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SarahH: 8:18: AM: Lucky slave girl alert! Did you experiment with anything new?

S.M.: 8:20 AM: The Violet Ray and the electrified double pinwheel. Good stuff. I have a slave who needs attention, but I just wanted to say I was thinking of you. Don’t forget about 1 & 9. Have a good day.

SarahH: 8:20 AM: You, too, Domly One. :*

Sawyer jogged to the shower, eager to feel Ciara’s hands on his body.

Twenty five minutes later, he was being given a full body massage while he sat on the duchess chair, nude. His cock was semi-erect from all the blood flow being caused by Ciara’s skilled hands. She had just finished with his feet and was working his shoulders as his thoughts wandered. He wanted to know everything about the beautiful woman who had awoken his deepest dominant tendencies in a mere few hours of knowing her.

Grasping her wrist, he brought her around and seated her in his lap as he stretched his long legs out leisurely.

Holding her face between his hands, he bore his gaze into her. “What are your wants, Angel?”

“To be pleasing in all ways; to do without hesitation those things which my Master asks,” she answered quickly.

Shaking his head, he swept his thumb over her bottom lip. “You’ve already made that abundantly clear, and you do a fine job at accomplishing that, but this isn’t an exam, Ciara. Tell me what you really want.”

With her thick dark hair hanging over her shoulders and shrouding her breasts, her pupils roamed over his face endlessly, her liquid eyes imploring him for some indecipherable thing. “I want to be needed; wanted; and most of all, cherished and loved,” she whispered.

A hot ache grew in Sawyer’s throat and he felt the blood surge from his fingertips to his groin. “You want the very thing we all seek, Angel. Yet…” he paused, his heart thumping erratically, and his hands moving to her shoulders, “you’ve chosen this path as a slave. Why not just be a submissive?”

Ciara’s hands moved over Sawyer’s chest, her warm touch inviting him to caress her. He moved his hands down the center of her breasts and around her waist, his fingers snaking up her back and skimming the tattoos on her shoulder blades. He tugged her to him, pulling her close to not only hear her response, but to feel it against his mouth.

With her eyes resting on his lips, she whispered her answer into his parted mouth. “Because for me, it’s not enough to just be obedient. I need to be owned - body, mind and soul; to be guided and told what to do on every level and controlled utterly. I need to be overtaken. I always have. I’m not even sure where it comes from…” she paused as if pondering her response before continuing. “It starts here…” her fingertips touched the center of her belly and moved upward over her heart, “I feel it here…” then up to her temple, “and that need speaks to me here. It’s who I am, Sawyer. I no longer question and deny that yearning like I used to. I’ve struggled my entire adult life and young adulthood with what I felt and what everyone was telling me I should and should not be. I was shunned from my family for my perceived wayward wants, but I hold out hope that someday they will accept me for who I truly am, like I have accepted who they are. I am a slave, Master Morrison; a slave to man; a slave to love and ownership, and I do not regret the choices that I have made in seeking a life that can give me my true desires.”

He took her mouth with such savage intensity, Ciara’s body softened in his arms and a gasp left her mouth.  Forcing her lips open with the thrusting of his tongue and smothering her lips with his demanding mastery, his tongue caressed the inside of her mouth, devouring her unique taste. If being overtaken is what she needed and yearned for, then by God, he would give it to her.

Gently pulling away, Ciara smiled and answered, “Oh, and I also want to have my own book store someday; a small out of the way place that caters to the romantic and naughty-at-heart. With maybe some sex toys thrown in just for fun.”

Sawyer smiled and kissed her chin. “Kerian was right: someday you’re going to make some man a very happy Master, Angel.”

“Some man?” she asked, her eyes hopeful, even optimistic.

He gave her a secret smile, leaving her suggestive question unanswered but commented, “A weekend with you doesn’t seem like near enough time to get to know all your finer points, does it?”

“No, Master, it doesn’t, nor enough time to get to know your wants.”

“Perhaps Master K will be amenable to a time extension.”

“We can hope, Master.”

* * *

Saturday and Sunday had gone by in a flash and before Sawyer knew it, his time with Ciara was over, and the realization that he wanted more time with her was glaringly apparent. The afternoons had been spent talking of their losses and achievements. Sawyer even divulged a bit of the neglect he had endured growing up. Ciara had hung on his every word, but never once forced any more information out of him. He had learned of how her overzealously religious parents had disowned her when they found out about her involvement in the BDSM community. He felt her hurt and wished he could protect her from the harsh world. Wanting to defend her, he briefly considered calling them up to plead her case and to tell them to pull their heads out of their asses so they could enjoy the wonderful person that Ciara was, but decided against it.

Even with his every minute being accounted for with Ciara, he didn’t miss his appointments with Sarah at 1:00 and 9:00. He had requested she send a snapshot of herself so that he could carry her to bed each night, even if it was only her image on his phone.

When Sunday evening approached, he had begun to feel torn between his burgeoning feelings towards the twenty-eight year old slave who had crept into his heart, and the flame that was still burning steadily for Sarah. Except for their desires to want to be submissive, they were completely different. But still, they both seemed to be exactly what he needed and wanted in a woman. He quickly banished the thought of having to choose one over the other. After all, he hadn’t even told either of them about his murderous and corrupt past. If they knew, he dreaded what the outcome would be, and he reminded himself to just enjoy the allotted time he was allowed with each of them and to learn everything he could from their knowledge.

With his bag in hand and at the door, he was met by Kerian, Ciara and Julia. Seeing the girls standing next to each other, visions of the evening before seeped into his mind. He had watched them perform their magic on each other and they had given him and Kerian quite a show. They did, indeed, fit together like two puzzle pieces. With her eyes to the floor, Sawyer reached over and fingered her chin.

“Look at me before I leave, Angel.” She stared back with longing at him and an undeniable glimmer of sadness flashed across her face. He blinked long and hard wanting to soothe her ache before mustering up the courage to ask Kerian what had been on his mind since Saturday morning. Facing Kerian, he asked, “May I speak with you in private?”

In the study, Sawyer paced near the window like a caged animal.

“What is it, Mr. Morrison. You’re beginning to make me nervous,” Kerian glared.

Sawyer chewed on his bottom lip and stole a look over his shoulder at Kerian. Bravely, he faced him and pushed his shoulders back. “I respectfully request more time with Angel… Ciara. Respectfully.”

A cheesy grin spread across Kerian’s squared and slightly wrinkled face. “Is that what you’re so tense about? Hell, Morrison, I was going to suggest the same thing myself!”

Kerian laughed obnoxiously, causing Sawyer to bristle and wince at his own juvenile anxiousness. It reminded him of having to ask a father for his permission to take his daughter on a date. “Is that a yes?”