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“Hey.” His deep voice fills the small room, and a wave of self consciousness washes over me as I watch his eyes travel the length of my body. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just ready to be out of here.”

Max nods, extending a hand to me. “Why don’t you lead, I don’t want my back to you in this crowd.”

“They won’t bother me,” I say, pushing off of the washer.

“Humor me.”

I take a step closer and reach my hand forward, placing it within his. I feel the heat of his hand sear through me.

“Ready?” he asks, applying a gentle squeeze of pressure to my hand.

I nod and brace myself for the crowds of crazy.

I attempt the path of least resistance, avoiding groups that look rowdy as I lead us through the house holding Max’s left hand in my right. Periodically, he lifts his right hand as a shield, even though the few times he’s done so, no one has come close to running into me.

We’re nearly out. I can finally see the front door when a guy comes barreling toward us with another man quickly chasing after him, looking enraged. Before I can come to a complete stop, Max is half pulling, half lifting me so I’m behind him as he raises one arm and keeps his other securely wrapped around my waist in a protective stance.

“Let’s see if there’s a back door.” I plead as several more guys begin running toward the commotion, throwing punches and yelling.

Max looks at the chaos ensuing and nods. As he turns, his hand readjusts to my hip, and his long calloused fingers wrap around me. The feeling shoots a foreign surge of energy through me, distracting me from the task at hand.

“Lead the way, Captain.” Over all of the chaos, Max’s deep voice becomes a singular sound for me as I feel his lips graze the shell of my ear.

I focus on working our way against the crowd of people that have now come to either observe or participate in the growing fight.

“This way.” Max tightens his grip on my hip and steers me to the right. I look over and see a set of glass French doors leading outside and take Max’s hand in mine as I head toward them.

We make our way out into the dark night. Most of the blinds in the house are closed and the darkness seems utterly endless as my eyes work to adjust to the contrast, my ears ringing as they do the same.

Max’s hand loosens around mine, and I automatically release my grip and turn to face him. He’s right behind me, closer than I’d expected, and I’m surprised to see the distinct look of ire across his face forcing me to take a step back. His scent that I’ve become so drawn to over the past several weeks is more distinct now that we aren’t surrounded by so many people. It causes a contrasting emotion to his visible anger that I’m scrambling to prepare for.

“What in the hell was he thinking bringing you to a place like this? And he left?” he yells. “Why in the hell did you agree to come here? Do you know what goes on at these parties? Did you drink anything?”

I shake my head, feeling slightly offended by his accusation. “I’m not an idiot, Max. We were here like fifteen minutes and then I lost him.” Or he lost me … I silently wonder why in the hell he would ask me to come here with him and then leave me.

“I’m going to kill him!”

“Why waste your time?” I mutter, nervously gliding my fingers up and down my outer thighs, following the seams of my jeans.

“Why in the hell are you wasting your time with him? The sex can’t be worth all the other shit.”

“Let’s just go.”

“I’m serious, Ace, if I see his face around, I’m going to break his fucking jaw,” Max promises.

“Fighting’s barbaric,” I reply, annoyed that he’s suddenly turning his macho side on.


“Barbaric. Ruthless, savage, wicked, cruel. Fighting. Is. Barbaric.” Max looks down at me and the storm that has been stirring in his eyes slowly recedes.

“Would it be barbaric if I run him over with my Jeep?” he asks, raising that single eyebrow again.

“We can discuss it on the way to the bonfire.” Max falls into step beside me, placing a hand to the small of my back as I hear a quiet chuckle escape him. I try with an exhausting level of effort to not look over at him and lose to the crushing desire to see his face while he’s laughing.

When we reach the bonfire it’s inescapable that Kendall’s had too much to drink, and I instantly feel guilty. I look over to see how Jameson’s fairing with it and am interrupted with Kendall’s angry spew.

“You’re dumping him!” she cries, spotting me. She’d been distracted when we first arrived, loudly talking to a couple of people still standing beside her.

I cringe, hoping some sensibility of not discussing my personal life in this forum dawns on her. Quickly.

“I know, I told her even if he’s great in bed, it’s not worth this shit.” That’s not going to help deter Kendall.

She turns to Max. “Like Ace would know!”

“No way, he’s not your first!” Max doesn’t pose this as a question, but rather a fact, and Kendall stares at him for a long moment, filling me with unease.

“Who are you to judge? You’ve slept with how many girls?” I watch the girls beside her turn their attention to us, obviously intrigued. Although I’m relieved to have the attention diverted from me and my sexual encounters, or lack thereof, I really don’t want to discuss Max’s either.

“If he’s your first, I’m really going to kill him, barbaric or not.”

“He’s not her first!” Kendall shouts, making me cringe.

“Shhh!” I hiss, grabbing Kendall’s arm and looking over to Jameson pleadingly. He’s staring at me as if lost in a trance, and I roll my eyes at him, realizing he’s probably drank too much as well.

I’m not sure why the idea of my virginity being known to Max, or anyone else for that matter, embarrasses me exactly. It’s something I’m proud of in many ways, but I suddenly feel very young and inexperienced, and the combination makes me feel a strange sense of inferiority.

This almost instantly makes the logical side of my brain irate. I know without thinking this is in no way true, and I feel annoyed with both Kendall and Max for so publicly discussing this.

“This is none of your business. Either one of you.” I glare between Max and Kendall.

“Did you at least ask him about the other girl?” Kendall’s voice is hesitant and filled with pain as she looks at me waiting for my reaction. I can’t believe Jenny mentioned seeing Eric with another girl to Kendall and didn’t warn me about it! I look back at her impassively.

“He’s cheating on you?” Max’s eyes widen and his voice rises. “Why are you still dating him?”

“Because she doesn’t care about him. She never has,” Kendall answers, ignoring my look of contempt. “But seriously, Ace, you’re going to let him embarrass you? I don’t get it!”

“Kendall, this isn’t the place to discuss any of this. You’re drunk, and—”

“It’s because of me, isn’t it?” she whispers, grabbing my arm. “I teased you for being a serial dater. That’s why you haven’t pulled the trigger!”

“It has nothing to do with you,” I snap, pulling my arm away from her. “Neither of you need to worry about it. I’m fine.”

“But—” Kendall begins to object with a look of fury on her face.

“Kendall, you’re drunk and yelling about my personal life in front of everyone. No. I’m not discussing this here or now.”

“Ace—” Max starts, which only elevates my frustration.

I take a couple of steps back. “I appreciate you coming to get me, but I’m done. You guys have fun.” I turn around and head back to the house with the intention of calling a cab home.

I make it to the house before realizing my cell phone is locked safely in Max’s Jeep.