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“You lady crushing?” Babs said, while jabbing me with her elbow.

“No!” I said rather quickly, then followed it up with two more shots. “It’s just nice to see love come in all ways, you know?”

“We poop rainbows; what can we say?” Francy said, as she poured us more shots.

“That’s a visual,” Pepper muttered.

“Hey, if someone was going to poop in front of me, I would rather it be a fucking rainbow than actual shit,” I said, starting to feel the effects of my drink.

“Agreed. I kind of think a pile of rainbow in a toilet would be more inviting than a pile of corn-infested shit,” Babs added.

“For fuck’s sake, can we play a game or something?” Pepper asked, while grabbing a shot and turning up the music so Lil’ John blared through the speakers telling us to “get the fuck out the club.”

Tootse sat up and handed everyone a shot. “Okay, the game is called confessions. We all go around in a circle, asking the girl to our right a question, any question we want and, if they answer, then we all have to take a shot; if she chooses to plead the fifth, she has to take two. Francy, baby, grab the Patron; we’re going to need it.”

“Sure thing, sexy.”

As Francy went to grab more tequila, I sat back and admired the girls. I don’t know if it was the alcohol blazing through my system or if it was the fact that I denied myself the Bourbon Room, even though I so desperately wanted to go up there, but the girls were starting to look good to me, like I was thinking I might be “catching the gay” as Francy joked. It wasn’t like I’d never been around a gay person before, clearly Carlos was one of my best friends, but he was never open about it like Francy and Tootse. It was refreshing. There were such stereotypes out there about gay men and women that were so not true, so it was nice to be friends with two lesbian women, who not only made you feel completely comfortable with their lifestyle choice, but blew all stereotypes out of the water.

Francy sat back down and started pouring even more shots. Fuck, I was screwed and I knew it.

“Alright, I’ll go,” Tootse volunteered as she turned to Pepper. Francy sat next to me and I sat next to Tootse…that way the couple didn’t have to ask each other questions. “Pepper, when was the last time you fingered yourself?”

“This morning, in the shower,” Pepper said matter-of-factly. Well shit, I would have at least turned a little red answering that question.

Everyone took a shot except Pepper. Pepper turned to Babs and said, “Babs, have you ever let a guy fuck you in the ass and then you suck him off, you know…the old fudgsicle?”

Christ Almighty!

“Yes, of course. A girl has no limits when it comes to surviving on the streets.”


Babs turned to Francy. “Francy, how many times a night do you eat Tootse out?”

Francy smiled and said, “As many times as she asks. Isn’t that right, baby?” Tootse winked and then took her shot.

Francy turned to me and I felt myself begin to sweat. I was a pretty sexual person, but for some reason, I was feeling very intimidated and drunk. These girls were seasoned compared to me…fudgsicle? What. The. Fuck!

“What happened the first time you were with Jett?”

I was about to answer, right before I caught myself. “Oh, fuck you,” I said, as I took two shots, knowing damn well Jett was most likely watching and, if I said a word, I could be kicked out of the house. All the girls laughed as they watched my blood alcohol level rise.

“Did I mention, you are not allowed to repeat questions?” Tootse said.

“How convenient,” I added, hating all of them. “Alright Tootse, is fucking a man better than fucking a woman?”

“No.” And that was that. Well shit.


Vibrators, oral sex, cock rings, squirting, queefs, sex positions, whips, chains, waxing trauma, menstruation mishaps and talks of sexual experimenting were all touched upon as I leaned back in my chair, completely out of the game because I could barely see the girls around me. They had done it all and, frankly, I was a little scared with the amount of experience acquired around the room and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was pre-Jett or post-Jett. A part of me silently prayed for post-Jett, except for the fudgsicle, I would rather die than suck off the remains of my own ass off of a man’s dick.

“Hot damn, I’m horny…” I slurred, as I slumped in my chair.

“And your tit has been hanging out for the last ten minutes,” Babs said, while poking my bare breast.

I looked down and opened my mouth in shock. “How dare you come to the party uninvited? Bad titty!” I said, while whacking it. I blew out a heavy breath as I looked around the circle, “It’s so hard to control your tits these days, you know? Does anyone else have problems?”

They all shook their heads and laughed. “Why aren’t you ladies drunk?”

“We just know how to handle our liquor,” Francy said, while Tootse sat on her lap.

“I think you guys got me drunk on purpose. Hey! You wanted to make sure my tit came out!” I accused, while sitting up, but then regretting my decision as the room turned.

“Nope, that wasn’t part of the plan,” Babs said, while poking my tit again.

Sighing, I just took my top off because it was no use. The girls’ eyes widened at my blatant display of nudity.

“What, like you’ve never seen them before? You four all have milk sacs as well.”

“Not like yours,” Pepper said.

I shrugged, “I’m tired. I’m going to go up to my room.”

“Help her back to her room,” Babs said to Francy and Tootse. “We don’t need her going in the wrong direction and running into someone she shouldn’t…topless.”

“I’m not a child,” I said, as I tipped out of my chair and hit the ground with a giant thud, squashing my boobs to the ground. “Don’t mind me,” I said, waving my hand in the air to fend off any helpers. “I’m just giving myself my very own mammogram here.” I pressed my tits hard against the floor while counting out loud.

“Jesus,” Francy said, as she bent down and picked me up by my shoulders.

“Look at you…you’re so strong.”

“You need to not turn down Jett anymore because I don’t enjoy dealing with your drunk ass.”

“You’re the one who got me drunk…” I paused for a second as I realized both Tootse and Francy had their arms around me. “Oh myyyyyyyy,” I dragged out. “Looks like I have my very own lady sandwich.”



I was plopped on my bed and stripped of my underwear, because I lashed out as my face pressed against my comforter, saying I refused to fall asleep until someone took off my underwear. I was a naked sleeper and refused to pass out with underwear on. That was what my drunk-ass mind was saying, at least.

“We’re taking off now.”

“No…wait,” I said, as my arms flanked my sides, my legs hung halfway off the bed and my face was still buried, practically making out with my comforter. “Don’t leave; don’t you girls want to hang out?”

I knew I was a sight to see. Bare ass in the air for all to see, but I didn’t really care, not when the warm tequila was still making its way through my blood stream.

“Lo, we’re tired and horny; we want to go to bed.”

My head picked up at the mention of the word horny.

“Horny, eh? Well, so am I, so why don’t we all have a giant lesbian mingle?” I sat up and clapped my hands together. “Lesbian mingle!”

Francy stepped closer, followed closely by Tootse. “You have no clue what you’re getting yourself into if you want that.”

“Yes, I do,” I said with my chin held high. “I know lesbian things.”

“Do you?” Tootse asked, as they got closer.