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This was how it was with Goldie, she was a man-eater who turned me into a crazed man who wasn’t fully satisfied until I passed out.

It was going to be a long night.

Chapter Fifteen

“Do I Wanna Know?”


Light filtered through my curtains as the morning fell upon me. I was sore, really sore but the best sore a girl could be because I was fucked last night in all the right ways. I looked around the room and realized, I wasn’t in the Bourbon Room where I passed out but instead, I was in my room.

Disappointment greeted me as I realized that even though Jett might have claimed me as his, I was still not allowed to sleep over. Disappointment probably wasn’t the right description, I was more upset. I really thought we made a connection last night, but I guess not if he wasn’t even willing to share a bed with me. That was the whole reason why we had a fight, because he couldn’t hold me, cuddle me and now that I’m lying here in my bed, naked and alone, I’m realizing that we are back to square one.

A lonely tear fell down my cheek as I tried to rein in my emotions. I tried to focus on the way he stared at me in the eyes with more than just lust last night, how he lit up when I walked into the room and how he made me repeat throughout the night how he was mine, but with all that even added up, I still wished he was able to put aside whatever past he had and move forward with me. It was gut- wrenching to know that he didn’t want to share a bed with me.

I rolled to my back and stared up at the ceiling at the same time my hand landed on something that was not a pillow.

Screaming at the top of my lungs, I lunged back and almost fell out of my bed as I gripped the headboard. A head full of untamed, wild hair, popped up and the confused eyes of Jett Colby searched the room as he blinked rapidly from being startled awake.

“Fucking hell,” I said as I eyed him.

His hand grabbed the bridge of his nose as he said, “Jesus, Goldie. What the hell are you doing screaming like that?”

“What the hell am I doing? What the hell are you doing?” I asked as I motioned at his naked torso.

Dear God, let him be fully naked.

Jett looked down at himself and then back up at me with such a panty-melting smile that I was instantly turned on and ready for him.

“I’m pretty sure I was sleeping with you until you went and started screaming like a banshee.”

“Sleeping with me? When did you start doing that?”

I know I sounded like an idiot and that I wanted exactly what was happening but I was so startled, I didn’t know how to react.

Lifting off the bed, Jett grabbed my arm and pulled me down so he was hovering over me, gently caressing my face.

“Ever since I put this around your neck.” He thumbed my necklace. “This gives me the right to sleep in your bed, to pretty much do whatever I want.”

My insides turned as butterflies floated around in my stomach from his touch. I was falling for the man and it was deadly. In a matter of hours, the man had made me feel more beautiful, needed and wanted more than anyone had ever in my life.

“Oh,” I responded, still lost in the way he was looking down at me.

He rubbed my cheek and then looked at me with a questionable eyebrow.

“Were you crying?”

Quickly swiping my cheeks, I lied and said, “No.”

“Goldie…” he drawled out.

“Okay, I was.”

“Why?” he asked with sincerity.

“It’s so stupid but I thought that you didn’t stay the night and it seemed like everything we’ve been through was worth nothing.”

Shifting so he was now on top of me, he responded, “Let’s get one thing straight, everything we do is worth something, even if it’s something as small as a kiss on the cheek goodbye. Everything between us matters and secondly, I know I’ve been an ass in the past but when I gave you this necklace, I made a promise to you that I’m trying, I’m trying for us.”

I nodded as excitement bubbled in me from his words. “I was just thrown off because I was in my room. Why didn’t we stay in the Bourbon Room?”

Jett placed a kiss on my forehead and said, “Sweet little one, the Bourbon Room is for playing, not for intimacy. I brought you down to your room to be intimate with you, to hold you, to feel your breath even out as you slept and to wake up to the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on.”

“You’re going to make me fucking cry,” I admitted as I looked up at him.

“Don’t cry.” He kissed my cheeks and then my nose. This was the Jett I wanted, the sweet Jett, the one who didn’t mind waking up with me and dealing with my medusa hair and smeared makeup.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked as he kissed down my neck.

“Of course.”

“Why didn’t we just go to your room?”

I was so curious about what his room looked like, what was in there, how big his bed was, how he decorated it. I wanted to know.

He stopped kissing my neck and pressed his forehead against my shoulder. I shouldn’t have asked because I could feel him tense up.

“It’s okay,” I said while rubbing his back. “You don’t have to tell me—”

“No, I do,” he interrupted me. “I want to be honest with you, Goldie, so I’m probably going to tell you something you don’t want to hear. I need to take this slow, okay? I know you want all of me and I’m trying to give you all of me. I’m there physically but emotionally, I’m working on it. You have to give me time and bringing you into the only world that I have to myself is a big step. I just need some time to figure things out before I do that, okay?”

I nodded my head and continued to rub his back as reassurance. “I understand, Jett. I won’t push you, I promise. I’m just so happy that you’ve decided to even give me this, give me the chance to hold you in the morning. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me.”

He smiled and kissed my nose.

With my index finger, I pressed the corner of his mouth where he was smiling and said, “This right here, this smile is something that I will never get over. You don’t show many emotions, Mr. Colby, and when you do, I feel like my heart twists in my chest. You’re so handsome and when you smile, my chest constricts with elation. You make me feel so good. You’re mine, Jett, you’re so fucking mine.”

Smoothing out my hair, Jett leaned down and kissed me. When he pulled away, he said, “You’re mine too, little one, all mine.”

In one quick motion, Jett flipped me around so he was underneath me and his erection was poking at me, begging for entrance.

“Do you have something to say to me?” he asked as his hands ran up my stomach and started thumbing my nipples. Oh fuck yes, I did!

“Yes, what’s for breakfast?”

Jett pinched my nipple, making me squeal in pleasure and laugh.

“Okay.” I smiled and laughed. “I’m here to submit to you.”

“Ride me then, little one.”

I didn’t have to be asked twice. I backed up and turned around so my back was to him now. If I was going to ride him, I was going to ride him right. He must have appreciated my spin of his demand because he groaned and started massaging my ass as I positioned myself. I stroked his cock a couple of times and then sat up on my knees and slammed down hard on his erection. We both moaned together as friction started to build between us.

“Your ass is so perfect,” he said as I placed my hands on his thighs, bent over and started pumping up and down so he got a great view of what he just claimed was perfection.

“Oh, Jett. Oh fuck, this feels so good.”

He didn’t respond, instead he grunted some more and started matching my thrusts. Not being able to hold myself up in the position that I was in anymore, I sat up and arched my back so my hands were now balancing behind me. My tits were in the air as I continued to work Jett’s cock.