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There was a short moment of silence and Sawyer wondered if he had been disconnected or hung up on. “Are you there?” he asked after checking his phone to make sure the call was still in progress.

“I’m here. Are you finished?” Kerian asked without emotion.

“Yes, I think so.”

“Now it’s my turn. First: thank you for sharing this information with me. Second: I already knew about your past, but the fact that you shared it with me on your own only proves what I and everyone you care about already knows - you’re trustworthy and will make an excellent Dom or Master someday. Hell, you already are.”

How the hell did Kerian know? Had Young revealed his secrets to him? No, he doubted that. Young was also trustworthy.


“I’m a man with friends in high places, Mr. Morrison, and the Dark Asylum is my life’s work. I don’t allow just anyone through my doors and I insist on very thorough background checks being done on all patrons before accepting their membership applications. I never would’ve offered you Precious, Sarah, or any woman for that matter, if I hadn’t known everything about you. And I most certainly would never have asked that you to push a trainee’s hard limits without delving into your background and knowing what kind of man you are. I’m a shrewd businessman and knowing everything about my members is not just good business but good manners, and the gentlemanly thing to do when given the honor and trust of a submissive or slave.”

Sawyer couldn’t resist a smile. Well, damn. Sarah hadn’t balked and neither had Kerian, and he felt a little ridiculous for having made such a big deal about everything.

“Precious is very special, Sawyer, and I didn’t come to the decision lightly when asking you to push her hard limits. Her training has been unusually drawn out and because of that, my cherished Julia and I have grown more attached to her than any other who has crossed our paths. She’s gifted and intelligent, and unlike any other trainee I’ve ever had the pleasure of guiding. My two beloved slaves hold a special place in my heart…” he sighed as if pained thinking about relinquishing her to another man. “Anyway, I digress,” he quickly pulled himself together. “Was there anything else you wanted to discuss about your upcoming scene?”

“Yes. Would you like to be present?”

He chuckled lightly. “Of course, but it would only hinder your abilities in breaking her walls down. When she begins to feel panicked, and she will, she’ll look to me for help and I will be unable to provide it for her in order for her to overcome her fears, leaving her feeling betrayed.  I wouldn’t be able to live with myself seeing that look of hurt in her eyes, especially knowing how abandoned by her family she feels. Having another person present is a good idea though, just so she has some sort of reassurance.”

Sawyer could think of only one person he wanted there. Sarah. Not only for Ciara’s comfort, but for his own.

“Also, does she have medication for her asthma? I will need that handy in case she has an attack.”

“Excellent idea. You’ve really been thorough, haven’t you?”

“I’m doing my best, Kerian.”

“And your best is all that I will accept and nothing less, Mr. Morrison. I’ll send over some of my thoughts and ideas via email and speak with you at the end of the week. I’m going to insist that you spend the entire weekend with her again in order to gain her full trust, if that’s possible, before scening with her on Sunday. Good night and, again, thank you for your honesty.”

* * *

Nearing 11:00 p.m., Sawyer was finally finished with his homework and ready for some sensual playtime. He cut some fresh fruit, caramelized a bit of sugar, and filled a bowl with ice cubes. Next, he brought out his emergency candles and placed it all on a tray.  He crept into his bedroom as quietly as possible and lit the candles and placed them on the nightstand. Tip-toeing to his closet, he brought out three of his best silk ties and a dark-brown, worn leather belt, laying them on the bed next to Sarah. His eyes wandered around his bedroom, searching out more play things. The flame of the candle glinted off a pair of platinum cufflinks that were lying on his night stand and wicked inspiration hit him. He touched the sharp edge of one to his fingertip noting that the prickly end would work well for the sensual sadism he had planned. He smiled and placed it next to the other items.

After undressing, he turned up the heat in his condo to a sweltering 90 degrees, wanting to see Sarah sweaty and uncomfortable while he teased and pleased her body. While he waited for the air around him to heat up, he found the perfect song to play, Stay the Night by Zedd and Hayley Williams.

Seated on the edge of the bed, he watched and waited, wondering what Sarah was dreaming about.  Her eyelids flicked and she mumbled something unintelligible. Tracing his thumb over her bottom lip, he leaned down and kissed the corner of her mouth.

When the air became sultry, a fine layer of sweat beaded on her forehead and she kicked off the covers.

“Snowflake,” he whispered while gliding his fingers down the center of her glistening double D’s.

Sarah’s eyes fluttered open and strained against the darkened room.

Ghosting his fingers down her arms, he gripped her wrists and pulled her arms above her head in one swift motion, the corners of his mouth ruffling into a sinful grin. “Want to play?”

Without saying a word she returned his smile and nodded compliantly, her eyes gleaming brightly and reflecting the glowing light that flickered nearby.

“Be a very good girl and lie still for me, okay?”

Again, she only nodded.  Reaching for his favorite fandango pink, paisley printed tie, he slipped it around her eyes, tying it tightly and shielding all light from her vision. The next two ties were used to secure her ankles to the footboard, and the belt he used to bind her wrists together.

She breathed lightly through parted lips with each of Sawyer’s movements, small moans occasionally slipping out. He pressed his mouth to her throat and flicked his tongue over the bend of her neck. With every lick of her sweat-covered skin, he tasted her acquiescence. It was delicious and entrancing, and his need for her grew more.

Hovering over her and staring down at her covered eyes, he asked, “How much do you want me, Sarah?”

Her bottom lip trembled, “More than I want to admit.”

“Show me.”

* * *

Sawyer woke hours later to the sound of out-of-tune guitar strings in the distance. Unsure if he was still dreaming, he reached an arm out only to feel an empty bed next to him. Rising, he followed the sound and found Sarah in the darkened living room sitting in his large chair with her feet tucked beneath her and awkwardly strumming the guitar. He watched her quietly for several minutes, fascinated by the fire that she stoked within his heart. The serenity that she evoked within him was the thing he longed for even more than her beauty and curves.

“Let’s tune it,” he commented, sitting next to her and taking hold of the instrument. When she attempted to stand, he pulled her down next to him, their bodies pressed tightly together.  After tuning it by ear, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He placed the guitar between her arms again, guiding her hands and fingers into the D chord position. Sarah curled into the curve of his body, allowing his instruction. They sat wordless like that for several minutes as he continued to move her fingers into place through several mellow chords. Memories of Serena washed over him and his body stilled.