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I focused on not rolling my eyes from his comment and said, “She found me, Bernie,” as I looked down affectionately at Goldie.

“I can see that. That was quite an entrance you two had. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you two were pretty close.”

A fake laugh escaped my throat as I patted Bernie on the shoulder. “You’re very observant, Bernie.” I looked around the room and said, “Where is Mrs. Butler?”

“Oh, she’s in the powder room, she said her face was getting shiny.” Bernie leaned forward and said, “I really think she just goes to the bathroom to go gossip like a hen. You know women.” He eyed Goldie and said, “Present company excluded.”

Goldie smiled politely but seemed a little uncomfortable, like maybe she actually did have to go to the bathroom.

I leaned down into her ear and said, “Do you have to go to the powder room?” She nodded and I responded, “Do you want me to take you?”

“No, I’ll be fine.” She kissed the side of my cheek and then walked off toward the bathrooms. This was the perfect time to discuss business without Goldie hearing me. That was one thing I was nervous about. I didn’t want her to get involved with my business deals, especially when my dad was involved in them. He was an evil bastard and I didn’t want Goldie anywhere near him.

Goldie walked away and I turned to Bernie who was watching her hips sway. He had two seconds to pull his eyes off her ass before I clocked the old man in the nuts.

With a perverted smile, Bernie averted his eyes and said, “What a fine woman. Well done, Colby.”

This was the part of my life that I hated. When I had to act like what people were saying was okay, that these creepy old men were not perverts and that we were all part of this boys club that got away with murder.

Changing the subject, I said, “So how is the loan business going? I heard there are some changes in the city that are going to be made soon, ones that need a significant amount of money.”

A sly grin spread across the evil bastard’s face as he brought a toothpick up to his mouth and started chewing on it.

“You’re a smart man, Jett.” He looked me up and down and then continued. “You want to know if your dad has come to me for money, don’t you?”

The bartender handed me my bourbon and I took a sip before answering Bernie. I leaned on the edge of the bar and said, “I don’t know how much you could really tell me that I don’t already know.” I bluffed. I had to make it seem like I knew my shit.

Bernie’s eyebrow rose as he looked at me. “Then why bring it up?”

“I just want to make sure you know that I know.” I leaned in closer, taking in his musk scent that was straight up revolting. No wonder Mrs. Butler was in the powder room. Fucking hell. “I want you to know that I know what’s going on and I’m not afraid to bring it to the city’s attention. Illegal deals with my father where he pays you under the table will not go unnoticed.”

I took a guess as to what was going on with Bernie and my dad and my guess was right because Bernie’s face blanched as he sputtered to cover up his shock.

“I…I, uh, don’t know what you’re talking about, Colby.”

I nodded my head and looked out into the room. “Let’s keep it that way, Bernie. I don’t play a dirty game and I never will. If someone fucks me over, they’re going to pay for it.”

I turned back around, looked Bernie in the eyes as I held out my hand. “Always a pleasure.”

“As usual,” Bernie replied as he limply shook my hand.

It looked like I got my point across from the defeated look on Bernie’s face. He was a powerful man but he knew I could take him out in seconds. I had the proof of it. Don’t fuck with me because I had video of every powerful man in this city gracing the booths of my club. I could destroy them in the matter of seconds.

Call me the devil but fuck with me or fuck with my girls and I would take you out before you could zip your pants back up.

Chapter Thirteen



As I walked to the bathroom, I recognized that I actually didn’t have to go to the bathroom but in fact, I needed to calm my raging heart from Jett’s attack in the elevator. When he said he owned me, he meant it. It was like a light switch went off in him and once he claimed me, he was mine whole heartedly. I wasn’t going to lie, I kind of loved it even though our entrance was a little much, especially since I was trying to come across as a dignified woman, not some floozy for the night.

Of course Jett handled the situation with his classic poise which I tried to feed off of but it was hard when my legs were clenching together, begging for more and my body was shaking uncontrollably. That is what he did to me, he turned me into a puddle of mush with just his voice and his glare. He was dangerous but I loved walking on the side of danger¸ that was why we worked so well together.

The ballroom was grand, I didn’t expect anything less. It was on the top floor of a swanky hotel I forgot the name of because I was so wrapped up in Jett’s arms in the car. The room was covered in white, floor to ceiling, everything was white. Party goers graced the floor, dancing, laughing and mingling. The whole scene looked like it came from a movie as servers passed through the throngs of people passing out hors d’oeuvres and busying themselves with cleaning while the rich and privileged made back-handed business deals and put on their best showing. Jett was right, this was so not my scene and they were not even close to being my people.

I found the bathroom, after asking two different servers and walked in. There was a seating area in the first room with plush couches and pillows spread across the walls. I walked past the group of ladies who were all huddled together, talking and ignoring anyone who walked in and went straight for a stall that was big enough to fit ten people all together. I carefully lined the toilet with toilet paper even though the seat was probably cleaner then my belly button, lifted my dress and sat down. There was no need for underwear tonight, which Jett would find out later, something to look forward to. After he left, I took them off for…easier access. What can I say, I can be a floozy at times.

I wished I had my phone with me because I would be texting the girls about the party right now but I left it back at the club. I didn’t think it was necessary to have especially since I wasn’t carrying a clutch which was also a mistake. What if I was turning glossy like Mrs. Butler, I didn’t have anything to pat myself down with.

I tried to look at my reflection in the toilet dispenser but couldn’t get the right angle while sitting on the john. So not wanting to take my chances, I grabbed a wad of toilet paper and lightly padded my face to remove any excess “gloss.” Luckily, the toilet paper felt like it was quilted by nuns because the damn stuff was as soft as a kitten’s ass.

With my dress hiked up to my tits and my face being patted down, I thought about how Miss Mary would so disapprove but at the moment, I didn’t care. No one could see me.

I was about to get more toilet paper when I heard some voices travel over the practically blacked out bathroom stalls.

“Did you see that girl? Another flavor of the month must be.”

“Yes, but he seemed to actually care for this one. I’ve never seen him act like that toward another woman, have you?”

“No, but he could be putting on an act.”

I tried to tell myself they weren’t talking about Jett and me but I had a suspicion that wasn’t the case.

“There are a lot of men here tonight that could influence the Lot, he needs to make a good showing. He’s probably just dragging that girl around so he can boost his appeal.”

“Does he really think he’s going to get Lot 17?”

The girl laughed. “He’s Jett Colby, he thinks he can get anything.”

Just what I suspected, they were talking about Jett. Now if I only knew what they were talking about. What the hell was Lot 17? Was that another club I didn’t know about? I thought about the name and liked the way it rolled off my tongue. I would totally rock it out at Lot 17 if that was a club name.