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“You think I’m going to be able to work out right now? I just puked up a God damn shoe; there is no way I will be able to run on a treadmill.”

“Not my problem,” Kace said, as he looked me up and down. “Get your ass downstairs and in the workout room in five minutes or see your sorry ass out on the street. Your choice.”

“You’re a bastard.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” And then he walked off.

I despised that man.

I peeled myself off the ground and threw my hair into a ponytail before I walked over to my closet to grab some workout clothes. Of course, the only clothes provided were a sports bra and spandex shorts. The one time I wanted sweats and a baggy T-shirt, they were not available to me. I threw on the clothes and the sneakers that I was provided and headed down the servant stairs to the gym, which was in the back. Thankfully, members were not allowed in the servants’ quarters, so I didn’t have to wear a mask.

I opened the door to the gym and all the girls were lined up straight, waiting for Kace to tell them what to do. They looked like a damn army of breasts and Kace was the general waiting to titty fuck all of them with his crooked dick. I didn’t know if he had a crooked dick, but right now, I wished and believed he did because he was an evil bastard.

I looked at Tootse and Francy who drank just as much as I had and they looked right as rain, like spring flowers just coming out to the morning sun. I wanted kick them both in the vagina.

“Look who finally decided to show up,” Kace said, as he looked me up and down. “Because Lo so gracefully decided to show up late, we will be doing squat thrusts for a while after you girls warm up. Hit the treadmills, speed three and let me see those arms pumping.”

Squat thrusts? Those didn’t sound like fun, unless they were me squatting and thrusting over a giant dick, then that I could enjoy. I smiled to myself as I got on one of the treadmills. I was glad I actually worked out almost every day because I would be hurting after two minutes on this treadmill if I didn’t.

I was feeling alright as I jogged on the never-ending hamster device. I thought I would have puked up a storm by now, but I was producing a good sweat and my stomach wasn’t rolling around too much. I wanted to dance in front of Kace and say, “Ha, nice try dickhead, but there’s no puking from me.” He would not enjoy that though, and he’d probably punch me in the milk sack, so I just envisioned it in my head instead.

After a ten minute warm up, yes ten minutes, I thought it was a little extreme, we all lined up on the empty floor space while Kace stood in front of us like a drill sergeant and held out a stop watch.

“You girls have five minutes of squat thrusts. Start on my count.”

“Uh, one second,” I said, as I held up my arm. “What’s a squat thrust?”

Kace rolled his eyes, handed me the stop watch and said, “Watch carefully.”

He got in a squatting position, then plastered his body to the floor in a push up position quickly followed by him getting back up into a squat position. If I wasn’t so mesmerized by the ways his muscles rippled while he moved around, I would have been horrified by the fact that I had to do that for five minutes.

“Got it?” he asked, as he took the stop watch away from me. I nodded and gulped at the same time. He was evil, but good God was he hot.

“Go!” he shouted and just like that, like we were his little puppets, we were dropping up and down.

The first squat thrust wasn’t too bad, but after the fifth one, my stomach was rolling and I knew I would never make it five minutes; nope I was going to puke.

“Pick it up Lo,” Kace shouted as he stood right in front of me.

I dropped to the floor and felt the bitter taste of this morning’s stomach acid hit the back of my throat. Shit, this wasn’t good.

“Come on, Lo,” Kace egged me on.

I got up into squat position and then dropped back down at the same time my stomach gave Kace the old fuck you and spewed whatever was left in my stomach all over his shoes and the bottom of his pants.

I laid there in push up position as I looked up at the seething eyes of Kace the drill sergeant. The other girls stopped and stared at the face-off we were having.

I put on my best bravado and lifted my chin while I said, “Serves you right, dickhead.” Then I tacked on a smile because I had the sinking feeling that murder was in my future.

Fury laced Kace’s eyes as he stormed out of the gym, but not before calling over to Francy. “Intervals and weights, get them moving.”

Once Kace was out of the room, the girls busted out in laughter, pulled me from the floor and handed me some water. They all bowed to me for taking out the great Kace Haywood. Even though my stomach didn’t think it could take anymore, I felt amazing from the praise and camaraderie of the girls.

“I am so happy that just happened,” Babs said, as she held out some more water to me, “But we need to clean that shit out because damn is it ripe in here.”


Never did I think signing up to be a Jett girl was going to be so strenuous on my body. I was tired, extremely tired and hung over still. There was supposed to be a presentation tonight, but it was luckily cancelled, due to a board member of the group not being able to get free from prior engagements. I was grateful for the cancellation, especially since I could barely move.

I had yet to meet the infamous and very elusive Jett Colby, which was frustrating. Francy and Tootse were called up to the Bourbon Room after we ended practice. If I were to be honest, I was getting a little jealous that I had yet to meet him. I mean, it was kind of rude, right? That he would invite me into his home and not want to meet me.

I knew I wasn’t a tall glam-a-zon like the other girls, but I wasn’t a dried up ass ring either. I would have assumed that he would have already met me and maybe have taken me up to the Bourbon Room for my initiation porking, but boy was I wrong.

Sex was non-existent in my life. Being such a sexual person and not getting any was absolute torture. I had many thoughts throughout the past two days about releasing the pent up aches that hung out between my legs, but I refused to touch myself, not because I had high morals, ha, but because I felt like Jett would know and then I would be thrown to the streets, which was not an option.

I didn’t see Kace for the rest of the day, thankfully, because I knew from the hate that was pouring through his eyes in the gym that a good separation between us was needed. He did send me a text though that said no workout tomorrow because we had a big presentation for at least ten men, so we needed our rest. It would be my first presentation and, even though I hadn’t been here very long, I was ready.

Tootse brought over my costume for tomorrow night and I was amazed at the sexy piece of lingerie she was able to create. The costume was a green bustier with black accents and black lace cheeky panties. It was adorable and sexy at the same time. We had short black wigs to wear with them, thick rimmed glasses and black thigh-high boots. We almost looked like super heroes. The girls had a pole dance routine they had to do while I served all the men their drinks, Francy’s job normally.

Drawing myself a bath, I took my clothes off, grabbed my phone and entered the warm tub for a late-night cool down. The jets were streaming and beating against my tired legs and back. It was the most glorious feeling, to feel pampered and taken care of. I knew I hadn’t met the man who had given me everything, but from a distance, I felt him protecting me and taking care of me and it was a feeling I hadn’t felt for a very long time. It felt good to just relax and not worry about how I was going to pay the bills.

I rested my head against the cushion that was propped up against the back of the tub and was about to rest my eyes when a text came through my phone.