fill.

Kace grabbed the papers, put them back in the folder and then got up from his chair.

“You are under my watch now. I am the manager of the Jett Girls, so if I tell you to be somewhere, make sure your ass is on time. You got it?”

“That will be pleasant,” I said sarcastically.

Kace reached into his pocket and handed me a brand new iPhone. “This your new phone, your schedule is automatically updated in it. I took the liberty of transferring all your contacts, pictures and apps to your new phone, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

I grabbed the phone hastily as I stood up. “That is an invasion of privacy!”

“I didn’t look at anything, so relax.” Kace looked through the folder one last time and then swore. “Shit, I almost forgot. Every girl in the house has a Jett Girl name that they go by once they sign the contract. This is to fully protect you. Jett assigns the name for each girl. Your Jett Girl name is Lo.”

“Lo?” I asked, almost disgusted. “He couldn’t think of anything better?”

“He has his reasons. Get your ass in the shower and meet me in the main entryway for your tour in thirty minutes. Don’t forget your mask and attire.”

“I know!” I said, like a petulant child.

Kace was about to exit the door when he turned in the doorway and looked at me. “Oh and by the way, Lo, you have zero privacy here.”

With that, Kace walked out the room, leaving me to think, what did I just get myself into?

Chapter Twelve



Surprisingly, the mask that was required wasn’t annoying to wear. I really thought I was going to want to take it off in the first five minutes, but the inner lining of the mask was silk, so it made the feel of it incredibly comfortable to wear. The dress shirt fit me like a damn glove and, if I were to be honest, I felt incredibly sexy in it. I popped the buttons open so they rode dangerously undone around my breasts and enjoyed the feel of the three inch heels that made my legs look long and lanky, which was a miracle, since I was five foot nothing.

I met Kace down in the elaborate entryway that I was able to take in yesterday and he showed me all around the house. Every inch of the house was extravagant, from the floor-to-ceiling curtains to the ornate furniture and art that graced the walls.

Two things stuck in my brain as I took the tour. One was that the third floor was completely off limits unless I was invited up there and two, Jett was richer than fucking King Midas himself. I didn’t even know there were houses as big as the Lafayette Club in the Garden District, let alone New Orleans, and I lived in one. I kept joking with Kace that I was going to need a map of the place. He just kept saying don’t go to the third floor and huffed as he walked me around. Talk about moody. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought the guy had a man-gina and was currently getting a visit from Aunt Flo.