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When I arrived at the back of the stage with my Jett Girl lingerie, all the girls cheered, kissed me and slapped my ass in congratulations. At that moment, I knew I was home. It might take a while or maybe even forever for Jett to open up to me and I might get extremely jealous and impatient at times, but I knew it was worth it, he was worth it.

The music died out as we walked back behind the stage and all took off our masks. We knew the masks were for our safety, but fuck, they were irritating at times.

“That was fucking hot!” Pepper said, as she waved her hand in front of her face. “Did that new set of lingerie give you super sexy powers or something?” Pepper asked me. “I think I came in my pants watching you.”

I laughed. “You know you’re supposed to be making eye contact with the members, right? That’s what you taught us.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Pepper waved me off.

“Let’s do shots!” Tootse yelled, as she held her hand in the air in a semi fist pump. I wondered if maybe she already had too many shots; hell the girl was crazy.

“I think that’s only fitting,” Francy said, as she pulled out a bottle of tequila from behind a chair in the back. “Oh, look at what we have here.”

I shook my head, “You guys aren’t trying to get me good and drunk are you? You know that only leads to trouble.”

“That’s the point,” Babs said, as she grabbed some shot glasses that were also hidden behind a chair. “Listen, whenever a girl is finally inducted as an official Jett Girl, we take shots. It’s tradition.”

“Bring it on then,” I said, as I grabbed a shot glass from Babs.

We all held our glasses out as Francy poured generous amounts of booze for us. Once she put down the bottle, she shook her hair and cleared her throat. “To our newest Jett Girl, may she be ogled by horny men, thought about while they slap their salami, and fucked by Jett to the point where she can’t walk.”

The girls all said cheers as I laughed out loud. We downed our drinks and held them out for one more, just as Kace was walking in.

“Where’s my glass?” he asked, as he sidled up next to Babs and Pepper.

“Here you go, boss man,” Babs said, as she gave him hers. I can drink straight from the bottle.” She grabbed the bottle from Francy and poured everyone another shot.

Kace held up his glass and looked me in the eyes. “To Lo, our newest girl, who is one smart-ass hellion who drives me to drink every day. Welcome to the club, babe.” He tailed his toast with a wink, as my insides turned at the term of endearment.

Kace was the first contact with the Lafayette Club I ever had and the one who, at times, made me want to shove my head through a wall, but then was the first one to comfort me when I needed it the most. Jett was the man that I strived for and craved, but Kace was my rock. Without him, I would be back at Kitten’s Castle with random men’s thumbs caressing my asshole. I was grateful for both of the new men in my life.

Once we all chugged our shots, we set the glasses down and Kace’s phone beeped with a text message. We all watched him pull out his phone as he looked at the incoming message. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until Kace looked up at me and smiled.

“Get your ass up to the Bourbon Room, Lo.”

The girls all shoved me as they made crude comments and pelvic thrusted in my direction. I flipped them off and headed for the back stairs that led to the third floor of bliss.

As I walked up the steep stairs, I realized that this was exactly where I wanted to be. Not with Rex, not fighting for my sanity out on the streets. No, in this house, with my girls, the reckless Kace and the unflappable Jett Colby.

I opened the door to the Bourbon Room and was shocked to see Jett standing in the middle of the room, no shirt on…only unbuttoned jeans and his arms crossed over his magnificent chest. He pulled out his arm, pointed a remote at the stereo and started playing a seductive song I’d never heard before. He looked me up and down and said, “You have something to say to me?”

I nodded my head and said, “I am here to submit to you.”

“Perfect. Strip for me and bend over. I’m going to fuck your pussy so it knows that I am the only one it belongs to and once I’ve claimed your pussy, I am going to fuck you again, just to prove a point.”

Eeep, chills ran up my spine as I realized this was only the start of my adventure of becoming a Jett Girl. This was only the beginning…

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Table of Contents


Chapter One, "Work Bitch"

Chapter Two, "Take it off!"

Chapter Three, "Teeth"

Chapter Four, "Bourbon Street Parade"

Chapter Five, "A Little Party Never Killed Nobody"

Chapter Six, "Safe and Sound

Chapter Seven, "Turn Down For What"

Chapter Eight, "Try"

Chapter Nine, "Best Day of My Life"

Chapter Ten, "Candy Shop"

Chapter Eleven, "Hit It"

Chapter Twelve, "Express"

Chapter Thirteen, "Black Dog"

Chapter Fourteen, "Hangover"

Chapter Fifteen, "Hell On Heels"

Chapter Sixteen, "Madness"

Chapter Seventeen, "The Monster"

Chapter Eighteen, "Speechless"

Chapter Nineteen, "Dark Horse"

Chapter Twenty, "Hysteria"

Chapter Twenty One, "Nasty Naughty Boy"

Chapter Twenty Two, "Untouched"

Chapter Twenty Three, "Dust to Dust"

Chapter Twenty Four, "American Woman"

Chapter Twenty Five, "Shot Me Down"

Chapter Twenty Six, "Shots"

Chapter Twenty Seven, "Sail"

Chapter Twenty Eight, "Beautiful, Dirty, Rich"

Chapter Twenty Nine, "Animals"

Chapter Thirty, "Maneater"

Chapter Thirty One, "Lovesong"

Chapter Thirty Two, "If I Lose Myself"

Chapter Thirty Three, "Falling Slowly"

Chapter Thirty Four, "Wild One"

Chapter Thirty Five, "Talk Dirty"

Chapter Thirty Six, "Feelin' Myself"

Chapter Thirty Seven, "Poison and Wine"

Chapter Thirty Eight, "Somebody That I Used To Know"

Chapter Thirty Nine, "Thinking About You"

Chapter Forty, "Love the Way You Lie"

Chapter Forty One, "Say Something"

Chapter Forty Two, "I Am"

Chapter Forty Three, "Stay"

Chapter Forty Four, "S&M"