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Being a Jett Girl

Book Two of the Bourbon Series

Meghan Quinn

Published by Meghan Quinn

Copyright 2014.

Cover by Meghan Quinn

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All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination. www.authormeghanquinn.com

Chapter One

“Bang Bang”


“Uhhhhh, yeaaaaaa. Hmmmm, uh, uh. Heeeee.”

There are three different types of men that show up at the Lafayette Club for a good lap dance. There are the men who try to act like your scantily-clad ass dancing across their bean pole is not affecting them even though they are biting their lip while staring at your tits and sweating like a heavyset man in a sauna. Then, there are the men who are so ashamed of asking for a lap dance they don’t look at you, don’t acknowledge you and don’t even breathe until you’re done, but their southern friend reaps all the reward as he stands to attention, taking in every last pelvic thrust. And lastly, there are the heavy breathers who communicate to the lap dancer by hissing through their teeth, humming from their throats and gurgling on the foam that has collected in their mouths. Fucking nasty ass men.

I had a heavy breather at the moment.

When I sounded off at the beginning of our presentation for the local Rotary Club, yes, the Rotary Club–do gooders my right tit–I knew right then and there, the man who eye-fucked me as I dropped my ass was going to ask for a lap dance.

We were all wearing gold one-piece bathing suits, blond wigs, gold masks with feathers and a gallon of glitter lotion. My cleavage was so glittery, I was afraid a gaggle of unicorns were going to start sprouting from my nips. Now that would be a show! Torpedo Tits and her Unicorn Breeding Glitter Cleavage. I would pay to see that shit.

“Oh boy, oh boy….heeee, haaa, heee….uhuhuhuhuh.” His eyes rolled in the back of his head as the jowls of his face shook.


The man stiffened under me as my hands were on his knees and my ass was in his crotch. I couldn’t see too well but I was pretty sure he just blew his load, all over my lotion bedazzled ass. I looked over at Babs and Tootse who were giving lap dances as well and gave them the thumbs-up. The music died down and our job was done.

Slowly, I got up off the man’s lap, trying not to show how repulsed I was as I turned to smile at the heavy breather. When I glanced down at his crotch, I saw a giant wet spot at the tip of his crotch. Minor panic rolled through me as I tried to recall if he just blew a giant load or if I peed on him. I was so caught up in what I was doing that I couldn’t remember if I let loose. I did have to pee…


Casually, as I smiled at the man, I ran my hands down my body to give him one last show but really was checking myself. I ran my hand to the front of my body, cupped my Little Lady P and casually checked for drainage. I was clean! Victory, the man was just backed up in the old orgasm department and blew it right there and then. That was when I looked up at him and his eyes were sedated as well as his tongue that was practically hanging out of his mouth.

Eck, gross.

Time to bail.

I squeezed my tits together for him, to give him one last show, patted his knee and went to the back where the other girls were waiting for me.

Francy was still out in the Toulouse Room serving while Pepper sat in the back with Kace, discussing tomorrow night’s presentation.

It’s been a week since Jett officially made me a Jett Girl and I know it might sound weird, but I couldn’t be prouder with myself. I’ve nailed every single routine since I’ve been here, with the exception of my first night when some members decided to partake in some alcohol abuse and drench me with their wrong drinks. But we won’t go there.

Settling into my new role was pretty easy actually. Now that I was an official Jett Girl, I was able to start looking through what kind of educational classes I wanted to take, I had the chance to help the girls with theming out presentations and Pepper even let me add some moves to her choreographed pieces. I really felt like I belonged, plus, I was fucked by Jett almost every single night.

Currently, I hadn’t had sex in three days because Jett has been out of town on business but he was supposed to be returning tonight, or so I thought. I was dying to see him. He still kept his distance, was very closed off but there were moments, when we were in the Bourbon Room together, where he would twirl my hair in his finger ever so lightly or press his palm against my cheek as he stared into my eyes and I knew that was him communicating to me about how he felt.

My relationship with Jett was an odd one, but after he confessed to me that he needed me, there was no way I would be able to leave him because I needed him too. I needed him, I needed the Lafayette Club and the girls and strangely, I needed the brooding Kace as well. I’ve finally found my home.

I walked through the curtains and ran straight into a tall, muscular wall. I looked up to see Kace looking down at me, with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face.

“If you’re trying to be a door, you’re failing terribly.”

“Cut the crap, what was that out there?” Kace asked, always straight to the point.

“What was what?” I asked as I took off my mask, needing to breathe. The feathers were itching my face all night.

“The little private dance you gave that man afterwards. Don’t play dumb with me.”

Hmmm…how did I put this eloquently?

“I thought I pissed myself.” Not so eloquent but by the look on Kace’s face, I did my job.

“You what?”

“When I got off the hisser back there, I saw a giant wet spot and I was nervous I pissed myself. Have you seen the crotch coverage on these bathing suits?” I asked while I squatted and tried to show Kace my crotch as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I would have been humiliated so I just kind of wandered my hands down to my—”

“Enough,” he said as he turned and walked away.

I looked over at Pepper, Babs and Tootse who all had giant smiles on their faces but quickly removed them when Kace started talking to them.

“Did anyone else think they pissed themselves?”

All three shook their heads no.

Kace turned back to me and said, “Never thought I would have to baby you this much but make sure you go to the bathroom before a presentation, Lo. We don’t need you peeing all over our members.” He ran his hands over his face and mumbled, “Jesus.”

“I didn’t pee myself,” I said in defense, wanting to make that clear.

“Well, thank God for that,” Kace said sarcastically.

“The guy just blew his load,” I clarified, making Kace cringe and put up his hands.

“I really don’t want to hear about it. You made your money, let’s keep it at that.”

“You’re the one who asked,” I reminded him.

“She’s right, Kace,” Pepper said as she removed her mask as well.

“We should actually be praising her for doing such a good job,” Babs added as she started pouring shots from a bottle of whip cream vodka.

Mmm, I could use some of that.

Not acknowledging the girls, Kace said, “I have a fuck date. Don’t be late for the workout tomorrow.” With that he started walking away but I chased after him. His phone never chimed with a text and I was curious if Jett was home.

“Kace, wait.”