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Kerian was waving them over. They removed their coats and made their way to him. Julia and Ciara were on display for all to see and the pride on Kerian’s face was like a ray of sun shining in the dimly lit room. Tonight was the official collaring ceremony for him and Ciara and the energy in the room was thick in the air. The usual sounds of sexy debauchery could be heard in a back room and the familiar orgasmic scream of Isabel broke through the din.

“Are you nervous to be giving Ciara away?” Kerian directed his question at Sawyer.

“Not at all. I’m honored she’s asked.”

“And we’re thrilled you’ve accepted.” He gently pulled Sawyer aside and his mood grew serious. “I know I’ve thanked you already, but…” he took in a deep breath. “It doesn’t seem like enough. I truly can’t express my gratitude for what you’ve done for me and Julia. For Precious.”

Sawyer placed his hand on Kerian’s shoulder and gave him a firm, reassuring squeeze. “Well, I knew your old school ass wouldn’t do anything about it,” he kidded.

Kerian’s brows raised but he remained serious. “You’re right and I banish the thought of how our lives would’ve turned out if Precious hadn’t offered herself to us. We would be lost…” he broke off midsentence.

He knew well how Kerian felt. He would be lost without Sarah. He glanced over Kerian’s shoulder. She was watching him keenly and he lifted one side of his mouth. Her eyes brightened and she returned his smile.

“Everything is set for tonight,” Kerian winked suggestively before he returned to his slaves.

Sawyer and Sarah seated themselves at the bar in anticipation of the ceremony and Dylan sauntered over with Isabel in tow. She waddled a few steps behind him, still shaky from whatever torture he had inflicted on her. She was a full five months pregnant and her belly was just as round as a mini-globe and her motherly breasts deliciously abundant. A wicked smile tipped Sawyer’s mouth. He couldn’t wait to plant his own seed in Sarah and get his hands on her milky tits. Soon… very soon.

He glanced at his watch and touched his pocket to make sure the ring was still there. Just after the ceremony he was going to surprise Sarah with his proposal. Kerian had the scene all set up. Sawyer would perform a little sensual sadism on her, cane her and bang that sweet ass of hers, then let her know that he was claiming her for the rest of their lives. It would be an epic proposal.

Following that was the Young’s surprise gift to the club. Isabel had finally come into her father’s estate and she and Dylan were donating a large sum of money to the club for some needed updates and additions. The rest of the money was going to various domestic abuse and children’s charities. It was a nice gesture on their part and the closure that they both needed.

He looked back to Isabel who was trying to seat herself on a stool but failing miserably. Her petite figure wasn’t meant to carry that kind of load. Dylan assisted her and Sawyer smiled. She was seriously the most adorable pregnant masochist he had ever laid eyes on. Then again, she was the only pregnant masochist he knew. He furrowed his eyebrows thinking about Young flogging her when she had a baby on board.

Isabel shook her head at him. “Please don’t look at me like that. The endorphins are good for the baby, Master Morrison.”

Dylan quickly chimed in, “Yeah and so is my man juice. It helps promote a positive outcome…” he quirked an eyebrow and laughed.

Here it comes - Dylan’s lame wordplay.

“See what I did there? Outcome? Positive outcum? Did you catch the double meaning? The baby’s coming out and my cum is positive for it?” he explained as if they were all dense.

Yeah, yeah. Sawyer rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders in response.What did they know anyway? He’d never ever like the idea of Isabel being punished. He didn’t care how much she liked it. Or needed it. But whatever. Punishment was all part of the D/s dynamic and had come to accept it. Anyway, it was their kink. Hell, he had his own fetishes to deal with. Like breath play. Seriously, who would’ve fucking known? And anal sex and caning… he shook his head and laughed at himself. Yeah, he was one kinky motherfucker alright. And he was completely okay with that.

“Accept no one’s definition of your life. Define yourself.” - Unknown