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Her face was numb from being pressed down into the leather and her whole body ached from the cramped awkwardness of her position. For a moment, a split second, she had been relieved that his huge penis had failed to pierce her anal passage, and had nurtured the faint hope that he would give up his disgusting intention. But he was trying again!

"Aaaaarrrggghhhhhhhh…!! Oh God, stop it!" A blinding, tearing pain shot up her back bone. She felt a slight popping sensation at her anus and…oh God, he was in! Her own husband was raping her rectum! The startling pain took away her breath. The stretching, groping in her back passage was unbearable – as if someone were trying to plug her up back there with a huge barrel cork.

Mike was surprised at the virginal tightness of her anal passage. He hadn't expected so much resistance and his anger had steadily mounted as his patience drained away. His hard insistent cock was demanding satisfaction, and now he had finally inserted it just inside the tight rubbery circle.

The lust-maddened husband lurched forward again, sinking more of the enormous shaft into his wife's tiny tortured rectum.

"Uuuggghhhhhhhhnnnnnnnn… oh no! Nooooooooooo…"

Sandra's pelvis bucked and jerked against her husband's maniacal impalement, the barbaric pain giving her new strength. Futilely, she twisted and gyrated, trying to shake off the brutal skewering of her flesh, but Mike only grinned lasciviously and inserted his massive cock farther into her inflamed back passage, drilling mercilessly up the virginal channel.

Violent, shattering pain racked Sandra's body and choked sobs caught raspingly in her throat. She was hopelessly caught on his merciless rod. Mike pulled at her hips in a relentless, inflexible grip, flexing his loins as he inched even deeper into her tightly resisting sheath. She squirmed desperately, tugging her severed asscheeks away from his granite-hard member, but her struggles only helped to bury the devastation of the advancing cock further into her agonized rectal canal. The stiff circumference of her husband's cock stretched the tender ring of her ass until it seemed to clutch in helpless desperation at the huge pole and suck it even deeper into its violated interior.

"Oh Mike, please stop! Please stop… I can't stand it!" she sobbed piteously.

But Mike only gritted his teeth, and with a final savage grunt, ground the full length of his monstrous shaft into her tortured passage. He had buried the full length of the elongated rod in her soft, brutalized flesh!

Mike hesitated for a second, enjoying the tight, inflamed throbbing of his wife's sensitively throbbing rectum around his deeply imbedded prick. Then he began a slow, abrasive pulling out of the extended shaft. His withdrawal along the stolen path brought fresh moans of new pain from his tormented wife, pulling it out until just the swollen bulbous head alone remained engulfed by the clinging flesh of her ass. Then, closing his eyes in lustful pleasure, he once again rammed its merciless bulk into her now forever stretched anal channel, feeling the smooth buttery cheeks of her whitely rounded buttocks settle quiveringly around his hardening balls, as he once more sunk every inch of it in her tortured depths. He began a slow sawing motion in and out of her, the movement becoming easier as her distended rectum relaxed a little and allowed his rummaging cock to pursue its bestial rape.

Sandra moaned and whimpered as he sodomized her, her body lost in a labyrinth of pain. She had never felt so totally abased and humiliated in her life. Not even Sam, the hired hand's, lustful fingerfucking of her naked vagina compared to the ignominy of this horrible anal rape by her own husband. She wished that the ground would swallow her up, because she didn't think she could ever hold her head up again.

Mike continued his illicit fucking, his pile-driving pelvis pounding against her upturned backside, his leaden penis churning deeper and deeper into the softness of her violated interior, slapping his loins against her wet buttocks, his mind lost in the abandoned perversity of the vicious anal fucking he was giving her.

His breath stiffened and he began to gasp in short rasping snorts. His cock ached beyond belief and seemed to inflate even more as the sperm, boiling in his steaming, writhing balls, clamored for release.

The massive rod began to slice faster and faster in and out of the wide stretched rectum, and Sandra tried to ease the cramped muscles of her buttocks, to lessen if she could the excruciating pain. She felt her husband's hands clutch even more convulsively into her now slightly bruised buttocks, roaming over her hips. His pelvic thrusts pounded wildly against her numbed and flattened ass cheeks hard against her hip bones as he began to shout strange growling sounds, mingled with threats and lewd obscenities.

His body stiffened, swivelled only at the hips, his toes dug against the floor.

"Hump back, bitch… move your fucking goodie, goodie ass…" He shrieked insanely through tightly clenched teeth. "Oh God, I'm cumming now, I'm cuummmiiinnnggg in your asshole…!!! Aaaggghhhhhhh…!!"

He buffeted against her, a final breathtaking clap of flesh against flesh, his lust-stiffened rod knifing into unfathomed depths of her agonized rectum. A scalding white-hot stream of liquid shot into her hotly clenching anus, searing the mercilessly ravaged membrane. He jerked against her like a rag doll shook by an angry child, her thighs and buttocks crushed by the violence of his final assault, as he emptied the full measure of his thick burning semen into her forever-stretched anal passage.

Then he fell forward, flattening the lovely curves of his wife's body under his distended bulk.

She lay there, dry sobs convulsing her as his softening penis slid out of her wet, sperm-flooded anus, feeling soiled, dirtied forever by her husband's vengeful attack on her helpless anus, her bowels gurgling slightly from the heated pool of it he had hosed up into her.


Sandra lavishly applied the black eyeliner, rimming her clear green eyes heavily. Coupled with the woody brown eye shadow she had smoothed onto her eyelids, she had achieved a stunning effect, and her eyes had a hazy, smouldering look. Several coats of black mascara on her long dark lashes completed her eye make-up, and she decided to have another cup of coffee before putting on her lipstick.

She poured herself a cup from the still-simmering coffee pot, and added a liberal dash of brandy. She liked the combination, and felt herself beginning to relax as she leaned back against her chair, relishing the steaming aromatic brew. It was her third such cup already this morning, and she was glad that she had decided to add brandy, because its tranquilizing effect was salve to her troubled soul. She knew she was also feeling a little better because Mike would be out for the day, supervising the laying down of a new electric fence at the boundary of their property. The last few days had been hell for Sandra. Mike had tried several times to make up with her, apologizing for his dreadful behavior, but somehow, Sandra felt she had passed the point of no return. She felt a shudder of revulsion every time she looked at her husband, and the memory of the bestial anal assault he had perpetrated on her seared her brain like a branding iron, giving no respite to her jumbled thoughts of revenge and hate. She had retreated into herself since that terrible evening, refusing to listen to his feeble explanations, her hurt and disgust feeding and strengthening the anger that was germinating inside her, a slow, seething anger that wouldn't be appeased quickly. This morning again, just before he left for the day, Mike had lost his temper with her once more.