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“I’ll think about it,” I found myself saying, as a small grin started to appear at the corner of his mouth.

He leaned in one last time as he nipped my earlobe and caressed my bare stomach with his hand, almost sending me to my knees, begging for his touch.

“Until Sunday, think of me, kitten.”

With that, he walked away, making me not only completely and utterly turned on, but nervous as fuck for thinking about what the hell I just possibly agreed to. How come I couldn’t say no?

As I watched his back side retreat, I knew why. Rex Titan owned my body at one point and it was pretty much impossible to say no to him, just like it was impossible to say no to the man who was currently staring daggers at me as I stood up on the podium.

A wave of heat flooded my body as I thought about him seeing the interaction between me and Rex. I just prayed that he didn’t catch anything, or else maybe I would be seeing Rex a lot quicker than I expected.

Determination rang through Jett’s eyes as he slowly walked toward me, shaking hands with men, but never really breaking eye contact with me. Anxiety started to build up in my bones as he came closer and closer. What was he going to say? Was he going to reprimand me in front of everyone?

The way he took in my entire body made me feel self-conscious, exposed. If looks could undress, I would have been stripped naked and shaved completely by Jett’s glare.

The lights turned again signaling for me to change. I turned away from Jett’s death glare and started making my way around the room. It wasn’t until my arms were grabbed from behind and I was pulled up next to a pillar, out of sight, that I realized Jett had caught up to me.

The look of hazy lust took over his deep pools of blue as he breathed heavily. Swallowing hard, I just stood where I was, waiting for Jett to make his first move, because hell if I knew what I was supposed to do.

The look in his eyes not only made me incredibly nervous, but it also excited me; it shot a barrel full of lust down to my core as I anticipated what he was going to say to me, do to me.

He didn’t say anything as he ran his hands up my sides and stared down at my dress. His thumbs brushed against my exposed side boob, sending bolts of desire straight down to my very core and sending my nipples into overdrive. I didn’t think they could get any harder, but boy was I wrong.

“Did Tootse put you in this dress?” he asked, while eyeing me up and down and working his hands so they spanned my back. I could feel the warmth of his hands, sending the thrill of a man’s touch through my body, not just any man, but the touch of Jett Colby.

I nodded and he swallowed…hard.

“You are to go up to the Bourbon Room now and wait for me.”

His words shook me out of the stupor I was in. “Wait, what?”

“Don’t make me repeat myself, Lo.”

“Hold on a second,” I said, as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but his hands that were once on my back were now holding my hips against the pillar, making my escape impossible. “I have to be down here with the other girls.”

Jett searched my eyes before he spoke. “Lo, who owns this club?”

“You do,” I said, as I waited for the lecture he was about to bestow upon me.

“Who calls the shots around here?”

“You do.”

“And who do you submit to?” he asked, as he rubbed his thumbs near the juncture of my thighs.

“You, so…” I squeezed out, as I tried to hide how turned on I was.

“That’s correct, so when I tell you to go up to the Bourbon Room to wait for me, you do as I say.”

“What if I don’t want to go?” I ask defiantly.

Staring intently into my eyes, he didn’t break contact when he said, “I don’t play games, Lo. You either want me or you don’t. If you deny me just because of your stubborn personality, then I will be sure not to invite you again. If you deny me because you honestly don’t want to play, because you are no longer attracted to me or because there is something physically wrong with you, then that is okay, but don’t play games with me. I will not take kindly to them.”

“What are you going to do, spank me?”

A spark of lust shot through his eyes as his breathing kicked up a notch. “What if I do? Are you going to cry out in pleasure or pain?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

A deep growl radiated between us as I saw the kind of power I possessed over such an overbearing and dominant man. He was right; I did hold all the cards.

“Are you playing games, little one? Because if you are, there will be consequences.”

“Good or bad ones?” I asked as I ran my hand up the front of his shirt and bumped my hips into his, making contact with his arousal. I smiled to myself and slipped my hand down to his crotch, just to feel the effect I had on him. He surprisingly let me and, as I took him in, he lowered his head to my shoulder as he breathed heavily. The fact that I was able to paralyze a man like Jett Colby, made me wetter than a fucking ocean.

“You are getting yourself into some serious trouble,” he gritted out.

“I like trouble,” I purred against his ear, feeling his length harden in my hand.

“Bourbon Room, now. You are to be sitting on the bed, with your hair down and still in your dress. There is a bathroom to the right of the room, remove all your makeup, I want you clean.”

“Who’s to say…?”

Jett looked up at me and stopped me in my tracks as the heady look of pure, unadulterated lust rang through his eyes.

“Don’t push your luck, little one. You are playing with fire and you won’t like how you get burned.” The southern rasp of his voice sent my nerves into overdrive as his sweet, minty breath tickled along my skin.

Yup, I definitely didn’t want to be burned, unless it was a good burn, a pleasurable burn that set my pussy on fucking fire, but I highly doubt that was the kind of burn he was referring to.

I nodded my head, finally succumbing to his demands, not because he was an overbearing bastard, but because I was way too wet and way too turned on to even think about walking in front of a bunch of men in three inch heels. My legs would be giving out any second.

Jett pulled away, but not before his thumb lightly grazed my nipple.

“Gorgeous, absolutely breathtaking,” he murmured, as he stepped away and nodded toward the back door that led to a pair of hidden stairs. I nodded back in understanding and could feel his stare boring a whole through my back as I walked to the door. Before walking up the stairs, I turned around to see Jett standing next to the pillar I was just pressed up against with both hands in his pant pockets, staring at me with the intent to devour me. I inwardly squealed with excitement as I walked up the stairs, sans shoes, and thought about what was to come.

I pushed all thoughts of Rex and his demands out of my mind as I prepared for a wild night of debauchery with the one and only Jett Colby.

Chapter Twenty Nine



I watched as Goldie sauntered away in a light piece of silk fabric that was barely covering her body. Making a mental note to talk to Tootse about her outfit choice, I turned back to the room full of powerful men to make my rounds before I headed up stairs.

Taking my time as I circled the event, making sure to shake every man’s hand, I knew that I was prolonging the time when I would fully take Goldie as mine, but I did it on purpose. The girl needed to learn a little patience. I needed to teach her a lesson for having such a smart mouth.

As I sauntered around, I thought about how much I despised the men that I breathed the same air with in this grand room. Most of them had families, wives to go home to, yet they chose to spend their money and their nights at my club ogling other women, world class women. I capitalized on their perversions, on the fact that they felt powerful, even though they weren’t. It was the perfect crime, to tease and taunt these men, making them think they’re being fulfilled, but never really giving them what they want.