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He had often wondered if Isa suspected anything or if her mind had just clouded over the facts of that dreadful night and had accepted what he and Dylan had told her to save her own sanity. He would never know.

Despite knowing Dylan felt guilty about lying to Isabel, Sawyer had convinced him that if Isa knew the complete truth, it would only make matters worse and most likely, she would have a mental breakdown. Some things were best left unsaid, especially when it would do no good for the facts to be known.

“I don’t want my father’s money…” Isa began. “Those people can have it for all I care, but Master says I deserve it after everything Papa put me through. Tell him, Sawyer; tell my Master it’s best to just let sleeping dogs lie and move on,” she pleaded with tear-filled eyes.

Dylan pulled Isa close and fingered her chin, staring at her sternly. “You know better than to challenge my authority and decisions, and Sawyer isn’t going to change my mind. That money is yours to do with whatever you want. After what that man put you through…”

“Please, Sir, please…” she continued to beg, looking to Sawyer for help.

“Young is right, Isabel. I’m sorry.”

Isa sharply looked away from them both as if she had been betrayed by the two Doms. “I don’t want it. It will only serve as a reminder of everything he did to my mother and the both of you.”

It was just like Isabel to not even think about what that son-of-a-bitch had done to her. For fuck’s sake – he had beaten her to the point of being unable to have children and nearly killed her husband. They both deserved the money.

Dylan shook his head and blinked long and hard. “This discussion is over, Isabel Young. That money is yours. If you want to give it away or burn it when everything is said and done, that’s fine, but for now, things are moving forward as planned.”

Sarah moved to the far end of the small room, uncomfortable with what was playing out in front of her. Sawyer reached for her hand and pulled her close, feeling the sudden need to protect her as well, though he wasn’t sure what he was defending her from. She hid her face in his chest, but reached a hand out to Isabel and squeezed her shoulder in a gesture of submissive solidarity and acknowledgement of Isabel’s frustration and pain.

Isabel attempted to scoot away from Dylan but his strong grip pulled her back by her waist.

“I didn’t make this decision to hurt you, Baby Girl. I love you…” He paused, before burying his face in her hair. “Oh, hell,” he wavered. “We don’t need the stress; not with the possibility of a baby coming.” Isabel shot Dylan a look of surprise for telling their secret. “I told Sawyer today,” he confessed with an apologetic look and Isa’s alarmed eyes softened.

“It’s wonderful news, Cookie. You two deserve to have a family,” Sawyer smiled down at Isa, knowing that she found the nickname he had given her sweet.

Isa immediately returned his smile. She had been through so much and come through it stronger, she was the toughest cookie he knew, all 5’1” of her. Hell, she even stood toe-to-toe fearlessly against Dylan in an epic show down of wills at one point. Even in the face of Dylan’s fierce dominance and threat of punishment, she didn’t give an inch. She was a Domme through-and-through when the situation called for it, as well as a submissive, and it was a beautifully sexy and frightening thing to witness.

Isabel nuzzled into Dylan’s neck when she heard his voice soften. “I’m sorry for doubting your decision, Master. I know you love me and only want the best for me,” she purred.

Dylan’s hand snaked up to her neck and he planted a passionate kiss on her mouth, their tongues mingling endlessly. Sarah and Sawyer both watched with affection as the couple displayed their love for one another unabashedly. Sarah’s hand came up and rested on his chest directly over his heart, making his pulse thud rapidly against his chest wall. He wasn’t sure Sarah even realized what she had done as her eyes stayed focused on Dylan and Isabel.  He reached his hand around her back and gently tugged her long hair, forcing her to direct her attention onto him. With the smacking sounds and panting of Dylan and Isabel’s rapidly intensifying make out session, Sawyer planted a firm kiss on Sarah’s forehead.

Her eyes closed and her mouth parted, a soft breath barely heard. When Sawyer pulled away, her eyes fluttered open, the neediness and confusion hard to miss in her penetrating eyes. He studied her thoughtfully for a moment, sensing she wanted more but was afraid to ask, and perhaps even feeling guilty for thinking about it. He decided to remedy her indecision by taking the initiative of offering her more.

“Would you like another?” he lifted an eyebrow at her.

She nodded slowly, still unable to voice her desires.  Yanking her locks harder and wrapping his fingers deep into her mane at the nape of her neck, he ghosted his mouth over her cheek, trailing small delicate kisses along her jawline. He wanted to invade her mouth and to feel her tongue gliding over his teeth, but he could feel her hesitation when her body stiffened. Stopping just shy of her lips, he left a single wet kiss on the corner of her mouth.  Everything around them faded out and only Sarah’s blue irises shone in the romantically lit room.  She blinked rapidly and focused on Sawyer’s mouth, her nails digging into his chest as if insisting on more.

Unexpectedly and softly, Isabel moaned out. Sawyer’s eyes darted towards Dylan and Isa. They were oblivious to him and Sarah, and were sprawled out on the small love-seat. Isabel’s skirt was hiked up over her shapely hips, her hands pinned high above her head, and Dylan’s face was buried in her exposed pussy. Guiding Sarah out of the room, they left them to their privacy.

Sarah reached into her pocket pulling out a neatly folded piece of paper. “Before I forget, here are the answers to your questions, but before I give it to you, I’d like to add a little more.”

“Thank you, I’ll read your responses tonight…” Sawyer trailed off, curious what she was going to share with him.

Sarah promptly seated herself at a small table and feverishly wrote more on the paper. Remembering that she had mentioned a demonstration was going to be held on sensual sadism, he scanned the room for the couple who were going to give the demo. The subject was intriguing and sounded like something he might like to investigate and research further. After several minutes, Sarah refolded the piece of paper and handed it back to him, a light of desire illuminating her cobalt eyes. He gripped her hand and walked toward the back of the club.

“I was hoping to watch the scene with Elizabeth and John.”

The corners of Sarah’s mouth rose ever so slightly. “Sensual sadism interests you? It’s very fascinating to watch. I’ve always wanted to try it. What I mean to say is: I have to a certain degree, but my Sir and I never really had the chance to delve into it fully before he…” she broke off midsentence. “He was mainly into bondage and a few other things.” Her mouth snapped closed and she swallowed hard. “I’m sorry. I mean you no disrespect by dwelling on my former Master. This is about you.”

Sawyer shook his head in disagreement and framed her face in his large palms and focused on her stunning eyes. “It’s good for you to talk about your experiences with your husband. And this isn’t about just me; it’s about us and what we can learn about one another.”

She sighed and said nothing more as they walked in silence to the farthest and smallest back room. The setting was extremely intimate even though it was crowded with people wanting to watch Liz and John in action.