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“Pinkie swear?”

Lil curled her pinkie finger around Zhang’s. “It’s the most solemn vow.”

Zhang smiled. “Americans are so strange.”

“Don’t try to get off the hook. Swear it. I dare you to.”

Zhang’s smile widened. “I’m not afraid of your little game.”

“Really? Prove it.”

Zhang curled her pinkie around Lil’s. “I pinkie swear it.”

Lil laughed and released her.

Zhang shook her head, but laughed with her. “You are trouble, Lil Dartley.”

Shamelessly, Lil shrugged. “It’s who I am.”

“And the world is better for it, my friend.”

The roving wedding planner intruded into their conversation. “Are we ready to line up?”

The two women nodded and moved into their places behind Abby.

The music started and Abby turned around before starting her walk. “I’m so glad you’re here, Lil.”

Holding her bouquet in one hand, Lil gave her sister a little nudge with her other and said, “Get going unless you want me to make you cry again.”

Abby gave her a teary smile.

Too late.

Dominic stood tall and proud at his spot before the altar, waiting for his soon-to-be-bride to join him. The four men who flanked one side of him were an equally impressive sight and one that not many women in the audience, married or not, would soon forget. The female minister they had chosen as their officiant looked on with quiet grace.

When Abby reached Dominic, he took both of her hands in his and they turned to face each other in front of the altar. Lil and the bridesmaids took their places on the bride’s side of the altar and the minister began to speak. As Lil listened to the officiant, she couldn’t help but look across at Jake and think that they would be making vows to each other one day soon. He winked at her as if he had heard her thoughts and had been thinking something quite similar.

“Dearest friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Dominic Corisi and Abigail Dartley in marriage. When they approached me about performing their ceremony, I wasn’t sure if I was qualified since my experience has been limited to small weddings in my local chapel. However, after two minutes with them, I saw that they were no different than any other couple I have married. They are deeply devoted to each other, passionately in love, and committed to making the world a better place through the strength of their love. They have written their own vows for today. Do you have the rings?”

Jake handed the rings to Dominic and said something that made the couple smile.

Dominic cleared his throat and said, “Abigail Dartley, today I take you as my wife. From this day on, I promise to be faithful and honest, loving and supportive. I promise to listen to your wise counsel and confess when I decide to disregard it.”

Lil bit her lip to stop the laugh that his comment inspired. Her family was never going to be the same. Yes, it was going to be much, much better.

Dominic continued, “I promise to forgive more, destroy less, and to savor every day with you. I give you this ring as a symbol that everything I am and everything I have will be yours now and forever.” He placed a wedding band on Abby’s finger.

Abby held out his wedding band, took his hand in hers and said, “Dominic Corisi, today I take you as my husband. I promise to be faithful and honest, loving and supportive. I promise to adore you as you are and gracefully accept your apologies each time you discover that I was right. I promise to risk more, judge less and to savor every day with you. I give you this ring as a symbol that everything I am and everything I have will be yours now and forever.” She placed the gold band on Dominic’s finger.

The officiant said, “By exchanging rings and vows today, Dominic and Abby you have sworn your life and your allegiance to each other. Time and tragedy will test this bond. When it does, remember the love you felt this day and stay true to your commitment. Dominic and Abigail, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may the kiss the bride.”

The crowd held their breath as a man who had once been known only for what he had accumulated and threatened gently kissed the lips of his new wife and hugged her to him with such love that it was impossible to look away.

Everyone stood and the officiant said, “It is a great honor for me to introduce, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Corisi.”

Lil looked across to Jake and knew that, like her, had had been imagining their wedding, their vows…their first kiss as a married couple. To music and applause, Lil linked arms with Jake and followed Dominic and Abby down the aisle and out of the tent to meet the photographer. They would have their day, but the next hour or so was all about filling Dominic and Abby’s wedding album.

After entering the reception with Jake and the rest of the bridal party, Lil turned to him and said “I want to run in and check on Colby really quickly before everything gets started. I love the nanny we chose, but I-”

Jake pulled her against him and whispered into her ear, “I’ll go with you.”

Lil laughed and pulled out of his grasp, “No way. I’m not missing the toast because we get distracted out there.”

“I love the way you distract me,” he growled and reached for her again.

She edged away, “That’s the problem. I am not going to mess this up. If you don’t come with me I can be back here in ten minutes.”

“I could control myself,” he claimed.

She leaned in and snuck a quick kiss while he was defending his honor then slid back out of his reach. “But could I?” she teased softly.

His face flushed slightly with excitement. “I think I could make ten minutes work.”

“That’s nothing to brag about,” Lil joked and loved how he opened his mouth, but didn’t have a witty comeback. It meant that she had indeed succeeded in shaking him up. She snuck in for one more quick kiss and said, “I’ll be right back.”

His mouth curled in amusement. “I’ll be here, plotting my revenge.”

She knew it was the kind of payback she would likely enjoy, so she felt safe enough to tease him more. “If you’re that sensitive, you’ve picked the wrong woman.”

This time he did grab her and hold her against his growing excitement. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you, Lil, but that doesn’t mean I won’t prove to you later exactly how much I can accomplish in ten minutes.”

He leaned down to kiss her and she couldn’t think of a single witty response. He kissed her until she forgot what had been so funny and desperately wanted to beg him to leave with her.

When he raised his head she touched a trembling hand to his lips and stared at the elegant, emerald cut diamond on her left hand. Was this really her life? Could something this wonderful really happen to her?

He sensed her change of mood and tried to lighten it by saying, “Would it help if I promised at least twenty minutes?”

She smacked his chest lightly. In the safety of his arms, she admitted her fear. “Sometimes I still don’t believe this is real. I mean, Abby deserves a happy ending, but I’ve done everything wrong. I shouldn’t be this happy.”

Jake pulled her closer and kissed her on the forehead. Then he bent and let his words tickle her left ear. “If love was only for the perfect, what a sad and lonely world it would it be. We are the culmination of every good and bad choice we’ve ever made. Your mistakes have made you into an incredibly fierce and loving woman; one I am head over heels in love with. They have filled your life with friends who are willing to risk jail for you. They brought Colby into the world. One of your mistakes even saved our company. So, don’t change, Lil. You keep making those mistakes and you just might save us all.”

The next kiss they shared had less to do with raw passion and more to do with two hearts reaching out to each other and promising each other forever.