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“I’ll keep my hand on yours for starters. Master Doug used to say it was all in my eyes, so keep a close watch on them. Gently, squeeze, like this…” she applied pressure over his hand, her breath hitching slightly and her eyes rolling back.  He was mesmerized by what he was seeing - his hand wrapped seductively around the delicate neck of a beautiful, willing participant.  Who would’ve ever thought something so disturbing could be so erotic and exciting.

“Yes, like that,” she squeaked out lustily, her body twisting beneath him. Only a few seconds later, she released his hand. When his grip loosened, she took in a slow deep breath.

“God, that feels so good, Sawyer,” she panted out. “Again, a little harder and longer this time. Wait for my sign.”

Sawyer’s cock hardened when Sarah once again guided his hand to her neck and applied pressure to her carotid artery. He thought taking Ciara the way he had felt powerful, but it didn’t compare to what he was feeling at this moment.  How could he be aroused by something so unsettling? Conflicted by his feelings of shame and arousal, he did his best to brush them off like he had with Ciara. It was time to awaken his true sexual desires and give Sarah what she was undeniably turned on by.

Slowly, his grip intensified and Sarah’s gaze drifted to some other place. The color of her eyes reminded him of the sea, shimmering like pools of deep blue, still water. His eyes darted back and forth between each of her eyes, seeking out the sign that he was delivering too much pressure, but he saw nothing and began to worry maybe he had missed it. He attempted to loosen his hold, but Sarah mouthed the word ‘more.’ Her eyes widened infinitesimally and her pupils flared.  In a flash she released his hand and touched his forearm. Immediately, he let her go and she inhaled sharply.

“Oh, Sir,” she began to cry.

Dismayed, he pulled her up by the shoulders and held her against his chest.

“Are you okay?” he whispered.

“It’s been so long since I’ve felt this good; too long. You’re strong hands feel so amazing around my throat. I’m so close to coming, please do it again, this time on your own.”

Sawyer laid her back down, his eyes scanning her face, then body. Again, he had misinterpreted the situation.

“You’re an ever changing mystery,” he beamed down at her.

“I’m no mystery; I’m just a simple woman with complex fantasies and fetishes,” she batted her tear-covered lashes at him.

“I thought this was Master Doug’s fetish?” he lifted one side of his mouth in a wry smirk.

“What my Master loved, I learned to appreciate and even love. Please, Sir, again?” she begged.

“You look nothing less than stunning when you beg, Sarah,” he growled, snaking his hand up to her throat intentionally slow and teasing. After he repositioned his hard body over hers, his other hand slid between them and into her panties, seeking out her clit. “There it is…” he licked his lips, pressing his thumb against it firmly.

Wrapping his long fingers around her neck one final time, he slowly began to clamp around her throat, his eyes piercing into her, watching closely. Sarah’s breathing halted the harder he squeezed, her lashes fluttering wildly and her body writhing beneath him, eager for his touch. An unknown potent emotion surged through him when he felt Sarah’s heartbeat against his fingertips in a way that alternately thrilled and frightened him.

Sawyer didn’t think it was possible for Sarah to look any more enticing than she had only moments before, but there it was – the look of complete surrender making his pulse skitter and his brain fuzzy with lusty intoxication.

As he searched her eyes, they exchanged a look, and suddenly he could feel the air in the room shift - like the way the atmosphere changes right before a fierce storm. He could feel the storm’s power twist around his heart as his fingers clenched tighter yet, causing his cock to throb and his body to ache with an intense need to control her. He wanted to tie her down and fill her roughly and nothing less than her quivering release would satiate his hunger.

Circling his thumb over her wet nub, a tormented groan escaped her lips and her eyes rolled back for a split second before focusing on his mouth. Her body began to shiver and a barely visible flare of her pupils signaled for him to free her. He withdrew his hand and Sarah’s chest heaved as she gasped for breath and screamed out, her orgasmic roar a heady invitation to give her more. And, God, how he wanted to give her more. He had entered his dark headspace, even if only for a brief moment, but this time there was one major difference – there was Sarah’s whispered voice and loyal eyes beckoning him back into the light.

Rising up, Sawyer hauled Sarah into his cradling arms, tucking her curves neatly into his contours as she continued to pant and cry from her massive orgasm.

“You’ve given me my first true taste of ultimate power, Snowflake,” his raspy, hushed voice whispered into her ear. “Stay with me tonight so that we can take the time to explore, arouse and give each other pleasure. Stay with me and teach me more.”

“Yes, Domly One… yes… yes,” she smiled up at him.

Chapter 14

While Sarah slept, Sawyer made a quick trip to a clothing store not far from his condo to pick out something for her to wear seeing as she hadn’t been prepared for her overnight stay, as well as some fruit from a local market.

Once back at home and seated in his King’s throne, he began writing ideas for Ciara’s scene. Seduced consent, albeit sexy sounding, seemed a bit deceiving.  Semantics, he laughed to himself.

Ciara had written that she had a mild history of asthma so he would have to be prepared with some kind of medication in case she was to have a flare up. Also, he needed to speak with Kerian about his past. He suspected when his past wrongdoings were made known, Kerian would change his mind about allowing him to perform something as risky as breath play with Ciara.

He had already spoken of his bloody past with Sarah, so the initial sting of having to speak about it was gone, but it was still distressing to think about having to do it again. Before he had a chance to rethink his decision, he dialed Kerian’s number.

“Mr. Morrison!” he answered. “Working hard on your homework assignment?”

“Absolutely. You’re a shit for making me do this. You know that, right?”

Kerian laughed loudly and spoke away from the phone. “Sawyer Morrison has called your Master a shit after I shared Precious’ ass! Can you believe the gall?” He coughed and deepened his voice. “I have no idea why you would say such a wretched thing.”

“Right. Anyway, there’s something I need to speak to you about. I feel this information is something that should be disclosed in order for you to make an informed decision before allowing me to test Ciara’s limits.”

“You’re always so somber, Sawyer, but, fine, speak up.”

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes.  “I was an assassin for the CIA for many years. I… If you want me to back away from Ciara… I…”

“I see. Well thank you for sharing this information with me…” Kerian cut in.

“Let me finish. I’ll tell you the same thing I told Sarah: this isn’t a case of ‘I was a different person then.’ I’m the same man now that I was then.  I’ve also done heinous things post CIA. It’s not something I’m proud of, but it was my duty and job, and other than the regret of having to lie about my actions to my wife and the ones I care about, I don’t regret my actions. The men I killed deserved to die and if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. There. I said it. Now, if you want me to back away from Ciara, I’ll respect your decision.”