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I grabbed my phone and read the message.

Rex: Hey kitten. I just stopped by your place, but you weren’t home. I didn’t think you worked tonight. 

Fuck. I completely forgot about Rex coming over. I was so wrapped up in my new surroundings and avoiding the evil glare of Kace that I forgot I had a fuck date with Rex.

Goldie: Hey, sorry about that. I don’t live there anymore.

Rex: What do you mean? Where do you live now?

What the hell was I supposed to say? I wasn’t allowed to talk about where I was or who I was trying to become because that was completely against all the rules Jett set up. He wanted to protect us and telling someone like Rex where I lived was a big red flag.

Goldie: I can’t really say, but I am safe and doing well. 

Rex: When can I see you?

Goldie: You can’t.

The bath that was supposed to be relaxing was not doing the trick because of the conversation I was having with Rex. If I were honest, I missed Rex. He was hot, sexy, and knew how to pound me the right way. I missed his strong hands roaming my body and I missed the way he quietly whispered in my ear while he was buried deep inside of me. But I couldn’t think like that, I had a new life…a new man, even if I had yet to meet him.

Rex: What do you mean I can’t? Have you found someone else, kitten?

Goldie: I can’t really answer any questions, Rex. I’m sorry.

Rex: Are you in trouble? I just don’t understand. I wanted to tell you something tonight. Can I call you?

Panic surged through my body. No, he could not call me.

Goldie: That’s not a good idea. I have to go, Rex.

Rex: I don’t understand. Goldie, I left my wife, I was coming for you tonight. I want to be with you. I want you to move in with me. Where are you? I want to come and get you.

I buried my head under the water for a couple of seconds as I tried to take in what Rex just said. I thought, what if he was a week earlier or I had waited a little longer? I wouldn’t be in this contract with Jett and I could be living with a man who I liked, a lot. Who soothed me in every way possible in the bedroom and could take care of me.


Goldie: Damn it Rex. I can’t do this. I’m so sorry. 

Rex: I miss you, Goldie. Please come back.

Goldie: I’m sorry Rex, I can’t.

A tear slid down my face as I texted Rex. I missed him too. How stupid was that? I missed a married man who used to pay me for sex. I had some serious issues.

Rex: I’m going to find you, kitten, and then I am going to make sure you never get past me again. You’re mine, kitten. 

I didn’t text him back because I didn’t think it was right. How I longed to hear him tell me that a couple of days ago, for him to swoop in on his white horse and whisk me away, but life was different now. I had an obligation to another man that I had never met and, for some odd reason, I felt a strong loyalty to him.

I looked down at my phone and made a decision right then and there, I blocked Rex’s phone number. He would only screw up what I had going for me and who knew how long Rex would put up with me? Yes, his offer sounded amazing now, but what happened when he got bored of me three months later? I would find my ass on the streets with nothing going for me.

I was making the right decision. I was becoming a Jett Girl and that was what I needed to focus on…Not the what ifs and what could have beens. I was moving forward with my life, not backwards.

Chapter Fifteen

“Hell On Heels”


I sat in my robe, on my bed, staring at the outfit I had to put on. I was currently so nervous that I felt like shitting my pants. I had a lot of confidence rolling into practice earlier, but now that I actually had to put my costume on and perform for the high society men, I was excreting sweat from every orifice of my body.

Babs helped me with my makeup, which I didn’t quite understand, since we wore masks, but once she outlined my eyes with thick black eye liner, I understood her motive. My eyes looked deadly, full of sin and ready to seduce.

All I had to do tonight was walk out on stage with the girls and then walk down the side steps and start serving drinks. The drink list was already laid out for me, so I didn’t actually have to talk to the men. I just had to look at the list that matched up with each seat, make their drinks and be sure that they never had to ask for a refill. I could to that…simple.

If it was that simple, then why was I sweating like a beast?

I shook my arms out and blew out a long breath.

“I can do this,” I said to myself, as I started to undo my robe.

There was a knock on the door just as I was about to put my robe on the bed, so I quickly put it back on and went to open my door.

Standing in the doorway was a big bouquet of yellow and orange ranunculus. Each flower was a deep orange in the center and faded out to a bright yellow on the edges. They were gorgeous.

The flowers were pushed into my arms as a man huffed behind them.

“These are for you. Don’t be late.”

Kace. Typical.

I put the flowers on one my nightstand next to my bed and admired the beautiful flowers that filled my room with cheerfulness.

I pulled out the card that was attached and read the note that was hand-written in a man’s chicken scratch.


These ranunculus reminded me of you because of their coloring. Bright and cheery on the outside, but dark and complex on the inside. 

Tonight is the beginning of a fresh new start for you. Just relax and you will do amazing. You are here for a reason and it’s because I believe you are the perfect fit for becoming a Jett Girl. 

Give those men something to talk about tonight. I will be watching. 


I let out a long sigh as I re-read the card…three times. God, I was acting like such a teenager, but I couldn’t get over the fact that a man I never met, but believed in me, sent me the most gorgeous display of flowers, but not just any kind of flowers, flowers that reminded him of me.

I didn’t even know the man and he was winning me over. How was that even possible? Maybe because of the fact that he was so elusive, I was drawn to his mystery. Still, he could be a total dog face boy and I would have no clue. But am I that narrow minded that he would have to be attractive in order for me to like him? I thought about that for a second and then came to the conclusion, he could be dog face boy, but he better have a rod for a dick.

Setting the card on the same table as the flowers, I looked at the bouquet one last time and then put on my outfit, which fit like a glove and felt unbelievable on my body. All the lingerie that was provided for me felt unbelievable. I was spoiled for sure.

Looking in the mirror, I fastened my wig, took a step back and looked at my entire outfit.