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"Hey, what's the matter? I thought you might like a little city loving after all that pastoral stuff!"

Sandra's mind was reeling. What had come over him?

"Let me go, Jeff!" she said, her voice quietly authoritative. Anger stirred in McLean's taut body.

"Now wait a minute!" he snapped. "Don't give me any of that innocent crap! I know you're hot for me – why not admit it!"

Sandra's heart pounded wildly in her chest. She had found him attractive, it was true, but that was as far as it went… wasn't it?

"Please Jeff…" she began.

"You're not so standoffish with Maguire, are you?" he demanded, rage boiling hot inside him.

Sandra gasped, her face crimsoning. Did he know? Could he have found out?

"W-what do you… mean?" she whispered, frightened and tremulous.

"You know what I mean, honey," he rasped, squeezing her tighter, "and you can give me a little of that pussy of yours too!"

"H-how dare you?" she stammered, unable to suppress her irritation. He knew, that was obvious!

"Listen, baby," he snapped, "I get a taste of that hot little cunt of yours, or Mike will suddenly find out all about your little game with Maguire. What would he say to that?"

Sandra shivered at the change in the man's voice. It seemed cruder, more ominous. All the polished suavity was gone from it, and now it was edged with lust. Mike would kill her if he found out! The thought stood stolidly in her mind. What can I do?

Suddenly, his mouth bore down on hers, he was pushing her down on the couch and kissing her in a hard, bruising oral embrace which reddened her lips and trapped her breath. Everything vanished from her mind, fled from the overwhelming power of his kiss, and her arms reached up and encircled his neck while her lips strained against his, clinging desperately to them. Her nipples stiffened under the thin dress, jutting against his chest, and his hands slipped down and ran expertly over her back, her hips, her thighs. Her lips parted to admit his swirling tongue into her hot orfice, and she quivered under the force of the passion he was beginning to arouse in her. She felt resistance fall away from her body, and she felt a mild protest forming in her brain.

"No, this is wrong," she murmured, feebly trying to free herself from McLean's unrelenting embrace. "I can't let another man do it to me!"

"Come on now, honey," he whispered in her ear, "you're a little more generous with Sam… Mike wouldn't like you to be stingy with me…"

Mike! He'd tell Mike if she didn't comply… As she hesitated, she was aware of his hands fumbling at the buttons of her dress, opening them all the way down… his hands suddenly on the eager orbs of her throbbing breasts… her nipples burgeoning hungrily into his palms… Her eyes dropped involuntarily to the growing bulge between his legs. She could almost see the protuberance of his pulsating organ growing before her eyes, and a stab of longing coursed through her. Her eyes drank in the sight of his broad, strong shoulders, his firm sensual torso, his cruel exciting lips… and then dropped again to the fleshy promontory between his thighs. Her body began to ache with sudden intensity – every nerve ending seemed to tremble with suppressed desire. Oh God, it was no use… her body was too strong for her… she wanted this man… she wanted this strong, virile male, just like he wanted her!

Jeff sensed her acquiescense, his half-closed eyes mesmerized by the enticing sight of her half naked body, its shimmering whiteness like fine marble against the Giorgone-like sheen of her silk dress. His prick was pulsating fervently against his leg, branding his flesh with its hot passion. He exulted in his victory over her, her obvious desire for him. Sam's right, he mused, she's a hot little bitch! He had been skeptical when Sam, barely suppressing his excitement, had blurted out to him the details of his incredible affair with the young farm wife. He had imagined that it might be wishful thinking on his part, but Sandra had seemed to be upset by his references to the farm worker, and now, she was mewling with excited desire! A change certainly had come over her, he thought, remembering the uncooperative disinterested wife he'd first met six months ago, and on his subsequent visit three months later, her shabby, gone-to-seed appearance. Nevertheless, he'd been interested in what lay beneath that dowdy exterior, but of course, had never dreamed of finding out, not until today, of course! And now, he certainly was going to find out…

Sandra sighed as she felt his mouth close over the crest of one trembling upright breast, his soft firm lips enveloping the tender throbbing flesh of her turgid nipple. She became vibrantly alive under his touch, excited and aroused as she felt the nearness of his heated masculine body. She could feel the bloated strength of his still-encased penis as it pulsed against her thigh and her loins began a tentative churning in time to the internal palpitations that were caressing her desire-ridden flesh. His mouth was trailing down her body, licking and kissing her warm, pliant flesh, glorying in her naked offering to him. His eyes fell lustily over the dark ebony fleece of her slightly raised pubic mound, and he felt an impatient tremor spasm through him. Christ, this is going to be good… he murmured passionately, his hand fiddling with the fly of his pants.

Sam gripped the edge of the window sill, his eyes bulging, his nostrils dilated with anger. He had to stifle a bellow of rage as he stared in disbelief at what was transpiring in the Peters' livingroom.

Sandra's eyes jumped to the huge, fleshy rod of the veterinarian's cock as he eased it out of the confines of his pants. The excitedly hardened head gleamed a bluish-purple and the lengthy red base seemed to pulse with hot, angry blood. She felt a quiver of anticipatory fear mingled with masochistic pleasure as she continued to stare mesmerized at the lewd instrument, which McLean was obscenely encouraging to even greater proportions with crude caresses of his powerful hands. Unconsciously, she spread her legs a little wider, arching her pussy up in a primitive invitation to his waiting cock.

Christ, the fucking little bitch really wants it, Sam thought viciously, his own prick throbbing inside his workpants as he pressed against the outside wall, his face riveted to the glass of the sittingroom window.

Jeff's gaze was riveted on the entrancing sight of Sandra's flexed pussy mound, barely concealing an enticing gleam of moist pink flesh between the swollen fleshy outer vaginal lips. He could see the red, lust-angered knob of her clitoris nestling beneath the crown of darkly resilient curls, and a faint pulsing drew his hypnotized gaze to the small, clasping little hole of her cuntal mouth.

"Oh, Christ, Sandra," he rasped hoarsely, "I'm going to fuck you now…"

Sandra's blood quickened on hearing his lewd, lust-inflamed words, and her own yearning magnified on realizing the extent of his animalistic passion.

She felt him settle between the insides of her widespread, welcoming thighs, felt the nudge of his rubbery hard pole against her sensitive inner skin, felt the first jarring contact of his rigid, impermeable shaft against the delicate folds of her waiting cunt.

McLean slowly guided the solid rod of flesh towards the small, star-shaped cuntal mouth, and poised it there for a moment, the knobby distended head pressing lightly against the fragile membrane. Then he rammed forward with all his might, and sunk his petrified weapon with a single lurch in the depths of the flabbergasted woman.

"Oh no, it's too big… it hurts…!" Sandra sobbed, feeling her interior vaginal wall stretch with painful intensity from the huge mass of granite hard flesh imbedded inside her.

Sam stared dumbfounded at the spectacle of the skewered woman, his eyes welded on the sunken shaft barely protruding from Sandra's ovally stretched vaginal hole.

McLean continued to plow forward, his massive prick tunnelling effortlessly through her widening channel until the huge head came to rest at the mouth of her cervix. His hands dipped down and grasped the fleshy spheres of her satiny buttocks, revelling in their resilient softness, and then pulled her crotch even further down on his sunken cock, swivelling her pelvis around on his hardened shaft, grazing the sensitive entrance to her womb against his rock hard penis. Sandra drew in her breath at the novel sensation, dizzy from the new feelings soaring through her, and then her busy interior muscles began to contract and squeeze on the entrapped masculinity within her, wringing gasps of unexpected pleasure from McLean.