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Chapter 16

After having fallen victim to the numbed sleep of a satisfied and worn out lover, Sawyer woke early. He stretched and yawned loudly, the world around him spinning and careening on its axis from his night with Sarah. He dressed quietly and seated himself on the edge of the bed, watching her sleep.  The thought of saying goodbye to her left his body feeling as if he were half ice and half flame, and his brain a mixed hodgepodge of confused feelings.

Sarah’s eyes popped open and she sat straight up, panicked for a brief moment until she saw him. Letting out a loud relieved breath, she gripped her chest. “I thought you had left without saying goodbye, Master.”

Sawyer’s mouth dropped open. The term Master had been strictly reserved for Doug and he wondered if Sarah even realized what she had said. A floodtide of emotions washed over him and he cleared his throat nervously.

“I would never do such a despicable thing and I should paddle your backside for thinking so lowly of me,” he half-kidded.

She smiled impishly and rolled onto her belly. Pushing her bare ass out at him, she glanced over her shoulder. “If it pleases you, Sir.”

“Maybe just one,” he laughed, bringing his palm down onto her bottom swiftly and catching her by surprise. She shrieked and flipped back over, rubbing her ass briskly and her eyes rounded as wide as saucers.

“You offered!” he bellowed.

“I didn’t think you would really do it,” she fake pouted.

The room grew silent and she stood and robed herself.  A look of tired sadness flickered in her eyes, but she forced a smile.

“Ciara is waiting for you, Sir. Be gentle with her.”

Sawyer gave her an ironic accusing smile. “Do you really think I would I be anything less?”

Her eyes brightened and her mouth upturned into a guilty smile. “I didn’t mean…”

He placed a finger to her lips, “I know. I’ll see you on Sunday. I’ll be focusing all my attention on Ciara, so our normal scheduled activities will have to be put aside. Tell me you understand.”

He hated having to miss their 1:00 and 9:00 appointments. They were part of a cherished routine they had fallen into and he did love his routines. But he knew it had to be done. Ciara was to be his only focus. Sarah lowered her eyes and nodded, but he knew he had wounded her and he suddenly felt cruel for insisting on it. He tipped her head back and kissed her forehead and trailed his fingers sensuously down her arm to try and comfort her.

“Forgive me?”

She offered him a merciful smile and wrapped her arms around his waist. “No, Sir, forgive me. My disappointment is selfish. I know you wouldn’t have asked if you didn’t feel it was important.”

“You’re always the picture of perfect submission, Snowflake. Thank you for understanding.” His words made her visibly relax and she offered him a sudden arresting smile, throwing his balance off. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and got back to business. “Our scene is set for 3:00 p.m. I expect you to be there a little early to help me set up.”

“Of course.” She reached for a folded piece of paper on the nightstand and placed it into his pocket. “I’ve written you something and I ask that you not read it until tomorrow before your scene.”

Sawyer reached into his pocket and touched it, wondering what kind of cryptic message it contained.  Hopefully it held words of encouragement seeing as he would be needing them.

“When did you write it?”

“Last night after we made… after we had sex,” she stammered, looking past him and avoiding eye contact.

Love. Yes, that’s exactly what they had done but he wasn’t about to say it either.

“I’ll bring my camcorder as well,” she kept moving right along.

“Ugh,” he rolled his eyes.

“It’ll be fine. I promise you won’t see your fine naked body on YouPorn,” she giggled.

“Thanks for the reassurance,” he leaned down and pecked her lips. He pulled her close and so tight he squeezed the air from her lungs. Pressing his forehead to hers, he closed his eyes to try and relay what he was feeling. “Last night was…” he couldn’t find the words. All the most amazing descriptive words he could think of didn’t seem like nearly enough to explain what the night had been like for him. He opened his mouth several times when Sarah finally finished his sentence.

“Yes, Sir… it was.”

* * *

He sped away, annoyed with himself for having fallen for Sarah. Her words came back to him, ‘no foreseeable Master in my future.’ He reminded himself that she was his trainer, nothing more. Only a week ago he had been thinking about Ciara in the same way. What the hell was wrong with him? He had never been so irresolute in his life and his indecision irked him.

Back at his condo, he packed a small bag, becoming more irate as the seconds ticked by. He paced his kitchen for several minutes and finally slammed his bag down on the counter and threw himself into his large chair. He needed to get his shit together and focus. He forced himself to slow his breathing and envision Ciara’s chestnut-colored eyes and meek smile. Sarah. He clenched his jaw tight. Seduce consent. Breath play. Sarah. He fisted his hair and grunted. Gain Ciara’s her trust. Take it slow. Remind her that limits are meant to be pushed and reassure her. Sarah. Throwing his hands up, he cursed the air.

Sarah. He smiled and laughed at himself. Even in his turmoil about his feelings for her, she brought him peace. Shaking his head, he gathered his bag and left.

Traffic had delayed his arrival only giving him more time to think about the upcoming scene and eating away at what little calm he had.

When Kerian opened the door, he promptly slapped Sawyer on the back and gave him an enormous smile. “Domly One!”

Sawyer’s eyes immediately scanned the room for Ciara.

“She’s in the dungeon. I permitted her and Julia to engage in a bit of playtime before your arrival. We had expected you earlier, but perhaps if we go down there right this instant we might be able to see their spectacular finish.”

Sawyer smiled stupidly like a teenager getting ready to watch his first porn movie and dropped his bag where he stood. “What are we waiting for?”

Sneaking in quietly, the Doms stood just out of sight as Julia plunged into Ciara with a strap-on dildo attached to her slim hips and her dark-brown hair a fantastic sweaty mess all around her face.

“Christ, Kerian, you’re one lucky man,” he whispered.

“Yes, I am, but thank you for noticing,” Kerian lifted his eyebrows proudly.

Ciara held her legs wide for Julia and was completely open to the intense fucking that she was being given, and had the most hypnotic look of orgasmic delight on her face.  And the smell. Good, God. Sweat, perfume and pussy. It was glorious and filthy, and Sawyer became erect so quickly, he feared he would pass out from the lack of blood flow to his vital organs. He stumbled from dizziness and nearly knocked Kerian over.

“Christ, man!” Kerian huffed as he steadied Sawyer, breaking the women’s concentration.

He felt like an asshole for having interrupted their breath-taking scene with his juvenile reaction. “I’m sorry, ladies,” he sheepishly grinned. “You just look so damned tasty. It’s all a Dom can do not to pass out from lack of blood in his brain.”

The two women and Kerian all laughed loudly. When Ciara looked at him, he felt the familiar pull to her that he had felt the previous weekend.  She was so damned gorgeous. He inhaled their mixed sex, and arousal and excitement rioted within him.