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“Surprisingly, you can,” Pepper eyed me. I sensed a little bit of jealousy, but it quickly washed away as she smiled at me.

“Enough,” Kace cut the girls off. “Lo, you have seat two, Pepper you are seat five, Tootse, seat six…”

“Fuck, is that the heavy breather? I saw his chest heaving as we were dancing.”

Kace didn’t answer, he just smirked. “And Babs you have seat one. Everyone got it? It’s fifteen tonight so make it good.”

“Fifteen?” I asked in confusion.

“Did you not listen at all? Fuck, Lo you are going to drive me to my grave.”

“Hey how about you go get laid instead because you need to fucking take a chill pill. Holy shit you are wound up.”

Kace got right in my face and said, “Just because you have Jett wrapped around your little finger doesn’t mean I will be the same way. Don’t fucking test me.”

The seriousness in his voice and the carnal look in his eyes made me swallow my tongue as I nodded. It wasn’t very often that I stepped down from someone, but at that moment, I knew I needed to shut my mouth because I didn’t like the way Kace spoke to me, as if he could shred me in two without even trying.

He blew out a frustrated breath and ran his hands over his face before looking back at me. “It’s fifteen hundred for five minutes tonight. The minute the music starts, so does your time. Once the music ends then you ladies are allowed to leave. If one of the men touch you or speak to you, you are to raise both of your hands above your head…that is the signal for me to cut in. Got it?” Kace said as he looked directly at me.

“Got it,” I said a little cowardly.

“Good, now get moving.”

I took a deep breath as I followed the girls out to the Toulouse Room which was just dark enough that I couldn’t quite make out the features of the members unless I was right in front of them. Francy veered to the side as she stood next to the bar and watched. I followed Babs around the stage, since both of our men were right next to each other.

The minute we got in front of our men, the music started and so did our movements. All of our backs were toward the men as we dropped down in synchronization, giving the men a perfect view of our asses. The beat that was blaring through the speakers was erotic and the minute it hit my ears, it was driven into my soul and set my body into a gyrating frenzy. Once we presented ourselves to the men, we were allowed to do whatever, so as I worked my way back up, I sat down on the man’s lap, grabbed his thighs, to support myself and started making a wave like motion over the man’s crotch with my ass.

Instantly, I was hit with his arousal…his big arousal and I hated how much it turned me on. For all I knew the guy could be toothless and hairy and I wouldn’t know because I was so entranced by his dick poking into me. God there was something seriously fucked up with my head.

Focus, I chastised myself as I continued to work his lap. I leaned back so his chest supported me and I wrapped my hands around the back of his chair so he could look over my shoulder, giving him a good look at my cleavage. I closed my eyes and thrived off of the beat of the music as I worked the man’s body. A part of me wished that they were allowed to touch, only because at this moment, I was horny as hell even though Jett finger fucked me earlier, it was the atmosphere and the iron rod poking my ass that was sending me over the edge.

“You’re doing an amazing job kitten.” I stopped in my tracks as my heart rate picked up a notch. I would know that voice anywhere. “Don’t stop and don’t look at me or you are going to get in trouble, he purred into my ear.

Rex Titan.

Fuck, what did I do? I didn’t want to upset anyone because I knew if Jett found out he would probably have a conniption so instead of putting my hands above my head to signal Kace, I continued my slow dance.

“What are you doing here?” I asked between clenched teeth.

“I needed to see you, I needed to make sure you were going to show up on Sunday. I needed,” he gulped, “I needed to see if you were being taken care of.”

“I’m fine, Rex. You don’t need to worry about me.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. You have no clue what kind of man Jett Colby is and what his intentions are.”

“Like you do?” I asked, as I turned to face him. His deep, dark eyes blazed at me, as they were filled with lust…for me. His jaw his clenched and ticked from his pent-up emotions and the muscles in his chest were flexed as he held back from touching me. A part of me wanted him to touch me, wanted to feel the familiar embrace of the man that used to be a part of my life, but I knew that would be a sure-fire way to get kicked right out of here.

He licked his lips as he looked at the juncture of where my hips rocked against his straining erection. Fuck, a couple more thrusts and a few more looks like that and I was going to be ready to explode right there on the spot. I hated to admit it to myself, but I missed Rex and his dark and dangerous look, his chestnut hair, smoldering eyes and the deep voice that rang through my ears when he was buried inside of me.

“I know Jett better than anyone. He is not a good man.”

“How do you know him so well?”

“Come meet me on Sunday and I will explain everything. Please Goldie, I need to see you.”

“I don’t know…”

His hand lifted up and caressed my thigh. I instantly swatted him away and then looked over at Kace, who was talking to Francy. Thank God he didn’t see. Even though my heart was racing from the way Rex was disobeying every rule as a member, I couldn’t help but be turned on by how he touched me, by the way he talked to me and the way he ate me alive with those penetrating brown eyes of his.

“You can’t touch me,” I hissed.

“But you want me to.” His smile was cockier then Jett’s and it made me want to slap him across the face, even though he was right.

The music was trailing off and I knew it was time to go.

“Time’s up, Titan,” I said, as I started to get off of him.

“Sunday, Goldie. Please.” The pleading look in his eyes was all it took. I nodded my head as I started to turn away. When I looked back, I saw him head off to one of the booths to take care of his amazingly thick erection. It took all my will power not to chase after him and go in the booth to take care of what I started. Fuck me, I wanted to finish him off.

What is wrong with me?

When I got backstage, I focused on what was to come next. I was grateful that I would be seeing Jett soon, like he said earlier, because a little dose of Jett was all I needed to wash away all thoughts of Rex.

We were backstage discussing plans for next week when we heard a couple of doors slam and all the girls cringed, knowing that Jett was not in the best of moods. Deep down, I wondered if it was because he knew Rex was here, but then I remembered he was at a meeting; my only hope was that he didn’t get back early enough to see Rex.

Kace’s phone went off and he pulled it out to read. His face twisted as he read his text message and then looked up.

“Pepper, you’re up. Get your ass upstairs.”

The air was knocked out of me as all the girls whipped their heads around to look at me, as if I was about to say something, to argue that Jett called up the wrong girl. I had absolutely nothing to say because all that was running through my head was pain, rejection and confusion. I was stunned.

What the fuck?

The thought of Jett being with someone else, touching someone else and putting his dick in someone else after the way he treated me made me utterly sick to my stomach. I didn’t understand why he would call up Pepper after the day we had together, after the night we shared, after the fucking morning we had, after the promise he made of seeing me tonight. He said he didn’t like games, so why the hell was he playing them with me right now?

Pepper gave me a pity look as she took off for upstairs, reluctantly, which made me feel a little better, but the feeling of hurt…betrayal still flew through my mind as I tried to comprehend Jett’s choice of companionship for tonight.