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Kerian’s deep green eyes met Sawyer’s and a devious smile touched his lips. “It’s worth mentioning that these two beauties fit well together; like two puzzle pieces,” he waggled his eyebrows. “It would be their pleasure to give us all a show later. Isn’t that right, my dirty little whores?”

Sawyer winced at what Kerian had called the pair, but both women nodded obediently and without so much as a hint of offense.

Kerian moved toward a large room that looked to be a library of sorts. “Everyone else will be here shortly. Venire,” he spoke firmly causing the two women to jump to his command.

“I didn’t know you spoke Italian,” Sawyer commented.

“Yes, my mother was Italian, my father American. All commands for my slaves are in my mother’s native language. I’ve written them down for you.”

“I speak Italian, as well, so that won’t be necessary.”

Kerian’s brows rose in surprise. “Very well. How many languages do you speak?”

“A great many; my work with the CIA necessitated it. Now, let’s get down to business shall we?” Sawyer stated resolutely, moving the subject along.

Kerian guided Ciara over to Sawyer by her shoulders as Sawyer’s eyes roamed over her 5’6” frame, small breasts, slightly protruding, soft belly and firm thighs.

“I am loaning you my slave in training until Sunday evening, 5:00 p.m. with strict instructions on her treatment. She is in no way to be harmed physically or mentally. Even though she is merely one of my trainees, she is a cherished belonging and I do not loan out my slaves frivolously. I believe experiencing the hand of another Master is essential to her training, even if the Master is still in training himself. It will be a learning and growing experience for the both of you.  She demands great care and attention and I expect nothing less from you as her temporary Master. Am I clear?” Kerian pushed his shoulders back squarely and puffed his chest out as he spoke fiercely and protectively, and his masterful and unambiguous statement resonated and echoed, filling the large room with the deep timbre of his voice.

Holding a tight grip on Ciara’s shoulders, he waited for Sawyer’s acknowledgement of what was expected of him.

“Of course, Kerian. I’m honored that you and Ciara have allowed me to enjoy her company so that we may learn together what these complex roles entail. I would never harm this exquisite specimen in any way or take advantage of the gift you have both given me, even if it is only for a short while.”

Sawyer took note of Ciara’s full bee-stung lips curving upward ever so slightly.

Kerian smiled broadly, flashing his crooked teeth. “Well said, Sawyer, but before I hand over the reins to this stunning slave, I should disclose an important bit of information: the effects of a woman's willing surrender can be mind altering and life changing. I guarantee you'll never look at another woman in the same light after you've been given complete control over such a docile being. You’ll also never view yourself the same after being granted such a privileged opportunity. Now, shall we make our way to the dining room to prepare for dinner and discuss what kind of sexual activity is permitted with her?”

* * *

Dinner had been enjoyable and Sawyer’s brain was still buzzing from the heated conversations about sex, politics and everything BDSM. He and Ciara retired to a large suite on the third level with a picturesque view of the distant Denver cityscape and the large tract of land that Kerian’s home sat on. He stood staring out at the fall colors barely visible in the darkened sky. With the silence that enveloped him, he momentarily forgot he wasn’t alone. When he turned, Ciara was standing near the door with her eyes downcast.

“Are you chilled, Angel?” Sawyer asked, grabbing a light blanket off the massive king-sized, mahogany canopy bed.

Ciara tipped her head back to peek at Sawyer and smiled. “A bit, Master Morrison. How did you know?”

Sawyer was baffled by Ciara’s question. “What are you referring to?”

She turned her back to Sawyer, revealing large, beautifully detailed, black angel’s wings tattooed on her shoulder blades. She had never turned her back the whole evening, and followed several feet behind Sawyer up the passageway to the suite and he hadn’t seen them until that very moment. Sawyer dropped the blanket and rose from the bed, moving stealthily toward Ciara. The wings were glorious on her flawless skin. She was a true angel if he had ever seen one and the wings only proved his assumption. He rubbed his fingers over both blades to reassure himself they were ink and not real. When his fingers swept over her back, her skin prickled and she inhaled sharply.

“What heinous act did you commit to be cast out from the heavens above, Angel?” Sawyer spoke with desire, deep and animalistic.

“It was man that I desired to be owned and commanded by, not God,” Ciara answered without hesitation.

“I can smell your sexuality on you, Ciara, and it’s intoxicating. Do you have this effect on all men or just me...?”Sawyer broke off midsentence and gripped her upper arms firmly before gently biting into the nape of her neck causing her to mewl loudly and shiver.

He reached behind and retrieved the blanket, and spun Ciara around to wrap it around her bare shoulders. Holding her close, he let her sap the heat from his body. Ciara buried her face in his neck, accepting his primal touch.

As they stood silently bonding, Sawyer thought back to dinner. He was still reveling in the thoughts of how Ciara had served and cut his food, and fed him. The first few bites felt awkward but everything seemed to fall into place once he saw Kerian, and the other guests being treated in the same royal manner.  There were two other slaves present for dinner, along with their Masters and one submissive and her Dominant.  One of the slaves was a male which Sawyer found enthralling to watch. The dinner party was small and intimate, and he looked forward to the upcoming fucktivities and scene play in Kerian’s legendary dungeon.

“May I dress you for the evening, Master Morrison?”

Sawyer chuckled. “I can dress myself, but thank you for the offer.”

Disappointment flashed in Ciara’s eyes. “Of course, Master. I didn’t mean to insinuate that you couldn’t do the job yourself, but merely that it is not only my duty to do it for you, but it would be my absolute pleasure.”

Standing immobile, Sawyer watched Ciara pensively. “Exactly what is your role as a slave, Ciara?” She suddenly looked frightened as if she was being put on the spot or called out because of inadequacy. “Angel…” Sawyer spoke softly, “I’m only asking because I’m not precisely clear about the role of a Master/slave; nothing more.”

Ciara sighed and visibly relaxed. “Thank you for clarifying. My role as a slave is to make your life easier and to bring you joy in all things. To dress you, feed you, bathe you, sexually gratify you, and whatever else you want me to do.”

Sawyer chewed his bottom lip and seated himself on the edge of the bed. “But what about your needs?”

Ciara smiled and her cheeks brightened. “My needs are met by being the best slave I’ve been trained to be and by being pleasing in all ways. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I need to be used. I know that sounds degrading, but I’ve made that choice of my own free will and I give myself to only those who are worthy of my complete submission and slavery. If you don’t allow me to do the things that I’ve been trained to do, the things that I want to do for you, then what good am I? If all you want from me is to stand in the corner and look pretty, I can do that, but I’d much rather be useful somehow.”

“Where’s the challenge, though, Ciara? I mean, if you do everything I ask without question, where’s the excitement in that?”