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It was a good bit past ten when I got in. All the landings were dark, because Mrs. Bell turns out the gas at ten o’clock. She puts candles in the hall as a rule, but I couldn’t find mine, so I supposed she’d forgotten I was out. I didn’t bother, because I know the way so well, and I went as softly as I could, because if she hears you and comes up, it’s ten to one you don’t get away under twenty minutes-“Riotous living,” and texts, and how her husband was always in bed at half-past nine, and what a steady young man her son was.

When I got up on to my landing, there was a light under my door. First I wondered whether I had left the gas on, and then I remembered going back from the top of the stairs to turn it out.

I walked up to the door and opened it.

Fay turned round to meet me with a scream. She had on a black dressing-gown and bright green pyjamas, and she had all my clothes out of the wardrobe and lying about in heaps. I felt pretty wild. They were all new clothes, and if there’s a thing I hate, it’s having my things messed about.

I said she screamed, but that’s not quite correct. She turned round, and her mouth opened, but only a sort of a ghost of a scream came out of it. It was like watching some one scream in a film.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I said pretty shortly.

Fay caught at the table. She looked ghastly.

“Oh!” she said. “You’ve got it on!”

“Talk sense!” I said. “What are you doing in my room?”

She began to cry. She didn’t make any noise about it; the tears just began to fall down her face, and her mouth kept moving as if she was trying to say something.

I came round the table and took her by the shoulder.

“Stop it!” I said. “You’ve no business here, and you know it. What are you doing with my clothes?”

She caught with both hands at the coat I was wearing. It was one of my new ones, a blue serge got out of the Z.10 money-Blake had made it rather well.

“I’ve been looking for it. I couldn’t find it,” she said in a whisper.

I thought she’d gone right off her head, because what she was saying didn’t make sense. She kept on saying it, too: “I tried to find it-I did try-but you’ve got it on.” I thought it was no good being angry if she wasn’t right in her head, so I spoke as kindly as I could.

“Of course I’ve got it on! Now you buzz off to bed. It’s most awfully late.”

She gave a start when I said that.

“It’s not too late-not yet. Take it off! I’ve got my scissors-I brought them. Quick, Car-quick!”

And then, I suppose, she saw my face and tumbled to what I was thinking. She let go of me, and I could see her pulling herself together. She didn’t look mad, but she looked desperate.

“I’ve only got a minute to tell you, and you must believe me! The police will be here in a minute.”

“The police!” I said.

I don’t know why I believed it, but I did. I didn’t think any more about her being mad. I suppose it was because she was so tremendously in earnest; and she was frightened, really frightened too.

“They’re coming!” she said, and as she said it, there came the sound of heavy knocking on the front door.

A most dreadful look of fear passed over her face.

“Car-Car-Car!” she gasped.

I’m afraid I spoke roughly. I think I shook her.

“Look here-if you’ve got anything to say, say it!”

She spoke then in a whisper.

“It’s the Queen Anne bow. It’s sewn into the lining of your coat-the one you’ve got on!”

I said, “Nonsense!”

The knocking had stopped for a moment, but it began again. Fay went on speaking:

“I put it there-I sewed it in the coat you’ve got on. They’ll find it and send you to prison. I did it because I was angry with you, and because of Isobel. If you’d spoken a kind word to me, I wouldn’t have done it-but you didn’t- and she said she’d get me sent to prison-”

I said, “What?”

Fay said, “She did say it-she did!”

“What are you talking about.? Who are you talking about?”

“Miss Lang. She hates you. What have you done to make her hate you like that? She knows all about what Fosicker made me do. She gave me the bow and told me to sew it into your coat. She said she’d get me sent to prison if I didn’t-but I wouldn’t have done it if you’d said a single kind word.” She was crying all the time and twisting her fingers together. I didn’t know she knew what she was saying.

I ran my hands over my coat, and sure enough there was something flat and hard between the lining and the hem.

Fay went on whispering and crying:

“I came up to take it out again-but you’d got the coat on. They’ll send you to prison.”

I saw the whole thing in a flash of light. It takes time to write about it, but the flash didn’t seem to take any time at all. If the police found the Queen Anne bow sewn into the lining of my coat, I could only clear myself by accusing Fay. If I wanted to keep Fay out of it, I’d got to get away before the police broke in.

The banging on the front door was loud enough to wake the dead. If it didn’t wake Mrs. Bell in a minute or two, I imagined they would break in. I saw all that, and at the same moment I saw the trap-door which opens from my landing into the loft, and the ladder which Mrs. Bell kept in the corner of the attic.

I shook Fay really hard.

“Stop behaving like an idiot and help me! I’m going to get away through the loft. Pull yourself together!”

I didn’t know whether she was going to be any use or not. If she wasn’t, I was done. I got the ladder into position, and the trap-door open. Fay stood leaning against the door of my room, shivering and watching me. I climbed into the loft and called to her.

“Put the ladder back in the attic and shut the door! Put out the light in my room and shut that door too! Then go down to your own room and get into bed! Do you hear?”

She said “Yes”-or I thought she did-it was all mixed up with catching her breath and crying.

I couldn’t afford to wait, because I could hear Mrs. Bell coming up the basement stairs, so I said “Look sharp!” and I shut down the trap-door and pulled an old tin box full of books over it.

The loft ran all across the middle of the house. There was a skylight at one end of it. I got it open and crawled out on to the wet, cold slope of the roof.


I shut the skylight behind me. I was on a steepish slope which ran down to meet the next house. I slid down into the trough between the two houses. It was dark, but not quite dark. I could see the edge of the roof, and I could see above me the twin skylight to the one I had just come out of. It wasn’t so easy to climb up as it had been to slide down, and when I got there, the window was bolted on the inside-at least I suppose it was bolted, for I couldn’t get it to budge. I slid down again into the trough and went and looked over the edge. There was a nasty long drop to the street. The knocking had stopped. That meant that the police were in the house:-talking to Mrs. Bell, perhaps searching my room, perhaps finding the ladder still propped against the trap-door.

I went to the back of the house and looked over there. If Fay had kept her head and put the ladder away, and if I hadn’t been seen letting myself into the house, they might just go away after searching my room. There were too many ifs. They had probably had a man watching for me to come home. I couldn’t risk staying where I was, and there was only one way of getting anywhere else, and that was over the ridge of the roof. I didn’t like the idea a bit, but I liked it better than being caught with the Queen Anne bow on me.

I crawled to the ridge and slid down on the other side. Two more slopes, and two more skylights, and both of them bolted. I made up my mind to go on. If I found an open skylight, I might be able to get away; and if I didn’t, I should at any rate be getting farther away from the police.