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“Dress,” I cut in, before Jeremy could elaborate more. The thought of Goldie traipsing around a bunch of horny bastards in nothing but lingerie sent my brain into overload. I would be way too busy worrying about men touching her, rather than the task at hand. “Definitely a dress.”

“Good, I’ll let Tootse know. Babs wants to do something different than masks this go-around; she wants to do some airbrushing with make up to form a mask. She wanted to make sure that was okay.”

I waved my hand, “Fine, I don’t care, as long as you can’t tell who they are.”

“Great, I’ll let her know. Also, they didn’t want to wear…”

I held up my hand as reality hit me. “Hold up, what the hell are you doing talking to me about the girls? Kace is in charge of them; he should be debriefing me about all the decisions.”

Jeremy looked a little shaken at my harsh tone. I didn’t look too much into it because the man was a bit sensitive anyway. “I understand that sir, but Kace asked me to take over the details for this event, since he’s been busy with training and building new equipment for the girls.”

“New equipment?” I asked, feeling like a complete ass at not knowing what was going on in my own club.

“Uh…yeah. The girls had some ideas about ramping up their stage presence, so Kace has been working on it.”

“And whose fucking idea was this?”

“Pepper’s,” Jeremy gulped.

“You’re excused,” I said, as I turned my chair to look out the window.

I heard Jeremy shuffling around behind me as he gathered his items and left. When did it become okay for me to lose complete control of my club? When was it okay for people to start making decisions without me? I don’t ever remember saying that was okay.

Turning on my television to see what was happening in the Toulouse Room, I quickly pulled out my phone to text Kace.

Jett: Send Goldie up to the Bourbon Room when she’s done.

I had plans for Goldie tonight and they involved me taking back a little bit of control that I’d lost where she was concerned.

The minute I looked up at the television to spot the girls during their presentation, I started to seethe at the sight in front of me. Not only were their dance moves beyond provocative, they were practically humping each other, but their outfits left absolutely nothing to the imagination and that was what was chapping my ass. This was supposed to be a club that had some level of class and what I was seeing on my screen was nothing but trash.

Goldie came into view and I nearly choked on the bourbon that was once swirling around in my cup. She was barely covered up top, to the point where I swore I saw nipple a couple of times. This was unacceptable. I had a strict rule against the girls being naked…ever. I was the only one who was allowed to see them naked. That was my privilege, my right.

Luckily, their presentation ended and they exited off the stage before I could go down there myself and pull every one of their tiny asses out of the room. The men nodded their heads in approval and a couple of them went off to the booths, which was shameful in my eyes. Yes, I made the booths available, but seeing such high powered men being reduced to jacking off in a booth after a presentation was almost sickening.

I was just about to call Kace when my phone dinged with a text back.

Kace: No luck, dude. She said no.

I felt like my eyes bulged out of their sockets. I had to read the text a couple of times to actually make sure I was understanding what I was seeing. Not wanting to deal with texting back and forth and not having the dexterity to do so from the rage pouring through me, I called him.


“What the hell do you mean, she said no?”

“She said no; she doesn’t want to go up to the room tonight.”

What the fuck? Never in the years that I had the club, had a girl said no to me…ever! Never in my life for that matter. I always got what I wanted, without even really having to put much effort in either.

“Why the hell not?” I asked, with more of a voice of a petulant child than a dignified man.

“Got your panties in a twist?” Kace asked and I could hear the mirth in his voice. If the man wasn’t lethal with his fists, I would have punched his dick off by now.

“I’m not in the mood, Kace.”

“Neither is she…apparently.”

“You’re just begging for your ass to be kicked out on the streets.”

Kace blew out an exaggerated breath. “They are all mad at you for taking away lap dances. They were hoping to make a good clam tonight to add to their banks and they worked really hard on a synchronized lap dance routine. You kind of muffed that up for them.”

“You mean to tell me that they are calling mutiny?”

“I think so,” Kace chuckled into the phone. I was about to answer when Kace cut me off. “Why did you do it, man?”

I knew why I cut off lap dances; it was because I didn’t want Goldie giving anyone a lap dance, especially since I hadn’t had one yet. I was a jealous idiot; I would admit that to myself, but I never thought it would cause this much drama and I never thought they would flat out call mutiny. Feisty bitches.

“That’s none of your concern. Send Goldie up here.”

“No can do, dude. Remember…they hold the cards. Looks like you will be making friends with your hand tonight.”

I didn’t get a chance to reply because Kace hung up the phone.

“Fuck,” I muttered, as I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to comprehend what just happened.

Goldie was a wild card that I should have known was going to cause me trouble and actually, now that I thought about it, I knew all along she was going to be causing me trouble from the start, but never did I think she would give me a case of blue balls.

When I had her in the Bourbon Room the first time, it was all for her pleasure, so I wasn’t able to ease the tension that had been building up in my body since the minute I laid eyes on her the first time. I tried taking out my pent-up arousal on the other girls, but it wasn’t sufficient enough. I still craved Goldie, my little one. I needed her and, damn it, I was going to have her tonight.

Chapter Twenty Six



“I am dying!” Francy said, as she buckled over in laughter while holding a shot glass. “I can’t believe you told Jett no. You are my hero.”

“Seriously, Lo, what is wrong with you?” Pepper asked, as she downed one of the shots Francy made for us backstage. “Even when I’m not in the mood, I still go up there.”

“That’s because you’re a two-bit tramp plucked off the street corner,” Babs said, as she laughed.

“You’re one to talk,” Pepper countered, “You were two dicks away from conquering the entire French Quarter.”

I laughed as Babs just nodded and shrugged her shoulders. “What can I say, I had some really flappy meat curtains back then.”

“Don’t call them that,” Tootse said, as she clenched her legs together. “The visual makes me dry heave.”

“That’s just because you are used to my perfectly landscaped lady garden,” Francy said as she kissed Tootse on the lips.


I watched in admiration as Francy and Tootse didn’t hide their affection for each other. It was amazing to see two self-empowered women be proud for who they were and not hide behind a façade. When I asked them what they were going to do after they no longer were Jett Girls, they both said they would open up a lingerie shop. Tootse was the talent when it came to the design and creating and Francy was the brains who would run all the financials. They were the perfect match for each other.