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She leaned over and said, “I was hoping for something with a little higher tempo. Do you mind?” she asked, as she took away my touch screen remote to flip through my songs. The minute she saw what she wanted, she smiled, stepped away, and started playing the song.

“Maneater” by Nelly Furtado started playing through the speakers and I smiled inwardly at her choice of song, the title not slipping past me. She was a maneater alright, fuck was she a maneater.

She set the remote down and made direct eye contact with me as she walked towards me with look of total annihilation crossing her features. She was out for blood and I was who she was going to take it from. The minute she reached me, she placed both her hands on my thighs and spread them wide enough so she could easily fit between them. Then, she moved her hands up my body, all the while swaying to the beat of the song, which only helped her breasts sway to the rhythmic tune.

I was mesmerized as I watched her intently, focusing on every movement she made. Before I knew it, my shirt and tie were undone, exposing my bare chest for her greedy fingers. She ran her hands back down my chest and undid my belt, while whipping it to the ground like a God damn dominatrix. Christ.

She leaned over and nibbled on my ear as she ran her hands up my chest, scraping my nipples and said, “Belts always seem to cut into me, I hope you don’t mind.”

I just shook my head no as she continued to torture my senses with her slow, methodic movements. She turned around, giving me a perfect view of the dimples that sat right above her ass. She backed up and was about to sit down when I noticed a mark on her back. My thumb rubbed over the heart-shaped spot in question.

“Birth mark,” she mumbled as she pushed down onto my lap. I wanted to look at it, observe the unique brand that only my little one had, but she didn’t let me. Instead, she draped her legs wide over mine and gathered her dress around her waist. She started to rock on my lap as I watched her slowly remove the tiny, diamond-encrusted scraps off her shoulders. They fell to her sides, exposing her entire back. She then proceeded to take the dress completely off and throw it to the side.

I was awarded with her bare naked body straddling my lap and working my cock like a damn stripper pole. She had a way with her hips that I had never experienced before, sending me into a full on aroused state. She leaned back so I had a great view of her front side and pushed against my chest with her back as she deeply ground her hips into mine.

Fucking unbelievable, was the only way to describe the way she was rocking my body.

The cleft of her as was rubbing the apex of my arousal and I didn’t know how much more I could take of her dancing assault. I could only now realize why Kace had such a hard time keeping his hands off of her; she was hypnotic. She had a fucking man-eating pussy.

She grabbed my hands and ran them along her sides and brought them up to her breasts. She moaned as she made me squeeze her hardened nipples. Once she was pleased with the way I touched her, she then moved one of my hands down to the valley between her legs. She momentarily dipped one of my fingers into her cleft, making me hiss out my appreciation. She was beyond wet.

Releasing my hands, she continued to grind my lap with enough pressure to pop a beer bottle open with her damn ass. She bent forward and put her hands on my feet, giving me the most erotic view of her ass and arousal as she continued to thrust her hips into mine.

“Fuck…” I breathed out, as a light sweat caressed the top layer of my skin and I tried not to explode in my pants from the almost pornographic sight in front of my face. The way her hips swayed against my lap and the view of her tight hole in my face had me begging for her to lift back up or else I was going to lose all my restraint.

“Little one, please.”

She snapped up and quickly turned around on my body before I even knew what was happening. She wrapped her hands around my neck and continued to flow with the music. I watched as her tits bounced with her body and the way the juncture between her thighs met my pressing cock. Her head was thrown back in rapture as she continued to move along my body.

She never made eye contact with me; she was lost in the music and the sensation rocking through both of our bodies. I couldn’t blame her, she was magnetic.

In one quick motion, her body flew back, in a crab walk sort of way so her legs wrapped around my waist and her hands touched the ground behind her, exposing herself to me once again. From this angle, I got to see everything as she rocked her hips against mine. One push against my cock and I was gone, I needed her.

“Stop,” I ordered as I looked down at her. She lifted her body off the ground as I watched her tight abs contract as her face lifted to meet mine. She was a sight to watch.

“Too much,” she asked self-consciously?”

“Not enough,” I said as I grabbed her and brought her to the bed. “I need to be inside of you when I come and your little dance has me on the verge of releasing everywhere.”

“Oh,” she said with a shy smile, which surprised me, given the fact that Goldie was anything but shy.

I switched the music to an Evanescence song that I knew would do the trick and started to undress myself as Goldie watched me with lust burning through her light blue eyes. This was the first time I would sink myself inside of her, fully claiming her as mine. I couldn’t get undressed quickly enough.

Finally rid of all my clothes, I let Goldie take my entire body in, kind of like her own personal presentation. I believed it was only fair for her to be able to exam every last inch of my body, since I did the same to her, day in and day out. I watched as her eyes widened and roamed all about my body with mischief and lust running through her eyes. I had nothing to hide as pride surged through my bones at her very blatant display of staring.

“Don’t look at me like that,” I said, as I walked toward her.

“Like what?” she asked, while she licked her lips.

“Like you are about the eat me alive.”

“Who says I’m not?” she quipped.

“I am. I call the shots here. I tell you what to do.”

“So, would you rather me look at you with disinterest?”

“What have I told you about talking?”

She shut her mouth as she waited for my next command. I scooted her legs so they were dangling off the bed and her butt was at the edge.

“I am going to fuck you, little one. I am going to fuck you until you don’t think you can take the beating of my dick anymore, and then I am going to fuck you even harder. The only time I will let up is if I hear you say you safe word. Do you hear me?”

She nodded, as her breathing picked up and excitement chased through her eyes.

“I’ve put up with your mouth and your semi-submission for too long. Tonight you are going to learn a lesson and, from now on, I expect you to submit easily. Like I said earlier, I don’t play games. I take what I want, when I want it, and who I want it with.”

“Who do you want it with now?” she asked, almost pensively, like she needed the reassurance. Because of the look of uncertainty on her face, I kept from reprimanding her for talking.

“The moment I first saw you, I knew that this was going to happen. That you would be on this bed one day, naked and wet, begging for my cock to punish you. I knew you were going to be a hellion and taming you was going to be a task, but despite that, I wanted you. You are the one I want here.”

She nodded her head as I grabbed her legs, ready to pound into her.

“Are you wet for me?”

She nodded again.

“Touch yourself, I want to see the proof on your fingers.”

Slowly, she lowered her hand down her stomach until it met the apex between her thighs. I watched as her delicate finger slipped between her folds and my cock jolted with jealousy. She lifted her fingers to me and I sucked them into my mouth.